TS3 Verification Ban?


Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2024
Your teamspeak name: Bowlcut/Finn/Twink

Date of ban (if known): Not known

Reason for ban (if known): Not known

Who banned you?: Not known

Prior to this, have you ever been banned off teamspeak?: Nope

Why should we remove your ban from teamspeak? (50 words minimal): So, I'm not actually banned from the Teamspeak. I can connect just fine, I have only ever had one teamspeak account and it's the same one I connect on to every server I've ever joined - ever; I don't use alts or vpns. However, I cannot seem to verify my TS3 due to a ban on MRP. I've made a staff ticket, they seem to think a ban on MRP shouldn't stop me getting verified on the TS3 but nobody can explain or understand why I can't so they suggested (admin "Harold Hawks") I make a TS3 unban appeal incase I was banned and maybe it's causing issues with the TS3 verification. I only play SCP RP now, I'm in Nu-7, I just wanna be able to move Teamspeak channels.


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