Your Discord name & tag:
"Turtle" - x24songs
What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?:
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help):
Date of ban (if known):
Reason for ban (if known):
Who banned you?:
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?:
Yes, a sensitive situation over a year ago only for 31d.
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):
I have been coming to my senses in this past month and a half and want to rejoin the community with a positive attitude. I made a lot of commotion in mess hall for stupid reasons and kept getting timed out because of me arguing with people over a lot of stupid shit. I had created a negative atmosphere with the arguments me and others had, and believe that If I am allowed to re-enter the community I will do all in my power to attempt to make a positive impact.
I truly want to come back to this community and want to come back to the server I once enjoyed, and am asking for the forgiveness of all the people I had hurt with my rude words and all of the people that I had messed with. I have been trying to work on myself a lot and I had given up at a point in time because of the stress of personal issues and school starting. I have all my shit together right now and would really enjoy the opportunity to play again if allowed to. Thank you
"Turtle" - x24songs
What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?:
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help):
Date of ban (if known):
Reason for ban (if known):
Who banned you?:
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?:
Yes, a sensitive situation over a year ago only for 31d.
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):
I have been coming to my senses in this past month and a half and want to rejoin the community with a positive attitude. I made a lot of commotion in mess hall for stupid reasons and kept getting timed out because of me arguing with people over a lot of stupid shit. I had created a negative atmosphere with the arguments me and others had, and believe that If I am allowed to re-enter the community I will do all in my power to attempt to make a positive impact.
I truly want to come back to this community and want to come back to the server I once enjoyed, and am asking for the forgiveness of all the people I had hurt with my rude words and all of the people that I had messed with. I have been trying to work on myself a lot and I had given up at a point in time because of the stress of personal issues and school starting. I have all my shit together right now and would really enjoy the opportunity to play again if allowed to. Thank you