Denied type green abilities suggestion

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Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
since each type green is gonna have 1 ability that's different from each other i got a recommendation for those abilities

-- Type-Green-A --
type green a will have the ability to enter a god like state which reduces all incoming damage and doubles speed + jump. this comes at the cost of an outline that lasts until the ability is cancelled (esp for everyone with infinite range), a slight glow around tg-a, inability to use any ability during or 5 seconds after the ability wears off, and anchors will stop the ability as well.
This ability costs 50 energy every 5 seconds, 240 second cooldown, idk what the name for it will be
+ Reduced Damage
+ Double Speed and Jump
- Outline that shows where you are to everyone (more suspectable for ambushes/firing lines)
- Slight glow around you (easier to see in dark)
- Can't use any ability other than materialize during the ability or 5 seconds after the ability (I'd think it'd be too op if you could blow off heads while using this)
- Reality anchors stop the ability
/ 240 second cooldown, 30 energy every 5 seconds

-- Type-Green-B --
type green b will have their ability to turn invisible to everyone for 2-3 minutes, making it better for an escape or such. this ability turns you invisible, uses the detain tool on everyone around you, and damage done to you while invisible gives some more energy, at the cost of 25% more damage, not a toggle ability, and using any reality bending power or shooting a gun will remove invisibility.
the ability costs 100 energy and has a cooldown of 300 seconds
+ Invisibility for 2-3 mins
+ Detains everyone around you
+ Damage done gives energy
- 25% more damage
- one time use with cooldown of 300 seconds
- using an ability or gun removes invisibility

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Gives type green the 2 new abilities
- type green buff (not needed since they can already bypass teslas and literally become invincible)
- abilities relate somewhat to their lore
- idk some ideas for type greens

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- abilities are slightly OP
- players will favor 1 TG over the other
- e-11 will not like

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
cus i tried to make the abilities relate to their lore like how type green a has a god like complex and type green b is more mellow


Well-known Member
Nov 30, 2022
For the first one 50 energy is a little much in my opinion but it might be a good idea

For the second I think that one should be able to be countered by NVG goggles


Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022
For the first one 50 energy is a little much in my opinion but it might be a good idea
50 energy every 5 seconds gives nearly 30 seconds of this ability, maybe 25-30 is more balanced
For the second I think that one should be able to be countered by NVG goggles
i think nvgs shouldn't counter the invisibility because this is reality bending and not like 966, supposed to be intended as an easy way to get out of a situation. wouldn't be fair if everyone just got nvgs after knowing TG-B got breached especially since TG-B is easier to spot if they're breached


Well-known Member
Jun 24, 2022
+ Support
You know first ability to go fast and jump but I also think there should be an also affect that allows you to go thru doors but it costs ALOT so it cant be abused.


Well-known Member
Nov 30, 2022
50 energy every 5 seconds gives nearly 30 seconds of this ability, maybe 25-30 is more balanced

i think nvgs shouldn't counter the invisibility because this is reality bending and not like 966, supposed to be intended as an easy way to get out of a situation. wouldn't be fair if everyone just got nvgs after knowing TG-B got breached especially since TG-B is easier to spot if they're breached
You got a fair point with that one


Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022
this would be way to hard to develop
true but if they can make bodyswapping and inversion then they can probably make some of the stuff i listed because they have already made some of the stuff i listed already (like speed and jump, outline, etc)
type green isint exactly starving for a update i Believe diffrent scps need update more then this one for example 076
i didn't say that they needed this update just that it's a suggestion for the 2 new abilities they're gonna get because they said they're gonna give each type green their own special ability
Jul 21, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Tub,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We are currently looking into the type green abilities and something similar is already being worked on. We also believe this is not quite balanced and would not have a positive effect on server health.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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