Denied Type Green can only breach 035 once

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Dec 25, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds a rule where Type Green cannot use escape card to breach SCP-035 more than once per breach.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+Less annoying breaches

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Type Green/035 may cry

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
There has been several nukes every single day because of this tactic. 035 will breach due to something silly, they breach type green, 035 kills themself, and Type Green uses escape card to re-breach 035 and give him a free breach tool every time. 035 won't need to hack or have any skill in hacking, he can simply breach every single SCP on site with this extremely easy to do tactic, with little to no counter.

People are fed up at this point. Having breaches every 30 minutes where the entire site and every SCP in the game breaches every single time because of a scuffed and abusive tactic is not fun for anybody. No one except the SCPs is having fun anymore. There shouldn't be this many site-wide breaches and nukes per day. 035 should have to be skilled in hacking to cause this much damage, not use a tactic to give him free breach tools.


Active member
Oct 11, 2022
he wont but I will
- support skill issue
He has 60 seconds to use his ability on someone once he targets them. Also once he TPs it should be easy as shit for them to instantly swarm HCZ because 035 most probably breached.
View attachment 6686
-support skill issue
-support skill isseu

Type Greens can only breach him with whoever is stupid enough to try and fight TG's without a reality anchor. The Type Green has to use Escape Card and teleport a man right infront of 035 for it to work. This is a risky move, and you have to stay in HCZ to do it (and break the doors to 035) which is slow, and incredibly boring.

This is a skill issue. 035 can be gunned down or instakilled with nitro.
loser, your suggestion sucks
This isn't a skill-issue, it's literal pay-to-win.
Type-Green can continuously breach 035, with a very specific response needed to just combat it, let alone try to contain it. The main issue is Type-Green can breach an entire SCP without hacking, or using a breach tool.

Most breaches start with a Type-Green, or have another SCP with a breach tool get Type-Green out, which leads to it being out every. single. breach.

There is a clearly defined, stale meta within the SCPs, you breach the Type-Greens, 7722, & either 076-2 or 106. The Type-Green breaches 035 with Escape Card. Once that is done, camp inside HCZ until ERT or nuke.

Why play 049, 939, 173, 457, or 096 when you could just buy 7722 or the Type-Greens?

Why play E-11?

It isn't fun fighting SCPs. The whole point is to design them to be fun for everyone to fight or play as, not so somebody with their mom's paycheck can have fun for a few hours before getting RC'd & having literally nothing to do but sit in a box.

Breaches stop RP, period. I'd like to see RP incorporated into the breaches themselves to compensate, making the Type-Greens, & the other pay-to-win SCPs less powerful is a good first step.
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