[U.S.A] Chip "Blueberry's" IA Ambassador Application

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Jul 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:638687279

Discord name: WolfManager#3185

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played on CG SCPRP for about 688 hours within 9 months.

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: U.S.A

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Chip "Blueberry" [Foundation]

Civilian name: Manager

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF O-1 Enlisted
Chief of Security
Security Captain

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have received one warning for FailRP [Class A] during mid-October 2022, [Inactive Warn].
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador because within my time on the server, I have played mostly as a Gensec personnel, and wished for a new experience. I have recently opened up to new departments, and tried Internal affairs, and have found new comfort within the department of Internal affairs. I enjoy the role of Agent, but I yearn to do greater and more impactful work than an Agent. I am also wanting to discover some work within the server that is not combative and more of a civil department, civil meaning it does not focus on combat.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: What makes me suitable for Internal Affairs Agent is a few reasons:
Maturity / Professionalism : Though I am young, I have found myself to be mature in most circumstances, even in out of character situations. Such examples of "most circumstances" are during daily tasks of an agent, I use mature thoughts and actions in order to be serious and on task during arrests, undercover operations or just patrolling around the facility, I make sure to be respectful and kind to all foundation personnel.

Effort / Perseverance: When writing documents and going on missions given to me by an Ambassador+, I will carry the missions out and write documents to the best of my ability, I have written and submitted 2 documents, 1 of which has been put into the ambassadors' office by an ambassador who graded it "Excellent" and again, put it in the ambassadors' Office.

Assertiveness / Confidence: Over my time on the server, I have learned to be assertive, which means to demonstrate a confident authority without seeming too confident or over pushy in authority means. This ultimately in roleplay situations can help deal with people who don't understand or are not willing to obey the chain of command or are insubordinate. I am also confident and comfortable in asking questions to ambassadors or other agents if i need help or just a general question.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written about 3 documents about Arrest reports in Internal Affairs, 2 of them are graded "Excellent". What makes a document good is its
-Format, how well the document is organized and if it is readable.
-Grammar: How often the document has errors in spelling or punctuation.
- Clear topic: A clear summary and general incident of what the situation is within the document.
These three things is what makes a document good for "Good"+ Rating

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: The responsibilities of the Internal Affairs ambassador is:
-To administer the Internal Affairs evaluation quiz to new agents
-Help lead the department by hosting patrols and other Internal Affairs events.
- Assisting and advising new Agents in orientating themselves in the department.
- Restoring more senior agents' memory on the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics, as well as the departments' role inside of the foundation.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Chip was born in the U.S.A within the time 2000-2002. From his early childhood, Chip was abused by an evil father, which the Father would beat Chip and his sister until the Mother would not take it anymore and left. The Mother took everything from clothes to her children and left, Somewhere secret that the father did not know. Later, in 2014-2015, Chip was receiving A thorough education, and the mother was working as a district administrator. Chip was attending a military high school, Called [Redacted] and was serving happily in JROTC. He later finished his High school years and decided to enlist in the army. late one night, Chip was working as a night a night patrol, He saw an anomaly he had never seen before, A person in full SWAT gear, but there was no one in the suit! Chip aimed his gun at the swat person, but then a armored van pulled up to the pair and Chip's view went blank....

Foundation Employment:
When Chip Woke up, He couldn't remember how he got in he medical room. All he knew was that he was in a field hospital. Then, A Man in full armor and a black visor'ed Helmet came and informed Chip that he was now being forced into employment by the SCP foundation, due to him seeing an anomaly and therefore could not return back to the public world. Chip was saddened by this, but the man in armor said that Chip had a choice within two careers within the foundation: Security Combative or Researching. Chip Chose Security due to his militaristic skills. A couple years passed by and hip rose throughout the ranks of General Security and learned lots of leadership skills, and soon achieved the rank of sergeant Through hard work and determination.

Career Pivot: When Chip did not get the promotion he aimed for he became very frustrated and decided to try a new department: Internal Affairs. This department focused less on combat and more on enforcing the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics. Chip silently applied for the role of Internal Affairs Agent and was accepted shortly afterwards. Chip renamed himself to Chip "Blueberry" and conducted the roles and duties of an Internal Affairs Agent. One day, when Agent "Blueberry" finished an arrest and wrote a document, he followed the basic format within the Internal Affairs Agent offices and submitted it to the SCIPNET, and after a few hours, Agent "Blueberry" reviewed his Document in which it had an "Excellent" rating with a side note from an Ambassador reading "Oh you bet I gave you an Excellent, This is going into the Ambassadors' Office". This made Agent "Blueberry" think about the role of an ambassador more deeply. Yes, he was content with his agent job, but he did yearn for something more.... something that could do more meaningful and impactful work towards the foundation...
A few days later, The Department Director of Internal Affairs Opened his SCIPNET mailbox to see an open application from Agent Chip "Blueberry" applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador, An Ambassador Supervisor behind the Director says, "Well, Do we accept him or not, Boss?"

Harold Hawks

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Mar 12, 2023

Application Denied

Agent Chip,

Unfortunately I do not believe you are ready for the position of Ambassador at this time. Please contact me over discord for more information as to why your application was denied. You may reapply in 7 Days.

H.H. ?
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