[U.S.A.] Monty's Ethics Committee Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 2, 2024
Monty's ECA Application [U.S.A.]

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:559131820

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Started in May 2024


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Monty 'MaybeHacks'

Civilian name:
Fregley Peterson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- 2. RDM and FailRP (I believe expired), both came from when I shot a CI on civilian for not telling me the location of my friend who was residing in his base.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- I'm very well acquainted with the CoC and the CoE due to my role as a General Security Captain, where I enforce both documents to other GSD when on the job. I am also very well experienced in both combative and roleplay aspects, combat coming from the plethora of combative roles I have accumulated, and roleplay from the G.O.C where much LARP was involved, along with recently playing much more medical and ISD to get even more experience with RP. And after much experience in the combative side of the server, I would like to partially enter the Non-Combative / Roleplay focused side of the server. To finish this section off, I'm pretty experienced in document writing, and am near perfect when it comes to following orders, which I've gotten from Gensec.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

- Help Class D receive work permits if there are no active CL4 members of GSD on site.
- Authorizing sweeps of D-Block when no SGT+'s are on site.
- Ensure the following enforcement of the CoE, CoC, and FLC.
- Be a representative for the Ethics Committee around Site 65.
- Complete orders and tasks given by the Ethics Committee
- Authorizing Advanced Armory and KOS past airlock when necessary
- Oversee tribunals and make sure they are completed in an orderly fashion, after the passing of the bar exam.
- Finally, just assist ECM's and the Committee itself in general.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-Growing up in a run down suburban neighborhood, Monty always had a knack for violence. Even though he would almost always perform poorly in his academics, he would prove to be incredible with physical combat after winning a state championship for his wrestling team. During his junior year, Monty dropped out of high school to become something involving his true passion, violence. After figuring out how to get onto the deep web, Monty set up a website where people could hire him as a mercenary, in other words, a contract killer. On one extremely daring mission, Monty was attempting to breach into a military base in Canada (One he didn't know would turn up to be Site-65). After getting in through one of the vents, he was knocked unconscious and taken away by an Alpha-1 CSG, where he was then taken to the Department of External Affairs offices. The D.E.A forces him to spit out his purpose for getting into the facility, where he stated that he was there to kill a man by the name of [XXXXX]. The Alpha-1 looked somewhat shaken by the statement, and immediately took Monty into a heavily secured office. Monty was sat down in a cushioned seat, and there across the desk sat the Chief Overseer of the S.C.P Foundation. The Overseer introduced himself as "The Boss" as to not info breach himself to Monty, and explained that they had gone through his records, and were interested in offering him a job in a combative department. Monty, not knowing the severity and significance of the situation, was extremely disrespectful, and it made the Overseer so annoyed, he said "Y'know what, give him to GenSec." Monty woke up in a bunk bed with a GenSec Cpt standing in front of him, ready to show him the ropes. After a few months of being in the GSD department, Monty left his Officer position to pursue a career in the MTF group, E11. This wouldn't turn out to be Monty's strong suit, so he left soon after joining, right back to GenSec. After 2 more years of GenSec, Monty was promoted to CPT. Where he would soon grow a hatred for outside G.O.I's, making his interest peak in another MTF group, NU7. Monty found great joy in this new position, quickly becoming a sergeant. But he found that in his downtime, he was incredibly bored, and had nothing to do. So he decided it would be a good idea to get closer to ethics, and was trained to be an ISD Agent. He carried on with both jobs for a few more months, and decided he wanted to move further. He applied to be an Ethics Committee assistant. And after a long wait, there was an announcement over the intercom, “Monty Shorts, please report to the Ethics Committee Wing.”
Nov 16, 2024
You know what Monty, you have been actively trying to improve yourself and you have shown great improvement. You're a good dude and I think you do have great potential. Just remember, as an ECA you're responsible for upholding the CoE, all that entails, and it's a big step working with the ethics committee and creating RP. Best of luck with this!

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John Kild

Active member
Feb 14, 2025

Yet some might think bad of Monty, there are many that think great of him. Even though hearing some things people have said about him I have seen nothing but dedication from him to help the site, if any of the stuff is true then I have seen a massive improvement because I have never seen the stuff people have said he has done. He listens to his superiors and is respectful, even if he is joking a little and someone has asked him to chill out a little, he listens and will stop right then and there. He knows his boundaries and he is kind. He would be a great fit for the ethics committee as he is also very knowledgeable, I have even asked him a few questions and he gave pretty knowledgeable responses that were true.

Good luck Monty,

John Kild


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2024
Greetings Person,

At this time, the committee has moved to DENY your application. Please reach out over email to myself (gak) if you would like to inquire as to why your application was denied.

Warm regards,
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