[U.S.A] "Podkin" Walker ECA Application

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Jul 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:638687279

Discord name: cookie_walker

For how long have you played on CN SCPRP: I have played on CNSCPRP for about 2 years with around 61 hours the past two weeks.

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: U.S.A.

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): "Podkin" Walker, "Chip"

Civilian name: Byx "Podkin"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I have held:
Chief Of Security [Held, U.S.A]
GenSec Captain [Holding, U.S.A]
Omega-1 LCPL [Held, U.S.A]
UNGOC SPC [Holding, U.S.A]
GenSec Sergeant [Holding, U.S.A]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have received one warning for FailRP [Class A] during mid-October 2022, [Inactive Warn].

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

I am applying for the Ethics Committee Assistant position due to myself wanting to expand my duties within the Site as well as serve the Ethics Committee with all of my will, yet again, this time as an Assistant. What makes me the best candidate for the Ethics Committee Assistant position is as followed:

Effort / Perseverance: Though I am young, I have found myself to be mature in most circumstances, even in out of character situations. This is including my duties as a Security Captain, in which I use my maturity and better judgement to complete and fulfill tasks that are regular expected duties of a Captain, and even duties bestowed upon me by the Chief Of Security or higher! Even further, during activities such as sweeps of D-Block, I am stern and Ethical with the proceedings of a sweep, making sure no D-Class are harmed or killed Unethically. This in turn, provides high quality material of sweep outcomes, as well as general reputation improvements for both Senior GenSec Staff and GenSec as a whole!

Assertiveness / Confidence: During my time within GenSec, when I was first growing up in the department (Still am!) I was taught to be confident and assertive by my first Chief Of Security, Chief Man Manson. This means that when I am giving out orders or simply tactically positioning the subordinates of Security Sergeant, I am confident and stern, yet fair and polite when it comes to this, this makes me a good leader and a fair one at that. This also means that when someone within the Department of General Security is breaking the legal codex or being out of place, I can quickly lead the person back to following the legal codex and back in place without sacrificing my reputation, or, more importantly, the departments reputation. This in turn will help me to be more fluid and adapt well within the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, as well as to continue my Ethical lifestyle.

Leadership / Experience: When I was back in my own original generation of General Security, I quickly rose up the ranks through determination and loyalty towards my department, quickly achieving the rank of Captain, then shortly afterwards Chief of Security. Shortly after that, I became an O-1 Enlisted soldier and was put through training by my recruiting officer, and completed it. I spent a few months within the Regiment of O-1, Serving the Ethics Committee with all my mind and soul, along with a friend that was in the Committee, I Served the Ethics Committee even more, with knowing that any mistake could lead to the committee or worse, my friend to be killed. I then went through some Mental Health incidents that unfortunately lead to me and the friend to be removed from O-1 and the Committee. I spent the next few months healing and restored my mental health to again rejoin the community, fully healthy and ready to serve the Committee again, this time in a different way - as an Assistant.

Longtime member / Seniority: I have been around the facility for around two years, and since Early August 2022. This in itself has helped me to experience and learn the rules and laws of the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics, especially when most of my life has been around GenSec and O-1, ensuring that I have been able to not only follow the codes and laws, but to efficiently and properly follow the COE and COC to the best of my ability. When dealing with GenSec, It is very important to follow and enforce the COC and COE, especially as a Captain, to the rest of the subordinates of myself and even my superiors.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?: The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee Assistant are as Followed:
1. To Assist the Ethics committee with any task or assignment given by the Members or even Chairman of the Ethics Committee.
2. To Enforce the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics to the best of their ability, including assisting Internal Affairs with bringing justice to criminals.
3. Signing and approving appropriate research documents for the Committee.
4 Authorizing Advanced Armory in appropriate circumstances to help the Site and release the pressure off the Committee when the Committee is overflowing with work.
5. Perform routine reviews on assigned departments to report on for the Ethics Committee, Such as the Research Department of General Security Department.
6. Assisting in approving work permits, such as Custodial, cooking and medical assistant permits for D-Class when appropriate to help around the site
7. Serving as eyes and ears around the facility for the Ethics Committee to ensure the COE and COC is enforced and respected.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Chip was born in the U.S.A within the time 2000-2002. From his early childhood, Chip was abused by an evil father, which the Father would beat Chip and his sister until the Mother would not take it anymore and left. The Mother took everything from clothes to her children and left, Somewhere secret that the father did not know. Later, in 2014-2015, Chip was receiving A thorough education, and the mother was working as a district administrator. Chip was attending a military high school, Called [Redacted] and was serving happily in JROTC. He later finished his High school years and decided to enlist in the army. late one night, Chip was working as a night a night patrol, He saw an anomaly he had never seen before, A person in full SWAT gear, but there was no one in the suit! Chip aimed his gun at the swat person, but then a armored van pulled up to the pair and Chip's view went blank....

Foundation Employment:
When Chip woke up, He couldn't remember how he got in the medical room. All he knew was that he was in a field hospital. Then, a man in full armor and a black visor'ed Helmet came and informed Chip that he was now being forced into employment by the SCP foundation, due to him seeing an anomaly and therefore could not return back to the public world. Chip was saddened by this, but the man in armor said that Chip had a choice within two careers within the foundation: Security Combative or Researching. Chip Chose Security due to his militaristic skills. A couple years passed by and hip rose throughout the ranks of General Security and learned lots of leadership skills, and soon achieved the rank of sergeant through hard work and determination.

Rising Star: When Chip had been in the General Security Sergeant position for a while, he had decided to change his name to a full name change, which was "Podkin" Walker. "Podkin" continued to work hard and zealously within the department of General Security, becoming an experienced Sergeant, leading sweeps and deterring countless raids from hostile GOI's. One day, "Podkin" decided to send an application to the Office of the Captains, and gave it his all, within the application and waited for a reply back to him. Meanwhile, The Chief of Security, surrounded by his team of Captains during a meeting one night, opened the letter of interest for Charles "Podkin" Walker's Captain Application. One Captain, looked over the shoulder of the Chief, and said, "Well, Do we accept him or not, Chief??"

The Career Twist: Chip had finally done it! He had become a General Security Captain, and was living his best life, making sure to lead his forces through every scenario, effectively and strongly. Chip Served his Chiefs named "Hanz" and "Thordan" to the best of his ability, and lead numerous sweeps and activities such as patrols. One day, after changing his name after a Chaos Insurgent attack on his Assigned computer, Now "Podkin" Walker, Podkin was walking through the halls of Site 65, when he saw a recruitment poster. The poster had said that the Ethics Committee were hiring assistants, and anyone with appropriate experience and traits could apply. With that, Podkin began to think about the position of the Ethics Committee Assistant and how he could serve his foundation site even more, and more importantly, improve himself and his values. Podkin tried to brush off the thoughts and feeling and tried to continue as a GenSec Captain, but eventually, the he could feel the Assistant roles and responsibilities calling out to him. One day, Podkin cracked and decided to finally apply for the Ethics Committee Assistant position. Podkin named all of his experience and values as well as his background and sent the application through, and continued on with his duties of Captain, making sure to carefully lead his forces just as he always did. After about a week, the letter of "Podkin"s Application reached the Recruitment manager of the Ethics Committee. The manager opened the letter, and looked at the Application for "Podkin" Walker. With that, The Recruitment Manager cocked his head to the side with interest................
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report

REGARDING: "Podkin" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Assistant, the Committee agrees that you are suited to become an Assistant, please get in contact with Ethics Member "Raven" at your earliest convenience.


Vice Chairman Mr. Pavish
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