(U.S) Swag Messiahs Security Captain Application

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Jan 18, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:122148624
Discord name: Swag Messiah
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 670 hours
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): "Swag Messiah"(Foundation), "Swag Messiah"(CI), "Swag Messiah"(GOC)
Civilian name: "Swag Messiah"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI-C BCOM(Held), E-11 CPT(Held), Executive Researcher(Held), GOC LCPL(Holding), DEA Sp. Agent(Holding), O-1 LT(Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
no active warns other than 1 FRP warn for raiding CI while disguised as Crow Kalashnikov
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I often see the state of D-Block being chaotic and out of control mostly due to no form of leadership when there are no captains on site. I would like to be able to help lead gensec and keep D-Block under control by becoming a captain. I see many new players on cadet with no clue about what they are doing and I would like to be able to teach them about the general security department and why its a great choice to keep playing gensec instead of joining an MTF only to never play gensec again. I want to make people feel like gensec can be more than just a stepping stool for people and that it is a viable and good department to climb the ranks of.
D-Class could be the biggest problem for the foundation sometimes because when they get loose they could do anything from hacking out SCPs to going to helping CI or killing people of importance such as Site Administration, The Ethics Committee, and the O5. D-Class escaping have on multiple occasions have led to code blacks and that could all be prevented by the general security department having good leaders that are able keep D-Block under control and by organizing gensec to patrol light containment zone.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I am a very experienced player when it comes to gensec, I have a lot of time played as a sergeant and RRT sergeant taking control of D-Block on multiple occasions. During my time as other CL.4 roles I have gained a good amount of leadership experience that would come in handy when leading a very chaotic department such as gensec. I have a very good understanding of the CoE and the CoC to ensure that gensec stays ethical while keeping D-Block under control. When I was an executive researcher I have come to understand what it's like as a researcher making it easier to cooperate with researchers and the research department, this is very beneficial because the research department is the department we work with the most.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-Assist the department chiefs with running and leading gensec
-Keep D-Block under control by sweeping and organizing gensec

-Training gensec for the Heavy Weapons License and the Riot Response Team License
-Being a role model for gensec
-Ensuring that gensec fallow proper procedures
-Getting D-Class personnel for researchers
-Escorting researchers to provide security for their tests

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Pre Foundation
Swag Messiah was always good at cooking, by the time he was 7 he had already been deemed as the best chef in the town he lived in. When he was 12 he had become the best chef in the state. Due to his family lineage his specialty was making pizza however he has well versed in making any type of food imaginable. Swag Messiah joined a very special organization when he 19, the organization he joined was the CCCIA(Combat Chef Central Intelligence Agency). After joining the CCCIA he quickly moved up the ranks due to his extremely good cooking skills and combative capability. After only spending only 3 years in the CCCIA he became the commander after the previous commander died at the hands of the Chef Overseasoners. When Swag Messiah became commander he refused to let a group of enemy chefs get away with such a insult to the CCCIA so he decided to personally track down and defeat the Chef Overseasoner Council. In his search for the Overseasoners he came across the SCP foundation, more specifically Site-56 in Canada. Swag Messiah believed that they could possible be connected with the Overseasoners so he decided to apply for a job at Site-56 using his CCCIA connections.

After working as a chef in Site-56 using his extreme cooking abilities he gathered information on the possibilities of the Foundation having ties with the Overseasoners. After a few months of working at the foundation Swag Messiah got back up from the CCCIA now joining him was his lieutenant commander and a few commissioned officers. Swag Messiah determined that the foundation does not have any connection to the Overseasoners, but after spending so much time at the foundation Swag Messiah liked life at the foundation. Swag Messiah decided to stay and continue working in the foundation while using at a type of base of operations to try gaining information on the whereabouts of the Chef Overseasoners. Swag Messiah decided to join Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox" because he was interested in SCPs and thought that fighting SCPs was a very good form of combat training for his eventual duel with the Chef Overseasoners. After reaching the rank of CPT in Epsilon-11 he join MTF Omega-1 "Laws left hand" and got to the rank of LT. Swag Messiah hated those D-Class brutes because they were always so violent and always were causing issues running around the site. Swag decided to take matters into his own hands by being General Security and aimed to become a gensec captain to keep those brutes contained and to stop them from rioting.
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