Uk 4th overseer assistant

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Mar 31, 2022
Steam ID: Todd "Shade" M

Discord name: Toddy#6363

for how long have you played on CG SCP: around 4 months

Age: 13

In what country are you located?: Sweden

Time zone:Central European Summer Time

Character name(s): Ci name "Definitely Not Todd" CKSl and foundation Todd "Shade" M

Civilian name: Todd G

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

-So the warnings that are expired is micspam, 1 of them metagaming, failrp and Toxicity. And my warnings that havent expired is spawn camping and fearrp. I have 1 ban that is minor glitching.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

- Id say I have pretty good leadership skills. And im active and play around like more than 6 hours per day.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

1: Protection should be the highest priority as Overseers are the pillars of the foundation and losing even one would be detrimental. Protection from SCPs, CI and even Ethics
2: Carrying out any task given to them, big or small, without questions. As their orders are absolute, even if it means going against Ethics.
3: Maintaining their secrecy at all times, ensuring that there is no possibility of a data leak about O5 at all times. This also means dealing with any personnel that may know anything about O5 under clearance 4
4: Representing them at times when they are not available, being their mouth and voice for when situations do not fit in their schedule
5: Managing their very busy schedule, from meetings to meal breaks, everything must be planned to avoid and disruptions to the Overseers duties
6: Preparing reports of what has gone on in their absence, keeping tabs on foundation personnel, and making sure they are in the loop at all times to optimise their duties

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Before Foundation - Military.

Todd joined the army as a joke. After a month he started to adapt to the army and was more serious. Todd started climbing the ranks and after 2 years he was given his Senior Officer Uniform.

Todd saw a man in a black uniform he has seen before. The man walked up to him and said.
-Hello, Todd.
-Hello, Sir? I asked.
-I have noticed your abilitys in the Military
The man handed Todd a small black card with a set of coordinates.
Then the man disappeared.
Todd followed to coordinates and found a safe. In the safe it was a phone with 1 phone number. Todd called the number. When he called the number someone answered.
-Hello, Todd.
Then Todd fell down on the ground.
5 men in suits took Todd in a van and then Todd woke up in a room.
-Take a sit Todd.
Todd sat down the chair.

-Because of you excellent work in the army we want you to work with us.
-What is the job?
-You will be a MTF E-11 and you will recontain escaped scp.
-What is scp?
-You shall see.
-They amnisticated Todd to forget about his past life. Todd was now a E-11 Enlisted.

In the foundation

Todd did great job as a e-11 and climbed up in 1 year to a commissioned officer.

Then someone told Todd in his radio. E-11 lieutenant Todd come to floor 3.

Todd went to floor 3 and found a man in a black suit.

-Todd for your excellent work as a e-11 I want you to be my assistant.

Todd got amnisticated to forget everything. Now the only thing Todd remembers is that he was a O5 Assistant.
Last edited:
Jan 1, 2022
Application Denied

Hi @Toddy,

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Assistant position. The Council are disappointed that you have plagerised your application from here. The Council are very serious when coming to copying other players hard work.

If you wish to apply you must contact myself before reapplying

- O5-1 'The Unjust'
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