[UK] Ace's third moderation application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): pwr23
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): vtime is broken but its around 1 week and 3 days
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Northern Ireland
Time zone: GMT +0
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): 'Ace'
Chaos name (include your rank): 'The Curio' CI-A
Civilian name: Patrick Rainey
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:136183052
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I am unsure on the exact amount of warnings but I have warnings for RDM, combat cuffing, fear RP and fail rp but I havent been warned since the 10th of april.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- Not in Gmod but I do have experience as a staff member in other RP communities such as FiveM servers (GTA RP) and I also have experience with moderating discord servers however I am a very quick learner and will pick up on things faster than others.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- I have lots of experience with serious RP as I have played in different RP servers that require serious RP and I am the current Internal Affairs Ambassador which requires me to participate in serious RP when dealing with problems around the site.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- Now that its summer I can be on pretty much 24/7 I am available almost all of the time during the summer and would be more than happy to help out with the server during that free time.
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
- I have been apart of the civil gamers community for a very long time now and although at the start I was quite mingy I do believe I have changed and I believe I deserve a shot at trial moderator. I have made lots of friends within the server that I believe would love to see me get this role as much as I would and I would love to help out in the community as much as possible.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
The reason I am special over other applicants is because I am able to learn things quite quick and will be able to pick up on what I'm doing and how to do it very fast. I am also available 24/7 which means I can hop on whenever I am needed and this also means I will be able to reach my weekly quota with ease.

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
+big support
-application is very short
+good rp
+active IG
+very good experience’s with him
+is able to lead and make decisions

I would recommend him for a mod and I think he would do very well
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Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2022
+ Holds Senior positions
+ Trustworthy
+ Good rule knowledge
+ Likeable
+ Active
+ Only had good RP experiences
+ Mature

Defo deserves a shot - Good luck!


Well-known Member
May 23, 2022
+high rank,
+Played with before,
+super friendly and helpful,

'Negan' White

Active member
Jan 29, 2022
-/+ Neutral

- Lots of warnings
- Application looks rushed

+ Active IG and TS
+ Friendly
+ Good RP interactions

Good luck!

Big Dave

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 20, 2022
Hello Ace, I'll be giving you a +Support.

While your application does look rushed, and you've a lot of warnings. I believe you're well integrated in the server, active AF, friendly and easy to get on with and would be a great addition to Staff.

Good luck!


Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022
+ Support

- Lots of warnings, however, most of these are very old.
+ Active
+ Rule knowledge is decent
+ Great RP Interactions

+ Likeable and approachable ingame
+ Dedicating to changing your ways.

If you are to become a Moderator I would like to see only positive things from you, However, in my eyes, you would make a fine addition to the staff team. Good luck!


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 27, 2020
Hello @'Ace',

Can you please contact me on TeamSpeak before I make a final verdict on this Application.

Kind Regards,


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 27, 2020
Application Accepted

Hi @'Ace' ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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