[UK] Adam Greenman Executive Researcher Application

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Jun 18, 2022
Steam ID: 76561198216456984

Discord name: Reflex171#1468

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 6 months now im pretty sure

Age: 13

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): Adam Greenman

Civilian name: I dont play a lot of civilian but i think im named Jerry BOBYNSON

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK although i do sometimes play USA when UK is full i prefer UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: The only whitelisted role i have currently is SCP-096 since i have not tried out and i focus on levelled roles such as biohazard Researcher

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have once or twice recieved a verbal warning when i first joined the server and didnt know the rules very well

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?: The main reason i am applying for Executive Researcher is because i have studied and researched most of the scp's multiple times and i would really like to conduct some CL. 4 Research. I also really enjoy reading about all of the SCP's tests and would be more than happy to read others documents and rate them on scipnet. I like watching lower Researchers test on scp's and seeing what their theories are.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I would use alot of my time to walk around and read other researcher's documents. I am more then happy to approve higher CL. tests for researchers and then overlook them to make sure that everything they are doing is correct and up to standard. I think that for the time i've played other players have seen that i take this server seriously and, although i can take a laugh, if there is anything out of protocol and outright unethical i know when to stop and report it to an agent or other internal affairs. I think that i would give players a good and enjoyable experience when testing on scp's.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?:

I currently have 3 excellent graded documents that i am extremely proud of.

SCP-076-2 Experiment (Testing whether human hands count as weapons for 076-2.)
Can SCP-049-2 be possesed by 035? (It was not able to be possesed it entered the chamber and could walk next to the mask.)
Cross Test scp-1025/3078 (being blinded by scp-1025 causes 3078 to not be able to make you laugh.)

For a document to be rated as excellent is to be formatted very well. That would include a Title (optional), Introduction (optional), aim, theory (optional), method, experiment and conclusion. In my personal opinion, to raise your chances of recieving an excellent rating, you should include the optional formatting parts and also an Index makes the whole document very nice and organised. Another factor of recieving an excellent rating is having good SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) I personally think no one wants to learn about an scp having trouble understanding what the researcher had to say because of incorrect spelling or punctuation. A third factor would be, the document having a unique property. In my opinion this is one of the most important parts because this changes whether the document will be interesting or not. If you write about scp 1025 and do an average test like every Jr researcher does to lvl up, that will make the document extremely boring and will not get an excellent rating.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
So far from what i've experienced whilst playing on this server. Executive Researchers have 3 duties which should be completed Researching, Teaching and Leading. I am fairly sure that as for importance levels it goes, leading has highest priority, then teaching and finally not very important but it is said that when Executive researchers have spare time they can go test on SCP's. Now, what they mean. Research is pretty self explanatory: testing on scp's, this could mean CL. 4 scp's but it honestly doesnt have to be. anything that the Executive researcher has time to test on can be tested on. Next Teaching is also fairly self explanatory, it means helping lower ranked Researchers with tests and how to properly test following protocol, it could also mean simply helping out with the Jr researcher test etc. Finally Leading is about approving the right documents, correcting mistakes and overall helping to publish papers. It is also punishing unethical researchers or otherwise banning them from the research department.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Adam Greenman was born on the north-east of Poland and had no ambitions in life other than conspiracy theories. He absolutely loved theories about monsters and aliens living in top secret bases all around the world and he believed that one day he would discover them. Due to him being in love with space and creatures he studied Biology in a not very well known university. After the professors saw how Adam excelled at this they decided that after he finished his masters he would be offered to move into Site 65. Adam was hesitant at first since he wasnt sure what he was going to do next but since he had no plan for a future job he accepted. What they did not tell him was what the Site was. Once he saw what he was going to be doing he fell in love and ever since hes been working hard to rank up from a Jr Researcher to test and research on every single Creature in the foundation. His journey in ranking up was smooth other then the time that a CI agent entered the facility and threatened Adam if he did not give information. Fortunately MTF arrived just in time and stopped them, that was a near death experience that Adam Greenman hoped would never happen again...


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
+ Support
Decent App
Good understanding of the Exec. role
Fairly active


Active member
Aug 7, 2022
+ Support

+ Good App
Good document standards
+ Pretty clean record

-Personally haven't seen in-game but hope we meet.
- Lore is a bit vague/basic but is still solid.

Good luck man hope we meet in-game, id love to do some CL4 tests with you


Jun 18, 2022
I was a little apprehensive about this application as I have hardly seen you around the site at all. That and the limited feedback have made me unsure of this application. I am willing to provide you a chance however, please contact me next time you are on-site so that we may arrange your executive interview.
Thank you very much for giving me the chance I’ll contact you once I’m on-site.
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