[UK] Alan Crane's Medical Consultant Application

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Active member
Mar 17, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86766464
Discord name: wicc.
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
In what country are you located?: The Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Alan Crane, CI-A Declan Crane
Civilian name: Leo Crane
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
Yes I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I hold a CI-A role. I am also whitelisted as a DEA and IA agent.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?

I feel like becoming a Medical Consultant is a natural course of progression for Alan. He has spent the overwhelming majority of his time on the facility as a Sr. Doctor, consistently acting as one of the "first responders" of medbay, assisting anyone who comes in for a quick healing, treating an illness, or the occasional psychological evaluation. Having accumulated enough experience, and having built great relationships with his colleagues and superiors, I believe Alan is ready to take his next step as a medical professional.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
Alan has spent a considerable amount of time working almost exclusively as a medical professional, equipping him with the experience and knowledge necessary to take on more responsibility and to grow as a medical professional. He's quick on his feet, eager to help, and likes to ease the burden of his colleagues. His considerable time as a Sr. Doctor also makes him versatile, allowing him to comfortably perform various RP scenario's, whether it's a routine treatment, or play a part in an elaborate event. And, what I think is most important, Alan is eager to learn and loves to involve as many people into the fun as he can, which makes him an excellent mentor and trainer for prospective doctors.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
Here's an example of the most common procedures Alan goes through:

A Jr. Researcher comes into medbay, slightly out of breath, exhibiting signs of panic. He looks around and, to his relief, he notices Alan sitting on the reception desk. He quickly approaches him yelling "Doctor, doctor, I think there's something wrong with my face!"

One of the first symptoms that Alan immediately notices is severe swelling around the head, which is usually indicative of a bacterial infection. He hops off the reception desk, and calmly signals the Jr. Researcher to follow him to the Infection Testing Scanner. To comfort the researcher, Alan makes a quick remark saying "Been having a lot of thoughts, haven't you," followed by Alan laughing at his own joke. Quickly after, however, he tries to ask the researcher for any symptoms he might've been experiencing. The researcher quickly replies with "My vision has also been very blurry, and sometimes I get muscle spasms which make me move against my will." Alan nods, as they both arrive to the Infection Testing Scanner.

After helping the Jr. Researcher to lay down on the scanner, Alan promptly starts the machine. It quickly performs a scan and comes back with the following result: Bacterial Infection.

From his excellent training done by Consultant Dmitry Rodriguez, and because of his plentiful experience, Alan quickly remembers that the cure for bacterial infection is erythromycin. He signals the researcher to follow him to the outside of the chemical room, asks him to take a seat outside, and quickly heads inside to prepare the cure. Alan takes out a vial, and pours in 50ml of erythromycin. He takes the vial and brings it to the researcher, who after thanking the doctor profusely, quickly drinks the cure and starts to rapidly feel better. The swelling quickly goes away, and after confirming that he's feeling better than ever, the researcher goes back to work.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
A Medical Consultant, aside from performing the necessary duties required of any medical professional, has the following additional responsibilities:
- Medical Consultants supervise all on-duty medical personnel Clearance Level 3 and below. They make sure to offer any guidance to those who need it.
- A Medical Consultant may deem out any punishments necessary to any medical personnel who they deem to be (severely) incompetent, or be causing harm to
Foundation's personnel or her allies.
- Medical Consultants are allowed to hold out medical license training and examinations, whereupon a successful result grants a trainee their medical license.
- Medical Consultants are allowed to give psychological evaluations to Clearance Level 4 personnel.
- Medical Consultants are allowed to hold surgical procedures.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Since a very young age, Alan has always tried doing the right thing, sometimes even at the detriment of himself. His parents, having recognized his notable capacity for empathy, tried steering him into becoming a medical professional. Although a little hesitant at first, Alan fell in love with the idea of saving as many lives as he could. However, after experiencing several setbacks in his life, including the death of his parents. Alan became morally confused, as resentment started to build up. Behind his helpful demeanor lied a confused and jaded man. Unable to receive answers, he dedicated his life to his job, gradually finding meaning through curing the suffering of others. His hard work did not go unnoticed as Alan was recruited to join the Medical Department at [REDACTED].

One night after a hard day's work at the Facility, Alan and his Consultant 'Fluff' are enjoying their beer, as they talk about their day.

Alan, under the influence of alcohol, teases his friend, "Ma'am, if I were to become a consultant, would I be able to bully you without being in danger of getting arrested for Slander?" Fluff, already used to his daring antics replies, "Sure, but if you don't start behaving, I'll remove your medical license before you ever get the chance to apply." Alan giggles. "I've looked up your records ma'am, you have not once revoked someone's medical license throughout your career," Fluff glares at him, and slowly says, "Try. Me. Bitch." Alan, realizing he might've pushed his luck a little too far, starts laughing and offers his friend a vodka bottle as an apology. After looking between the bottle and Alan several times, she gives up, opens the vodka bottle and takes a big swig. "You should try it tho. Applying for consultant," Alan laughs and says, "I'll think about it."

The two friends continue laughing and gossiping throughout the night, before they both inevitably pass out from drinking too much.
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Oct 27, 2023
South Africa

The following message is composed via consensus of the medical leadership team.

Hello, @wicksta . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

We wish you good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.
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