[UK] Alex 'Shrimple' DoM App #2

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Sep 22, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:468105858

Discord name: alexbigbitsboi

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2years roughly 1month of playtime throughout this time.

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Alex ‘Shrimple’

Civilian name: Alex ‘Prawn’ Jones

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF E11 PVT x2 – Held
Medical Consultant - Holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

  • Kick (AFK) – September 2022
    Warning (FailRP) – September 2022
  • Spawn Camping – 6th November 2024
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?

Since I have been on the server my time has mostly been spent as a medical personnel. I love the RP that comes from these jobs and the many different fields we have that consultants or even others docs can specialise in. I wish to improve our department as it has taken a bit of a drop in places, this is something that I have heard personally and obviously wish to change this. I believe we need to focus on other aspects of medical than just the treatment room and its machines and as the orders we’ve had recently have helped, I’d like to expand on them.

What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:

My work has only been focused on the Medical Department and trying to help those new and returning to the department and to better their experience. I have experience in some major RP that has happened within medical and minor ones that have been personal and needed to be kept confidential. These experiences have led to be some of the most fun and great moments of my time within the foundation and I only hope to be able to come up with RP that the medical department can also enjoy. I have already had a few people help me with surgeries, human and SCP. I have reworked our medical license training presentation and left a copy for others to use and copy themselves. This was because I felt it needed more to help trainees keep engaged as it seemed to be a bit of a struggle and have created the physical evaluation template with Kayla. I have made the surgery lecture presentation that we have in cabinets for MLT to copy and present if they like as this was something even a lot of Sr.Docs are confused on doing by themselves. I have also been the lead on a multiple projects one being along side 'Orrical' and I believe Medical Department shouldn’t restrict itself to just medbay which sounds weird but it should branch out more and doctors and Sr.docs should look to do more outside of it. With the communications I have and relations with other departments I hope to bring this to light if I were to become DoM.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:

  • Update policies, handbooks and docs that are around medical
  • Help train new medical staff and ease them into the job
  • Manage and guide consultants with help they may require
  • Issuing necessary punishment to medical staff if needed obviously
  • Sticking to CoC and CoE
  • Speaking to head of other departments including: Ethics, SA and such
  • Carry out usual Medical practice such as: medicine, treating fractures, ECT, surgery, Evals and more
  • Continue doing Medical staff training, licenses, CM tryouts, lectures, evaluations and interviews/ training of new consultants.
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Addendum 682 - Surgery
<Begin Log>

Dr. 'Shrimple': So you're trying to tell me that 682 has somehow come into contact with that and has adapted to grow cysts containing it?

E-11 LT: Yes, we are unsure how this occurred as there hasn't been a case of 682 and 008 breaching at the same time in a while but this is something we need to deal with now.

Dr. 'Shrimple': So it is housing 008 prions within these cysts and it cleverly knows this information...

E-11 LT: Correct if 682 breaches who knows what could happen if we ended up shooting those cysts.

Dr. 'Shrimple': Well looks like we have no other choice than to do surgery on the cold blooded bastard then.

E-11 LT: I'll inform the CPT you're willing to take on this task for us.

< End log>

Alex 'Shrimple' has had to deal with unusual tasks while working at the foundation but this is something that should be expected when working so close to anomalies. That is what encourages and gets him out of bed in the morning though ready for the foundation. It is never just a regular day. This is coming from the perspective of a Medical member who has had his fair share of bullet retrieval from inside someone's body, evaluations both psychological and physical on foundation personnel and general medicine helping those with illness and disease. But to go from doing this to human patients to anomalous ones is the excitement he seeks from within medical. Being so close to danger performing a surgery on a catastrophic SCP was an adrenaline rush that needed to be chased after. Seeing that these beings still require such attention from the medical department let alone those that work even closer to them was eye opening to him and with this it gave him ideas. The medical department seems to give little care when it comes to the foundations SCP's that it is holding on site-65 and Alex is wanting to change this. He believes we should utilise and experiment with these SCP's in order to benefit the Medical Department instead of relying on SCP-500 as our only merit. This is how he came to have plans to help SCP-082, utilise SCP-914 and experiment with SCP-049.
Sep 22, 2022

Alex has been absolutely incredible to rely on in terms of medical for events, roleplay and more for when I take my time as research. He has in-depth medical knowledge that he constantly provides on the role, but in understandable terms.

Give Lyx this role, he works hard and roleplays even harder!
I always try to be available for the RP's it is good fun
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Reactions: 'Athena'
-I’m willing to commend your work and confidently say you do a great job when on, but your activity really holds me back from a full +Support. Again, I think you’re a good and hard working consultant, I would just like a director who plays the game and isn’t beheld by 2000 LOA’s and the sleepiness plague.

you’d prob be a vibing choice tho gl bye
Sep 22, 2022
-I’m willing to commend your work and confidently say you do a great job when on, but your activity really holds me back from a full +Support. Again, I think you’re a good and hard working consultant, I would just like a director who plays the game and isn’t beheld by 2000 LOA’s and the sleepiness plague.

you’d prob be a vibing choice tho gl bye
Fully understand the reasoning behind this and thank you for the gl
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Reactions: Niox
Jan 2, 2022

Greetings Mr 'Shrimple' I will be giving you a +Support duo to the fact that i have full faith for you. I remember you as a trainee, saw you grow to a CM. I am gladly to say, your are more then capable for this position. Your sincerely, Jay 'Ghost' Jackson

Signed: Jay 'Ghost' Jackson.

''They say i wasn't gonna make it. Look at me now.''

Get ''Ghosted'' B*tch.

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Reactions: Alex 'Shrimple'
Sep 22, 2022

Greetings Mr 'Shrimple' I will be giving you a +Support duo to the fact that i have full faith for you. I remember you as a trainee, saw you grow to a CM. I am gladly to say, your are more then capable for this position. Your sincerely, Jay 'Ghost' Jackson

Signed: Jay 'Ghost' Jackson.

''They say i wasn't gonna make it. Look at me now.''

Get ''Ghosted'' B*tch.

Trying to get up and up to help medical. I appreciate the support
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Reactions: Jay Afton

- I've only been back for like a day BUT
- Seen good professionalism
- You seem to have a lot of experience within your role
- In depth knowledge and understanding of the department
- Very well made application overall

Sep 22, 2022

- I've only been back for like a day BUT
- Seen good professionalism
- You seem to have a lot of experience within your role
- In depth knowledge and understanding of the department
- Very well made application overall

Good to see you back on site again
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