[UK] Alex 'Shrimple' (previously 'bigbitsboi') Consultant App

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Sep 22, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:468105858

Discord name: AlexBigBitsBoi

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Coming up 2 years

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Alex 'Shrimple'

Civilian name: Alex Neil Jones

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:



Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
10th Sep 2022 Kick - AFK
15th Sep 2022 Warn - Failrp

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?

I enjoy the RP that comes with being on the medical team such as surgeries, psych evals on patients and general treatment like EST or curing with drugs and would want to take this to a higher clearance level. I feel like a lot of the medical staff (mainly trainees) on site don't quite grasp the importance of the department, either through general medicine or RP and would want to help them get a better understanding of this.


What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:

I have a lot of experience on doing medical procedures with people across the foundation, whether that be helping those affected by anomalous effects, administering a medicine to help with an infection as I always carry a vial case for these scenarios, giving EST when needed or helping on the front line as a CM as this is my preferred job when I am on site other than research. My favourite aspect is the diseases and medicines used so I would also make sure to keep these stocked for those who don't always have them readily available on their persons.


Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:


Someone comes to you saying they have fallen ill. First ask their symptoms and check their characteristics, if they have any form of swelling easily visible on their body then it is a bacterial infection the medicine for this is Erythromycin. If they say their symptom is coughing, ask whether it is regular coughing or is there blood coming up when they cough too. If it is just regular coughing then it is the flu which is cured using Oseltamivir phosphate, the latter is chest infection which is cured with Amoxicillin. Sneezing is one of the easiest as that is the common cold cured with cough syrup. If they experience headaches, dizziness or red flashes in their vision then it is lastly a sinus infection cured using Chlorphenamine. All these symptoms can be tested using the infection testing scanner in the medbay or infection testing kit on your person, so you know 100% what it is. Each dose given to cure someone is just 50ml however, if you’re like me with an injection vial case on them all the time the minimum you can put in those is 100ml, but it obviously does still cure them.


What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:

  • You are to still do your duty as someone of the medical department and heal, revive, administer EST, repair broken bones or give medicine.
  • Make sure medical staff are performing their duties as well and responsibly. We take care of ourselves, those who aren’t combative shouldn’t be on the front line trying to help as they may get in the way or die anyways.
  • Those that aren’t responsible or are inappropriate in their job may be denied of a medical license or banned from the job to prevent further nuisance or harassment of others.
  • Carry out medical license training as well as combat medic training ensuring they understand the rules of the role they wish to pursue.
  • Potential psych evaluations on those in higher clearance who have either been affected by an anomaly or amnesticated.
  • Make sure the medbay is stocked on chemicals so other doctors can give treatment without having to make the medicine up on the spot.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what story lines they would be involved in:

Alex has enjoyed and loved his role as a combat medic for ages. Helping those on the site either on the frontline during a breach, raid or strange event going on but during those times he’s realised there is one SCP in the foundation that is a bit peculiar. SCP-082, during his breaches all he wants is to eat a endless glutton but looking at his documents on the SCIPNET can see that SCP-082 appears to be human. How the hulk of a man ever got to that size has only been theorized but Alex would like to test those theories in forms of treatment in attempts to see if we can ever make SCP-082 a normal human again.
Feb 22, 2024
oki so

cons -
-might wanna expand a bit on the duties part, some seem that they lack a bit
-not gonna lie i didnt see you a ton
-if you just came from a break i would suggest to wait a bit and get your vtime up
-lore is pretty short, not bad just short, could expand
-carrying a vile case isnt much of a reason, most medical personnel even CM carry one, so not much of a reason as much as a filler in my opinion

netural -/+
-tbh, wanting to do the same duties but as a higher clearance presonnel isnt much of a reason, but you do seem passionate about this, ill give you that

pros +
-not a ton of interactions but the small amount were pretty nice

over all ill give you a

natural -/+
  • Like
Reactions: Alex 'Shrimple'
Sep 22, 2022
oki so

cons -
-might wanna expand a bit on the duties part, some seem that they lack a bit
-not gonna lie i didnt see you a ton
-if you just came from a break i would suggest to wait a bit and get your vtime up
-lore is pretty short, not bad just short, could expand
-carrying a vile case isnt much of a reason, most medical personnel even CM carry one, so not much of a reason as much as a filler in my opinion

netural -/+
-tbh, wanting to do the same duties but as a higher clearance presonnel isnt much of a reason, but you do seem passionate about this, ill give you that

pros +
-not a ton of interactions but the small amount were pretty nice

over all ill give you a

natural -/+
Thank you for the feedback I greatly appreciate it

The following message is composed via consensus of the medical leadership team.

Hello, @Alex 'Shrimple' . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

We wish you good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.
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