[UK) Application for the Chief of Medicine #2

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Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:523185068
Discord name: FLAMANGI#2461
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around a month
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Iceland
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Moon Tzu
Civilian name: Alyx Vince
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Nu-7 PVT and CI Beta
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have 3 warnings, 2 are ERP warnings (stupid warnings since it was when I started playing and with a friend) and 1 RDM warning. I also have 1 ban for EXP farming (also stupid since it was just 912 beating me and I was running around healing myself)
Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine? Because I see a lot of trainees asking for licenses and I love helping people and I am VERY active so I could give out licenses through the day. I also love the medic role and want to get into the more document side but playing as a normal medic kind of disturbs that since everyone comes up to you and I have to stop writing/reading. I've seen the other CoM playing and it honestly looks very fun. I'd also like to be a higher clearance medical personnel and being a leader is something I want to challenge myself with.
What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?: Well I am very knowledgeable about the rules and medicine and I've observed many trainings and feel confident that I could do one myself, which I have. I am also pretty well known in the medical department and I feel like I could offer a lot to the department.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice: If a person affected by an anomalous SCP comes into medical centre and asks for EST you first ask them what the reason for EST is. If they answer with that they were effected by an SCP you tell them to stand in the middle of the room. You then ask if they have been revived recently/in this life, if they answer yes you then ask if they consent to electroshock therapy. If they say yes you then tell them to face the wall opposite of you and tell them not to go to the light. You then throw the harpoon at their back and use your defibrillator on them while constantly telling them not to go to the light and to stay with you. After they get back up you heal them to perfect health and they can go. If a person does NOT consent to EST, you ask them if they want to be ethically put down or suffer for the rest of their live.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?: To overlook the medical wing and make sure everyone is following CoC, CoE and doing their job right. They also have the responsibility of training medical trainees and give them their license if they pass.
Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in: Moon was an orphan from a young age and was mistreated for most of his life. Moon hated hurting people but did what they had to do to get through life. Moon wanted to help others and loved science and medicine and wanted to go to doctor school. But Moon had no money and had to learn how to make drugs and sold them to people. Moon loved making drugs and got enough money to go to school. Moon was so good at it from making drugs and studying medicine that he became popular in the industry and was a known name. The foundation approached them and Moon got hired at the foundation. But as a trainee he was shown no respect. People still mistreated them in the facility and they wanted to change that. Moon got their license and started working hard to make a name for themselves. Moon would then become a CoM and help make a change in the medical wing and make more trainees doctors and just be positivity around the medical wing.
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Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022

Good understanding in the medical department
Very active within the Medical department

Damien R. Jones

Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Apr 11, 2022

+ I see them playing Combat Medic all the time, showing me they will be dedicated.
+ They are an individual who is engaged and show interest when talking to people. Which is a definite must for this position.

+/- Although I have had very little interaction with them, I can tell they will take this position seriously.

With all this said, I wish you the best of luck in your application.


Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2022
Even though I have arrested you and you've asked me several times if I'd arrest you if you'd kill someone, but you're still very active and dedicated to the medical corps. Haven't seen you off the job and I see you every time I'm on.


Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022
+ Support

+ Active on medical all the time
+ Good interactions
+ Good understanding within the medical department

Hello Moon. I'm going to give you a +support. You're approachable, friendly, and active, but most of all you never say no when someone needs medical assistance, as dumb as it may be. You're the only medic (talking about CL1, 2, and 3) that I've bothered a million times in a day and none of them has refused, (like with the case of the psychopath GENSEC last night) to provide assistance, and I believe that's a key feature to all medical personnel.

If anything, the only criticism I can provide is that, as a CL4 position, you will have to start taking certain matters with a bit more seriousness than you do right now. Best of luck!
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Deleted member 2482


Hey moon you are a very nice guy to talk to as well as being extreamlly active on combat medic i think you are more then qualified to be a CoF hope you get it :)


Community Manager
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Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

Medical logowhite.png
RE: Moon Tzu's Application for Chief of Medicine

Good Evening Moon,

Thank you for applying for the position of Chief of Medicine, after discussion with Dpt. Director Abbie Maot, we both feel you are fit to join the Medical Department as a Chief of Medicine, congratulations.

You will be placed on a week trial.

Kind Regards,
Department Director Yeke Maot & Department Director Abbie Maot​
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