[UK] 'Appo' Staff Application

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SCP-RP Staff
Jun 20, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): avaster
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 3+ Weeks / 500 Hours Playtime (VTime is not correct)
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: British Standard Time (BST)
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): E-11 SGT 'Appo'[FR-2]

Chaos name (include your rank): CI-G 'Apollo'
Civilian name: 'Apppo'
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93504192
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA) UK


Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
First Application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

[Warning 1] mixing [mixed out of character with in character as a D-Class speaking about an admin]

[Warning 2] entity abuse [appealing]
no bans

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
[-] I've been staff on many servers. Although I do wish I could name them, I believe it is against the rules and guidelines for applications.

[1] I have owned my own servers in the past which used to be Military-RP and City-RP, which were both serious-themed. They had 64 concurrent players.

[1.1] I am extremely experienced with servers, although not related (however I do believe it is still relevant), I currently have spent $1743.36 on Scriptfodder/Gmodstore, and spent £1000+ for custom content for my previous servers. I believe this information shows my dedication to server experience.

[2] I used to be a Superadmin on one of the most popular Dark-RP servers 6 years ago (2016) around which easily hit 128 players every single day.

[3] I used to be a Senior-Moderator on a current Dark-RP server which is still up today and gets 128 players.

[4] I used to be a Moderator on one of the most popular SCP-RP servers 4 years ago (2018).

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
[1] I used to be a Police Superintendant on Arma 3 Roleplay which used to be extremely serious.

[2] I also used to be a Senior Position as a Police Officer in NoPixel Arma 3 Roleplay before it was turned into FiveM (GTA-RP).

[3] I also used to be hold a high ranking position (equivilent to COM) in the old SCP-RP server which lead a regiment/team, similar to MTF.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Currently I spend 16 hours active a day on the server.
I have been doing this for nearly a month.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
[1] I have a genuine interest with the server which I would like to take a step further to help the community.

[2] Also from my experience, I think this server handles staff matters very well, and mostly I have had great interactions with staff members and the staff team. I would like to be more apart of the community and the staff team. Nearly all staff seem very very friendly which is hard to accomplish.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
[1] As above, I used to own entire servers and lead staff teams (I used to make rosters, make sure all staff were in check and active, all complaints were upheld by myself along with abuse reports).

[2] I have a ton of experience I believe not a lot of people have the privilege to experience.

[3] I also believe I have staffed over 10 'proper' and non-'irrelevant' servers. I mentioned 4 above since I don't remember the count and the proper details as I have owned this game for an amazing amount of time.

[4] I also have 10,000 hours on Garry's Mod.

[5] I've gave a lot of suggestions and ideas for the server. I do believe my creativity would be useful in a higher-up staff position.
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Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022
  • Very active
  • Past Exp.
  • Great general rule knowledge
  • Nice guy, great interactions
  • Last 2 questions of your application could use more detail


Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2022

+Active on all platforms
+Past Experience
+Good RP Interactions
+Nice guy
+Very well formatted application

Good Luck!

Deleted member 2482


+Very Active
+Good App
+Past experience
+Generally just a nice guy

good luck >w<


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 13, 2022
-Support You are really innapropriate, you have game bans. People with game bans shouldn't be allowed on staff.
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Big Dave

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 20, 2022

- Okay interactions
- Your Steam Profile is NSFW and not really suited for a server that is supposed to be 13+ friendly.
- You're also in groups on Steam that have slurs in the names, and one called "1st Transgender Mass Shooter any% WR" , "First femboy mass shooter any% WR, this also includes 100s of NSFW groups

While some may perceive this as nitpicky, your profile will appear on the Staff List for people to click on and people do look at them. As Staff are role models on the server, I don't think this is a great look.

I'm sure this is something you could easily change, but for now it's my opinion. Good luck otherwise.

[Content Removed Via Staff Member]
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Dec 30, 2021
  • Including a screenshot showing how much money you spend feels a bit like you're trying to bribe your way into Staff
  • What Dave said is extremely worrying too, staff are role models for players I don't think it's appropriate to be in a "Transgender mass shooting speedrun" group


SCP-RP Staff
Jun 20, 2022

- NSFW Profile - I don't believe my Steam profile has anything to do with my behaviour on the server or my staff performance.
- Slurs - I have never ever said any slurs during my time playing this server. Futhermore, I believe this is nitpicky behaviour. You would have to go to my profile and search for these things individually.
- Bribing - I honestly don't even know what the hell you mean by this. I've previously paid other people for my own personal server, which is relevant to server experience. I am not paying anyone to be a staff member.


Curtosey to these replies, I will change my profile pictures to make it more SFW.
  • However, please don't take something which you have to dig deep for, such as my Steam Groups seriously. I don't go around in game saying homophobic slurs and school shootings. I have never said anything of the sort, ever.

  • No one seemed to have an issue or even realise these things existed until one person said something, then a mob mentality kicked in. Furthermore, you four do not see to have an issue with me inside of the server itself, but externally.

  • Yes, my profile picture is not a great public image, that is why I am changing my profile picture for you. However, this is my own personal profile which I do not reflect on the server. Furthermore, it will not effect my staff performance.

Anyway, heres a pic of my new cat.
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'Negan' White

Active member
Jan 29, 2022

-NSFW Profile - I don't believe my Steam profile has anything to do with my behaviour on the server or my staff performance.

- Slurs - I have never ever said any slurs during my time playing this server. Futhermore, I believe this is nitpicky behaviour. You would have to go to my profile and search for these things individually.

- Lying About Age - I have never said who was in my profile picture was me.

- Bribing - I honestly don't even know what the hell you mean by this. I've previously paid other people for my own personal server, which is relevant to server experience. I am not paying anyone to be a staff member.


Curtosey to these replies, I will change my profile pictures to make it more SFW.

However, please don't take something which you have to dig deep for, such as my Steam Groups seriously.

I don't go around in game saying homophobic slurs and school shootings. I have never said anything of the sort, ever.

No one seemed to have an issue or even realise these things existed until one person said something, then a mob mentality kicked in.

Furthermore, you four do not see to have an issue with me inside of the server itself, but externally.

Yes, my profile picture is not a great public image, that is why I am changing my profile picture for you. However, this is my own personal profile which I do not reflect on the server. Furthermore, it will not effect my staff performance.

Anyway, heres a pic of my new cat.

1. " I don't believe my Steam profile has anything to do with my behaviour on the server or my staff performance." Never said it affecting your behaviour/performance on the server. The point is you have it on a server where kids can just hold Tab and see your pfp. Kids play on the server and a admin having a nsfw profile is inappropriate.

2. "I honestly don't even know what the hell you mean by this. I've previously paid other people for my own personal server, which is relevant to server experience. I am not paying anyone to be a staff member." There is no point of showing this info as it has no relevance to a moderator application.

3. Nice cat but no one asked


SCP-RP Staff
Jun 20, 2022
1. Kids play on the server
2. There is no point of showing this info as it has no relevance to a moderator application.
3. Nice cat but no one asked

  1. Capture3.PNG
  2. It shows my dedication to servers and my past experience. It does have relevance.
  3. I didn't want to come off as hostile. I do believe you have an ulterior motive to why you actually don't want me as staff, considering the way you're attacking me.

The behaviour you're showing to me speaks for itself. I won't reply anymore.

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'Negan' White

Active member
Jan 29, 2022
1. Don't tell me to do. You also changed your pfp here.

2. I don't think someone should be staff if there in a group called 'ascended faggots, Cute penis, 1st transgender mass shooter any% WR' and '1st femboy mass shooter any% WR' should be staff in a community that kids are in.

3. Not being hostile just speaking facts.
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