[UK] 'Appo' Staff Application

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- Support

Got a warning today
I had gotten a minor mixing warn, where an admin teleported to myself and I said 'take me to a sit'.
Furthermore, the person in question who requested the sit has also been banned a few minutes ago, and has been warned by Cope for targetted harassment towards myself.
- Support
- Immature
- Bad rule knowledge
- Bad attitude
- Mingy
I have went into detail about these notes in my application and my response to the other individual. Respectfully I also don't believe I would be a minge and have bad rule knowledge if I had only 2 minor warnings and no bans.

Regards ?
I had gotten a minor mixing warn, where an admin teleported to myself and I said 'take me to a sit'.

'Negan' White

Active member
Jan 29, 2022
I had gotten a minor mixing warn, where an admin teleported to myself and I said 'take me to a sit'.
Furthermore, the person in question who requested the sit has also been banned a few minutes ago, and has been warned by Cope for targetted harassment towards myself.
I'm sorry you feel like it's a targeted harassment towards you but I ashore you that was and is not my intent

DkTnt (Yi-Fu)

Well-known Member
Jun 7, 2022
Cannot even take criticism.
To be fair to appo, that is a little more than criticism... However there is nothing wrong between their conversation. Furthermore, your reply is unnecessary and does not add any value to the on going application or decision.
Please remove yourself from further conversations in this thread it unless is of value. Thank you.
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