[UK] Appo's Third Ethics Assistant App

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93504192
Discord name: avaster#6667
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1,100+ Hours Playtime | 11,000+ Hours on Gmod
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: British Standard Time (BST)
Character name(s): 'Appo'
Civilian name: 'Apppo'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF E-11 Lieutenant [Holding]
Security Captain [Holding]
CI DELCOM [Resigned]
Omega-1 [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

no bans

[Expired] Mixing - Mentioned an admin when D-Class
[Expired] Ent abuse - Spawned Death Cups (Under Fear-RP)

*expired under punishment guidelines

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

[1] Past Experience - I do believe I have a lot of SCP-RP experience from other servers. I used to be an Area Manager from a very Serious SCP-RP server (not allowed to say name due to application rules). This server used to be the most popular SCP-RP back in the days. Area Manager was the second highest rank for Site Administration, which only one/two individuals may take. Needless to say, it took a lot of hard work to get to that spot.

[2] Playtime - I currently have 11,000+ hours on Garry's Mod. Most of these hours stem from Serious-RP servers and gamemodes (City-RP, StarWars-RP, Military-RP, SCP-RP). I have held many, many high ranks in all four of these gamemodes. I have a lot of experience. Although I have this experience, I am always willing to learn, adapt, and change my ways.

[3] Dedication to Ethics Role - I would like to emphasize am not one of those canidates who will take this spot and hold it endlessly, or run away from the role, or even the server. I am willing to take this to hell and back. I would like to be given an oppitunity to show everyone I can make a positive change to their roleplay, while making it enjoyable and fun to play the server.

[4] Mistakes - I believe I can learn from my mistakes. For instance, I have been warned for both mixing and hitbox abuse. After these incidents, I have done practices such as asking admins for their opinions, reading the rules thoroughly, not making bad decisions, etc. I haven't been given any warnings since these two incidents.

[5] RP Scenarios - I once played with the GameMaster Julian where we set up an old bunker and hid on surface after an info breach on O-1, we also set up a tank at the end. I felt so deprived after this experience even though it was meant to be a fun one, because, after all of this knowledge, preperation and interesting roleplay that could have taken place, no one had decided to care or go out of their way to make something out of this roleplay. It did dissapoint me, but this incident also reminded me that it doesnt always have to be this way, and I could make a change on someone elses' roleplay experience. I feel as if my dedication and inspiration went towards an event like this which involved ethics, I believe I am willing to go do things out of my way to make sure everyone's experience is fun and enjoyable, since I completely understand and feel the satisfaction for good, quality roleplay.

[6] Activity - I have resigned from DELCOM since LT and after wanting to dedicate more of my time to Ethics. I have recently been playing a lot more often and I have been very active within E-11, which I'd like to dedicate some of that time to Ethics. Furthermore, I am currently on the reverse roster for Security Captain due to wanting to be more active within E-11 and hopefully Ethics. Furthermore, I currently uphold around 1,100+ Hours within Civilgamers SCPRP and 11,000 Hours in GMOD.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

The responsibilites for any Ethics Assistant is to ultimately ensure they are serving the Ethcis Members with their duties, such as being the left-hand man for the Ethics Members directly. If not doing serving the higherup Ethics who are on site, they are also dealing with other trivial matters such as tribunals, ethics, ethical questions, ethical evaluations, taking care of O-1 and instructing them on ethical matters, and taking the Ethics's roles in a case where no higherup Ethics are on site. They are also assistants for ethics members, and act as a much higher position on the rank hierarchy when commanded to do an order by a Member.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

****** ENCRYPTION AES-256 CTR ******



> Welcome, ████████-█. Please insert commands.
> File Decipher Protocol Initiated
> 'APPO'

Last Updated: 20/09/20██.

Known Aliases: 'Appo'.

Attendance: ALIVE.



Current Occupation: SITE_65.


---------- START LOG ----------

'Appo' was born on 21/02/1998 in London's St Bartholowmew's Hospital, raised in the United Kingdom in an urban ghetto central city with a struggling childhood and upbringing.

The family was poor and 'Appo' had to hustle for money for any chance to turn his life around.

His father left when he was a young boy, for reasons he was never told about. This had effected Appo immensely as he has never known who his real father is, and wonder when or if he'll find him again.

This was not the last of '
Appo's struggles as with the troubles that haunted his mother. The wealth was so scarce, at christmas nothing with given, leaving his mother to cry herself to sleep at christmas evening.

Eventually, 'Appo' saved enough money hustling during all his teen years despite the hard obstacles in life he had to face to book a ticket to america and wished to enlist as a us marine to, in his words during interrogation: 'fix his struggles'. Before departing he left his mother money, and never told her about the plan on the departure until the last minute, as he knew she wouldn't take it well, which she didn't.

'Appo's time during the us marines was a struggle for himself due to his fellow peers and marines after learning 'Appo's past, living poor, and coming from a different country of origin, the United Kingdom. The marines called him a foreinger for not having 'real american blood', & not being a 'brother'. 'Appo' still stayed in the marines due to his past, and this was not a big deal for 'Appo' anymore due to his hardships.

'Appo's stay during the us marines assigneed him to a mission code named 'Operation Observant Compass', this was a United States Department Of Defense Operation founded by the South United States South Africa Command, joined by some United Kingdom marine battalions to apprehend the Ugandan militant, Joseph Kony, who founded the Lord's Resistance Army.

During Operation Observant Compass, 'Appo' was reported for ████████-████ comportment.

This comportment proved beneficial for the Foundation.

Appo' was apprehended by agent
██████ under the extenuation of committing suicide by overdose on drug 'pentothal', covering up any loose ends.

Sent to site-65 for interrogation and a possible brainwash attempt. Brainwash proved successful.

Appo' forgets everything about his past. 'Appo' now serves site-65. 'Appo' is doing fine in site-65.

Unfortunately, no further ████████-███ comportment after brainwash due to this being a damaging affect on 'Appo'.

For undisclosed reasons by ruling of ████████-█, 'Appo' is still kept serving site-65.

---------- END LOG ----------
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+Support leaning to =/= Neutral

+Well Written Application
+Good Interactions

=/=Activity is questionable, I haven't seen you much ingame other than AFK/On Tab.
=/=Unsure about cooperation in events, regarding the main problem that occured during your previous ECA application

Hi Appo! As stated above, while I have seen you active on the server, I don't see you often ingame other than standing somewhere AFK or just on tab. Also, regarding your last application there was a complaint from a couple of GM's regarding your uncooperation during an Event, which is a little bit concering. Overall, good application, wish you the best of luck!
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Appo's application for a position as Ethics Committee Assistant.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be an assistant. Please contact me on Discord once you're ready for your interview.

You will be put on a trial period for a week.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved

Ethics Committee Director​
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