[UK] Athena's Game Master Application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): da_shoel
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: 870 hours, since late February
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone:
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
Ethics Member Athena ‘Chamber’ Grayhart
Chaos name (include your rank): CI-B Jessie [MRU-LCPL]
Civilian name: Eros
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:209317707
Discord ID (name#0000): chad4j#9120
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: N/A
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: No.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes. While I do not have experience in games, I have gained a considerable amount through chat-room-based role-play. In the past, I particularly focused on the cyberpunk genre RP and was a part of a community of over 100 players, in which we would interact using “rooms” which were essentially different parts of the Role-plays map. In this, I would be able to flesh out different characters, some ranging from lowly cybernetic street-side dealers, to my main character who is essentially a net-runner. This community prospered for about two years and is where I learned how to flesh out any particular character I’d make in future, as well as come up with new and intuitive ideas.
In my short time on the server, I have participated in a considerable amount of role-play, especially as part of Site Administration during the O5-2 “The Cortex” arc. During this, I planned out an entire specialized squadron, acted as a double agent for the Ethics Committee, as well as opening opportunities for suggestions and communication as to how this would be done. The squadron named, “Judgement” was created entirely for the purpose of this event, and was deployed between myself and a member of the Overseer command to capture and eventually execute the Overseer member who had been declared excommunicado.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I frequently average 4-6 hours.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
As a Gamemaster, I would be able to create fluid RP. I am of the firm belief that Site Command needs to create more role-play for those across the server. A lot of role-play on site when it comes to Site Command typically is exclusive to those in higher positions, or their related MTF unit. With the toolset that Gamemaster would provide, I could create more for newer players, allowing for a more pleasant introduction to myself in Site Command, rather than the first viewing being a heavily guarded individual walking across the site.

As well, as it stands, there are no Gamemasters in the committee, with myself in this position I would be able to assist the other members with anything they need in terms of creating areas, designing RP plans, and generally assisting with passive-rp situations which may require some level of GM intervention.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I am extremely experienced in PAC3. I have helped create a multitude of PACs across the site, whether these are custom models, re-textured existing models, simple head replacements or even animations. PAC3 is an incredible tool which allows us to create characters, environments or even soundscapes.

Voice-acting. During my time at university, I developed a skill set pertaining particularly to imitating accents, tones and general mannerisms in order to poke entertainment or fun, I have regularly when doing small RP on non-regular characters, such as the French Chef that feeds the Overseers. With this, I am presented with a unique opportunity: instead of relying on text chat to make RP feel more authentic, I can play a part so those around me can hear what is being said.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
  • Anomalous Cook-Off
    Tensions are high at Site-65, the favourite chef amongst players recently passed during a breach, and her replacement must be found. Site Command misses their deliveries of cheesecake and shawarma, and is seeking a more creative pallet. All chefs on site are called forth to a new facility kitchen and must cook for their lives. Ten chefs compete for head to head, each round losing two- they simply exit through the door behind the chefs and are swiftly replaced. A winner will prevail, and such take the position of head chef. However, don’t mind those mid-round interruptions, or those flying ingredients… I am sure, as always all is fine in Site-65.
  • CI: The executioner
    As a member of the Chaos Insurgency, your goals are simple. You cause disruption and harm to the SCP-Foundation. Recently, a particular member of interest has been spotted through your decrypted communications to be visiting the site closest to your Canadian base of operations, Site-65. The mission is simple, stop the car, battle the units, and take him. You know for a fact he will be stopping somewhere in the Pinewood region for a short moment, gas is always needed on such long journeys. As well, a message must be sent to the foundation to not be so lax on their envoys, and what happens when CI gets their hands on such personnel
    CI is to stop a vehicle with a researcher from another site and bring her back. With this,
    • The entirety of CI
  • What happened to 2295?
    Teddy had been carrying out his usual duties, helping those across the site patching people up when suddenly, poof. He’s gone. Just like that, mid-way through helping some D-Class with a bullet wound just about sewed up. Of course, the beloved teddy's disappearance is immediately reported, and well, the site is in ruins, even 999 seems somewhat upset. It is declared: 2295 must be found. Site 65 is to search for the teddy, and search parties are coordinated. Somewhere hidden in site, 2295 sits lost, unable to reach the door handle no matter the little boxes he climbs.
    This event would involve realistically anyone in the following groups to respond:
    • Containment Specialists
    • Combat Medics
    • RRT
    • MTFs
Please List a Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Researchers in the area gathered, getting a bit too close to the yellow tape surrounding the rather large crack on the side of the wall. They’d started appearing all over the place, with the site being a bunker and all, it’s worrying when giant cracks glowing almost black started appearing. E-11 had been tasked and dispatched quickly, their priority, keep people in bio suits, and keep the researchers not in them away. Particles started to float from the cracks, and areas were locked down. Researchers already started transferring sites, and more task forces showed up.

The site was deserted, and it seemed Site Command was barely responding. Even the Chaos Insurgency attacks seemed to be at an all-time low, or the GOC… they were quiet. Those cracks turned to darkened walls. Suddenly, the GOC contacted the foundation. They’d been seeing them appear in their own bunker, but what had concerned them more, was the large crack that had split pinewood in two. Even the CI seemed confused too, their base crumbling also.

SCPs had already been located at new sites, as far as the staff knew. The Site Command messages seemed repetitive… not like they were life anymore. After all, they were stalling, sat ready watching as slowly more and more of the world as they knew it crumbled. They were transported from this realm once the executives realized what was going on, a ripple, in reality, was causing it all to… fall apart.

The moment it reached the 17th night since the first appearance, the cracks began to grow, and local items in the area kept sucking more and more in. Legions of armed men, the researchers in which curiosity was ready to kill the cat fled the facility hearing the sirens ring throughout. All of them, ready on the surface, grabbed into any vehicle they could to try and drive away, and finally, a bright glow blessed the ground around all the envoys of the groups trying to get away.

Most expected at this point, this was the end. And for those who stayed, they were right. Everything within a 15km radius of Pinewood was… different, all the life that was there before changed, and those human lives became a new part of the world. Pinewood, Site-65, GOC Base and CI Base were gone, along with what populous it had left.

However, with all things to do with the SCP foundation, nothing was ever as simple as an explosion, no, everything had changed. It's a good thing those who left when they did so, well, did, for those would be the ones to discover what new world had been found.

List an example mission for each of the following:
A kill order should be simple. You find them, you execute them, and ensure there’s no splatter of blood left on your armour for when you return to bunks. O-1 had been ordered what should’ve been a simple kill order, an External Affairs agent supplying documentation to CI and GOC. While this would be handled interdepartmental, it just so happened these were files on one of their own members. Omega-1 is to track down the now on-the-run external affairs agent, and zero him. But, with such help from CI, they’re bound to try and stop them.

Alpha-1 has a mole (non-regiment player), and with the clues given it's their job to find them before the mole leaks all of their findings, clues and documents, notes and all will be placed around the site. It's up to A-1 to figure out who it is, interrogate them for who they really are, and present them before the Overseers, whether it's for execution or further use…

Military movements in the Pinewood region is more than concerning, especially when no one don’s the usual insignia found, not CI, not UNGOC. It is Nu-7s task to kidnap one, figure out why they're here and stop their construction of a base just south of Site-65.

It’s opening day in Pinewood for the latest IKEA! Permits were given for CL4 personnel to go and get some low-levels heavily guarded and sent in to shop… but their new items aren’t coming back, nor are their designated personnel. Once research notes the occurrence to be a suspected iteration of SCP-3008, it is E-11s task to lock down the area and secure the zone, a task force ready to take over (Either in-game players or GM Team) as they are ordered to sweep and find those lost shoppers. But be careful, the store is closing soon.

It's not often Site-65 has a Chaos Insurgent show up at their door, and it’s not often it's a high-ranking member. He no longer believes in the engineer's ideals and wishes to divulge all he knows to high command. CI must infiltrate and murder the traitor before they reach the Site Command welcoming the traitor in warmly. They have one attempt, one before more than they can imagine is leaked. Good luck.

A new SCP has shown up in Pinewood, and it seems UNGOC beat the foundation to the jump, the half-robotic thing slung over in their research rooms… inspect it and destroy it, but know, SCP-2040 should know you do not intend to respond to its primary message.

Foundation Staff:
Why on earth has a large pool of water taken habitat on either side of the core sector bridge, and why on earth are there bodies in the water? Remember, you do not recognize the bodies in the water. The area must be locked down, and personnel not let through.


-Have a lot of serious RP experience

-Good event ideas

-Can be scary and if it's needed for event will be a perfect mtf commander

I just hope she won't become my boss here too..
I don't want to be yelled at in gm VCs too?

PS: I am a gm too so if you need somebody to put props for EC ask me ;-;

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
+ Support
Amazing detail in events which seem would work well
Has shown amazing RP Skills as SA/SC
Well handled app
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