[UK] Athena's SCP-RP Game Master Resignation Appeal

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Name: Athena (Sadist/Maeve Glass)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:209317707
Previous Rank: Game Master
Date of resignation?: 05/12/2023

Why did you resign?
I had been a GM within the community for a prolonged period, however, I took leave from the server due to harassment I faced.

Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?:

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:
I have been back in Civil Networks for about two months now, keeping my activity up on Omega-1 (as can be seen by my duty logs). At the end of the day, the major perpetrators of harassment have left, I miss the ability to assist departments with enhanced RP such as tests, combat zones, and creating immense events with fellow team members (MC&D Auction, Cortex Storyline and the Halloween 2023 events) as at the end of the day- I did a lot with my GM powers to assist others, whether it was in major events creating PAC3s, Scripts, Dupes, etc or if it was to assist an ongoing storyline someone did, or generally doing mini-events tailored mostly at research to give them their headway on getting stuff going without the only reliance being on /mes.

I think realistically, I was a good GM who cared about her role, the community more than creating RP which is essentially grab a CL5 and act important. All I did in the role was push for other peoples ideas, and I don't ever think that'd be a negative to bring back to the team.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
At the current time I do not feel as though I can support your return to the GM team, with my main concerns being the increased need for indipendant work, and past conduct.
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