[UK] Auburn's HMOD Demotion Appeal

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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
Name: Auburn

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85985623

Previous Rank (convert if required): Head Moderator

Who demoted you?: Ventz

Date of demotion?: 2023/11/05

What server were you demoted from?: SCP-RP UK

What is the case against you?: Improper Handling of a Sensitive Situation

Is this true?: Yes

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
Nothing for nearly 8 months: Proof

What is your side of the story?:
As it is a sensitive situation, I am unable to give full details regarding the incident to remain in compliance with Section 12 of the staff handbook. However, I am able to share the following.
  1. As soon as I was made aware of the existence of the sensitive situation, I immediately moved to retrace my steps and reduce the damage done, cooperating with network leadership throughout.
  2. I was compliant, professional, and respectful throughout my interactions with network leadership, providing them screenshots of conversations, and offering information to assist them in handling the situation.
  3. Throughout my demotion with Yeke, I was calm and understanding, acknowledging my mistakes and assisting him and Super Admin Rushi with the removal process.
  4. After my demotion, I offered Rushi the chance to do a handover of the Weapon Rework, a project helmed by myself from within the content team, to make sure that it gets done as it is important to the community.
  5. I refrained from disclosing the details of the incident to people who asked afterwards, only explaining my position after the appeal with Ventz had gone through and I ran the message by Yeke first. I wanted no risk of further damaging the investigations NL were running.
  6. Lastly, I have settled my situation with Ventz regarding the situation. I have given my apology for the situation, and the appeal I made was accepted. Reducing my staff blacklist from 6 months to 4 weeks (The evidence for this is linked here). This placed my blacklist expiry date at 2023/12/03.

Why should you return / what will you change?:
The month I have been gone from the staff team has given me a lot to think about. I have come to realise that I greatly miss being a part of this team. I took pride in the responsibilities I was given, I was proud of the work I did for the community, and after spending time away I learned to appreciate the feeling I got helping people in the community. I miss that feeling. I miss being a part of the team, solving issues, helping people solve problems, and helping staff members get through tough situations, it's all work I greatly enjoyed doing and I would like to return to this.

If allowed back into the staff team, I will immediately move to rejoin the content team. I had many ideas and plans for the team and would like to continue with those goals upon returning. I would also like to pick up the weapon rework TripTrap took over in my absence, as it was the project I started my time in the team with.

To prevent an incident like this from occurring in the future, I will endeavour to be more careful in what I say and do going forward. This was caused by jumping blind. Not thinking before acting, and going off of empathy ahead of my proper judgement. I learnt this lesson about as hard as I could have, and will never make this mistake again.
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As stated above, Auburn still maintains his professionalism and still interprets his in-depth staff knowledge which he uses constantly to better not only his but others experience whilst playing the server despite him not being a pledged staff member anymore. Auburn always went above and beyond with his duties, constantly aiding lower ranked staff members with anything they required. Auburn was an amazing part of Content Team and always had the best ideas / the surreal ability to get things rolling. I think it would be great to see Auburn return to the Staff Team once more.

Best of Luck!



Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Appeal Accepted

Hi @Auburn,

Thanks for taking the time to make a demotion appeal.

Before your demotion, you were an amazing staff member that helped others and the content alot. I trust that what happened that led to your demotion will not repeat again and that you will continue doing good as a Staff member. This appeal will be accepted and you'll be brought back as a Head Moderator.

Please contact a Senior Admin+ to continue with this process. :)
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