[UK] Auburn's IA Ambassador Application

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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85985623
Discord name: Archangel#9336
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 942 Hours, Joined On December 2nd, 2022
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT+0
Character name(s): Auburn
Civilian name: "Waterfall"
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

IA Agent (Current)
DEA Agent (Current)
CI Alpha (Current)

UK E11 CSG (Former), 3 Months
US E11 LCPL (Former), 1 Month

UK CI Beta (Former), 1.5 Months

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

Jan 6th 2023: RDM[A] - A Misunderstanding during a Code 1
Jan 12th 2023: FailRP - Unknown
Feb 7th 2023: Combat Jumping - Panic during a Code 5
Feb 16th 2023: FearRP [A] - Unknown
Feb 19th 2023: Micspam - Unknown
Mar 17th 2023: FailRP[A] - Unknown
Apr 14th 2023: MicSpam - Unknown
Apr 21st 2023: Kick from SA Frank - Panicked and pressed a panic button too much

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

After returning to the UK Server, I decided to try out IA and Immediately fell in love with the playstyle. Not because I get to enforce my power over people, but because I get the opportunity to show new members of the community how to get the best out of their time on the server. If a player is new to the server, I almost always try to help them understand why they shouldn't do what they did, rather than punish them for something they don't see as inappropriate.

As an Ambassador, my goal would be to encourage this attitude in the other IA Agents on site. Encouraging them to act as a guiding figure to be looked up to, rather than a malevolent force to be avoided at all costs. IA Agents are often looked upon with distrust and hostility, and I want to change that. People new to the community are at their most vulnerable, and if some of their first experiences are getting thrown in a cell for 30 minutes? Without a chance to even process what is happening or what they did wrong? How can you expect them to stick around long enough to experience some of the many incredible things the community has to offer?

I want to change the attitude both within and towards IA, not at a departmental level, but at an individual one. To help encourage and craft honest and decent agents, ones that look to help lift people up from their missteps, rather than drag them down because of them.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:

I have been playing IA for about a month now, and have been constantly familiarizing myself with the job. The laws I am responsible for enforcing, the guidelines I have to follow as a representative of Internal Affairs, and my obligation on the server to help people understand and follow the rules we have on the server.

When your entire job is enforcing the rules, you end up getting a lot of abuse from people who break them. In such cases, I always treat those I am arresting with respect. I never treat them with spite or bitterness, and always make sure to remain objective in my decisions. I make sure to do this because it is incredibly difficult to tell whether someone is annoyed because they got caught, or because they didn't do anything in the first place.
It's important to remember that people will be annoyed if they are detained for no reason, and I don't blame them. I always try to remain objective in my cases and listen to both sides equally. Dishing out punishments where necessary, and advice where not.

When on patrol I always try to sort out disagreements in a more civil manner. Handling arguments and mediating between the parties involved. An arrest should only be dished out as a last resort, and I try to sort out disagreements as they happen, escalating to an arrest only if the parties continue to butt heads.

Often I provide advice to other Agents on the job, suggesting possible courses of action for those being arrested, or simply providing a second opinion to help them come to a more confident decision. A lot of the time, people need an outside perspective on their decisions and I look to provide this where possible.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I have written many documents from my time in MTF Epsilon-11 as I was the leader of a former squadron in the regiment. This involved updating the previous Squadron handbook, creating a tryout document for people interested in joining, creating a roster to track squadron members, and creating a monthly review of the squadron for the CO Team to read.

In my time as an IA Agent, I have created Arrest Report Documents for the more detailed cases I have dealt with. These reports follow the standard outlined in the IA Arrest Report Format and describe the situation in detail, including who was involved, what caused the situation, the events leading up to the arrest, and the arrest itself listing each infraction committed and how long they were arrested for said infraction.

There are many factors that contribute towards a document being of a high standard.
  • Structure
    • Planning out the layout and structure of a document prior to writing it will greatly assist in its readability of it. Separating the document into Sections and Sub-Sections makes it easier to search through, and allows the reader to understand each part on its own.
    • A document that is just one large block of text is near impossible to understand, and incredibly difficult to use if you're only looking for one specific part of it.
  • Formatting
    • Effective use of Bold, Italicized and Coloured text helps the reader pick out important parts of the document at a glance. If you want to make sure someone has read something important, Formatting is an invaluable tool.
  • Detail
    • You should always try to include as much detail as possible in whatever you are writing, but try and keep what you write relevant to the topic under discussion. Frequently going on tangents and spouting unnecessary information will cause the reader to lose interest, and potentially miss important parts of what you are trying to convey.
  • Examples
    • Many documents IA will be responsible for writing involve the enforcement of laws, how to behave on duty, and what privileges you are allowed on the job. A strict definition can only go so far, so including examples of both good and bad scenarios will be invaluable in helping a reader grasp a concept.
  • Visuals
    • Many people are aware of the phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words", and nowhere is that more applicable here. Effective use of Images, tables, and diagrams is incredibly useful for the reader, allowing them to quickly and easily understand things at a glance.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:​

  • Training of new IA Members.
  • Assignment of POIs to Agents both during and outside of sitewide codes.
  • Rewarding Agents for professional conduct, high activity, and good roleplay.
  • Disciplining Agents for abuse of power, unprofessional conduct, and malpractice.
  • Conducting Investigations on members of the foundation suspected to be in violation of the Foundation Legal Codex.
  • Operating Facility Blast Doors and other CL4 Objects to assist in the various sitewide codes.
  • Overseeing IA Agents on their daily duties to ensure they conduct themselves properly on the job.
  • Leading personnel on-site in the absence of any higher clearance Foundation staff.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:





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Active member
Mar 10, 2023

Active player, allways playing according to IA guidelines and well known.

John Nuts

Active member
Jan 12, 2023
+/- Neutral
I have seen you active on IA quite a lot but the time you were on E-11 and your response at NCO chat wasnt the best to say, as well as breaking FLC multiple times while you were E-11. I recommend getting your Blacklist appealed first then writing another app.
However I have been seeing that you are improving your actions and I believe that you can be a good ambassador if you keep continuing to improve your actions.
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
+/- Neutral
I have seen you active on IA quite a lot but the time you were on E-11 and your response at NCO chat wasnt the best to say, as well as breaking FLC while you were E-11. I recommend getting your Blacklist appealed first then writing another app.
However I have been seeing that you are improving your actions and I believe that you can be a good ambassador if you keep continuing to improve your actions.

Thank you for the response, and I appreciate the Concern.

After everything that happened I sincerely regret my actions that day. I was not in the right state of mind to take a step back and look at what happened properly. I made mistakes that day and the many days prior to it, and I fully accept that.

I have made an appeal for this blacklist, and understandably it was denied. The reason I was given is that they do not believe sufficient time has passed to prove that I had changed as a person. Accepting this decision I have been working at this goal, and I have since apologised to those involved in the situation. This application is also part of that goal yes, but because I want to prove I can be trusted once more.

I am confident now that given the opportunity I can show the change I have made, and that I can mend the relationship I sullied.


P.s. Congratulations on reaching Major! I haven't spoken to you since I left, so I apologise for the delay. It's long overdue and you've deserved it for a while now.

+extremely active
+always on IA
+leadership experience

From our time in frontrunners and E-11 i learned that auburn was capable and efficient, he was able to take a dead squadron and turn it into E-11's most active, he also has a booming presence and is great with handing out jobs and taking care of people, he is also great and fast with quality docs, now despite the tricky end in E-11, i would be happy to see auburn as an ambassador, it would be deserved and in my opinion needed for IA, since his departure from E-11 auburn has matured and grown, he holds no spite or grudges, and because of this i support auburn.

Best of luck
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