[UK] Avery's OSA Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:626730025
Discord name: biscuitsss
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 8 months
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Consultant 'Malpractice', Avery Miller
Civilian name: Biscuits Milker
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Medical Consultant x2 (Holding)
- E-11 CSG
- O-1 LCPL
- Some others I forgot about....

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Only warnings. RDM x3, FailRP x4, FearRP x2, PAC3 Abuse, Toxicity. Most of these are pretty old now.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: I believe my activity and skill will be of great assistance to the Overseer Council, I am incredibly active on the server (Mostly on Medical, where I am the head of Discipline within the Medical Leadership team) and when needed to, I get all the tasks sent to me done. I am always helpful and friendly and try help everyone I can.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- Serve as ambassadors for the O5 Council
- Preparing documentation, meetings and other business for the Council
- Completing set orders by the Council
- Ordering MTF A-1 when no O5 are available/when completing orders given by the Council
- Authorisation of AA (When no higher personnel are available.)

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Part 1 (UNGOC): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pxI_7RLXYT2meBl_0E8nODXqK9jmFpv0i_c0fzxyTak/edit?usp=sharing
Part 2 (Foundation): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YqPG9N8Lew-0wv3tzi9Qo-5jsUw4MlgaX3tgL1NmYAo/edit
(Please leave opinions on the lore in your replies. (Some of it might not be accurate to actual SCP lore, tried my best.))


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Biscuits . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

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