[UK] ayano's director of research application

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Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:211884816
Discord name: levi ackerman#0257
For how long have you played on CG SCP: since august 2022 ( 7 months )
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: israel
Time zone: GMT + 2
Character name(s): "ayano"
Civilian name: ayano
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive researcher


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 1 RDM warning which I did when I began playing the server ( I used to think I have Metagaming warn but when I checked I only have 1 RDM warning )


Why are you applying for Director of Research?
I think that I am mature , professional enough to be DoR other than that I have ideas to improve the department in issues that has been in the department for quite long , Ive been always interested in the research department where I wanted to expand my goals in this department which is fixing the department to reach a monthly review of 10 and also taking care of jr researchers who joins the department without reading the policies which will results in them breaking the policies I wanna make a new educating system that will help the whole department to have a great reputation among other departments and to do all of that I need a senior position in the department that has nearly unlimited options to do so which is the DoR and simply put I have alot of goals in the future which I require a senior position to reach them , Ive been playing the department for a long time and thats why I wanna reach even higher positions in the department , lastly I simply wanna help the DoR with his work and I believe he might need a second hand .


What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
First of all my activity in the server and my capability to be active in the morning where there is no exec or DoR to help researcher , I can help researchers during this time which will make them proceed in whatever plans they have .
In addition I understand the research policies and the code of ethics which is why I have the capability to enforce more strict punishments for researchers that way we can decrease the chances of researchers being arrested often .
moreover I am professional enough to hold such role and ive been trying to reach it since 5 months which is why I will work with passion once I reach it and not to mention that I am in A-1 which will prove my professionalism.
lastly I gave all my time as an exec.researcher to other researchers instead of using it for my own I have helped researchers with every kind if issue they have such as (documentation , grading , authorizing tests , answering questions regarding the policies even giving them ideas for their future tests) and I have only done 1 test as an exec but the idea was interesting which other researchers liked and it was based on RP .


What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
such role as DoR has many responsibilities even in RP and out of RP , in RP :

1) the main responsibility for the DoR to manage the research department and there are many ways to do it ( accepting exec apps and handling interviews , change the research policies in case there has been a situation or an order to do so from CL5 personnel , listening to exec researchers questions or opinions to help in managing the department , having weekly meetings with the executive researchers to discuss the department status and the exec researchers needs to improve )
2 ) the DoR needs to be a symbol and an individual in the department that can inspire researchers and make other researchers look up to , that is done by remaining professional at all times , helping researchers when they need help and even giving test ideas for researchers or a small idea that researchers need to plan a big test and of course being friendly not only with researchers but with other people .
3) Since the DoR manages a department he needs to make sure that the research department has good reputation in the foundation and make sure that the department has great relationship with other departments by ( helping other individuals in different departments by answering questions that are related to the research department , having great relationship with the directors of other departments , making sure that no researcher is hostile towards any individual in other departments and even solving conflicts that might happen between a researcher and other personnel before it evolves into a big issue that might harm the department relationship with other departments )
4) since the DoR is a senior role it is most likely that CL5 personnel such as the O5 and ethics committee members or site administration will give him clear orders that are related to the department and the DoR needs to do what they order him and thats the main reason why the DoR needs to maintain a good reputation in the foundation .
5 ) lastly the DoR needs to always provide RP in the department and that is done by authorizing tests that holds RP in them and giving ideas that contains RP in them because RP in an essential thing in the department that you to use in your documents and tests and if you RP correctly you will enjoy the department even more this is also a way to attract other players to the department .


Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name : unknown
code name : "ayano"
current position : executive researcher ( possible promotion)
IQ : 210

Executive researcher "ayano" a researcher who have worked all his way to the position of executive researcher in order to avenge the death of his parents when he was a child because of SCP-096 breach , a researcher that the SCP foundation trusted to be capable enough of terminating an SCP such as SCP-096 after reaching the role of executive researcher "ayano" have decided to dedicate all of his time do expanded research on SCP-096 since he has more options now to do this kind of tests .

After 1 year of being executive and doing alot of tests ayano has decided to do 1 final test and termination attempt for 2 main reasons
1) it was a direct order from the O5 council as the council started to give up on the idea of terminating SCP-096
2) "ayano" started to try and accept the idea of SCP-096 being immortal and there is no way to die and the only reason that kept making him do tests is the feeling of living a life where you fail to avenge and your parents killer other than living knowing your parents killer is still in the foundation .

After this last test which turned out to be a failure , "ayano" decided to conclude his tests because of one simple conclusion which was SCP-096 has some kind of insane level of endurance and durability and he decided to give up on SCP-096 .

However for some reason the site administration has been interested in "ayano" being the new DoR as the current DoR decided to resign from his position , the site administration have seen the potential "ayano" can reach because of the finding that "ayano" provided to keep SCP-096 always pacified .

After calling for him they decided to make a simple interview with "ayano" to check if he has the required knowledge for such role , as ayano have passed the interview it did not mean that hes going to be a DOR it just means that he has a high chance of being the next DoR and they are going to keep an eye on him for the next few days .

Note : this lore is some kind of sequel to the past role I made when I applied for exec.researcher , so if you feel this lore was not detailed you may check my exec.researcher app and read the lore .

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Reactions: Shida Kayn

Shida Kayn

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Aug 21, 2022
-had a lot of interactions
- very good application
- great lore
- friendly
- very active
- helpful as an Exec

I had many interactions with you when you were playing as an executive researcher and all the time you helped me alot
good luck.

Mobile Task force Alpha-1 CPT.


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @ayano

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

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This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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