[UK] Ayano's Director of Research Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:211884816
Discord name : mers_28
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 993.5
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Israel
Time zone: GMT+3
Character name(s): 'ayano'
Civilian name: ayano
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive researcher ( second time )Director of research
Executive researcher


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Yes I have 2 expired warns

1) RDM : (this one was back in 2022)

2) Metagame : I got this one last month when I first came back wasnt planning on being serious in server again .


Why are you applying for Director of Research ?

One of the reasons I am applying for Director of research is because the Director of research has been open for so long and I believe that the current Director of research would need the additional help of another director that could help him in paper work , managing the external relations with other departments , assisting in providing opinions and implementing new systems/activities within the research department which would create a higher RP quality within the department , In addition I believe that my experience as a past DOR and as an old researcher could benefit the department and the other DOR in improving the department and involving as many RP as possible within the department and the whole site , I would also like to climb the ranks within the research department and be able to contribute to the department in a higher level .


What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:

I believe that my past experience in research department would be a big contribution in managing the department by improving the external relations with other departments and GOC , changing and adding new policies to the research policies when needed , giving the executive team a bigger role within the department , etc. , I have also spent alot of time with other researchers and gave them tips and advices to improve their RP and skills as a researcher , I have been active enough as a researcher to interact with most researchers and supervise their test and pick up talents that could be polished and become a great executive researcher , I also have the appropriate knowledge to manage the research department ingame or externally .
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:

Managing the department

As Director of research you are responsible in managing the department and you are the face of the department , the better you manage and the department the better the department is going to perform and the higher ups will start putting more trust in you , you are responsible in changing the research policies when needed and add new policies when asked to , In addition the DOR is responsible in answering the executive researchers applications and handling their interviews , accept them when he sees them fit and deny them when he sees that an improvement should be made , DOR is also responsible in handling relations with other departments to deliver higher RP quality not only within the department but to all the departments and that is done by planning projects with other departments that would make both departments enjoy their time in the server .

Maintaining a good reputation

The director of research is responsible in maintaining a great reputation for the department within the site to ensure that other departments are willing to seek help from the research department and seek their contribution in many different projects . The research department is full of RP and it is necessary that other departments would always feel free in doing RP with the research department . The DOR can maintain a good reputation by making sure the all the researchers within the department follow the FLC and do their job in an efficient and professional manner , In addition more projects should be shared with other departments to deliver more RP for the 2 departments which could also result in other players finding the department more interesting and be encouraged in climbing the research hierarchy .


The director of research is the pinnacle within the department and all researchers will look up to him as an individual and as a researcher which is why the director of research needs to be professional at all times and follow the legal codex with high efficiency , make sure to always answer researchers when he is needed and to always give them the best advice , making sure that hes constantly delivering projects and research ideas to all researchers , making sure that lectures for researchers are always available and delivered . When the director of research fails to become an inspiration of improvement then he is failing as the Director of research .

answering to the higher ups

The director of research is responsible in following the SA/SC orders as they would be a way to deliver constant RP within the department as most of the times SA/SC orders are about research projects , adding/changing the research policies , following their orders is essential in maintaining a good relation with them which could also rise the importance of the department within the site , the more projects a department has the more RP it will deliver and if relations with SA/SC is good then more projects will be coming .

liaising with other departments

The director of research is not only responsible in managing the department internally but also externally meaning that he must have good relations with other departments at all times and reach them whenever he can to ensure delivering more RP to as much players as possible to as many players as possible , this could also benefit the players in exploring more things in other departments that could make them interested in different departments encouraging them to climb the hierarchy in different departments , liaising with other departments would also the department in maintaining a good picture and keeping a healthy reputation that would encourage other departments in reaching out the research department .
Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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Opening File........
CodeName : "ayano"
Age : 25
gender : Male
in the year 2016 the 05 Council decided to create a new sub division within the research department , this subdivision will be full of anomolus researchers with high intelligence , the purpose of this project is to create a new improved researchers that are capable in understanding the incomprehensible , this division will assist in explaining all unusual phenomena and could also lead to the answer of "where did the anomalous come from ?".

A bunch of highly intelligent researchers has been brought to SCP-914 and has been put inside on the "Very Fine" setting , such setting is unpredictable which is why a high number of MTF operators has been on site to assist in eliminating anything anomalous that comes from SCP-914 , after doing the test on 25 researchers 5 of them come out alive while the other 20 went missing and has been deemed dead .
After conducting several interviews with the researchers no anomalous effects has been seen , after testing their intelligence the results was normal all IQ tests has been normal and no changes to the IQ level has been recorded , yet the 5 researchers has been able to explain anomalous phenomena that no one was able to explain before .
addendum 1 : after the first successful test in creating the 5 researchers the foundation tried to repeat the same test however it resulted in failure and the foundation was not able to create more researchers like the 5 researchers .
addendum 2 : Due to a huge breach that occurred in site-** 4 of the 5 researchers has been killed during the breach and "ayano" was the sole survivor , the foundation decided to maximize their protection for "ayano" in order to not lose him as more attempts in creating a researcher like him in SCP-914 was all a failure .


Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2022
If possible could you send a screenshot of your VTime? It's just that I don't see you often
I have been on LOA for 2 weeks this month which would explain why I have relatively low hours towards the end of the month


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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
- support
You're an exec and thats about as much as i know. I've seen you maybe once, but never really seen you do anything.


Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2022

You were a friendly DoR previously but I didn't see much activity or rp come from you while in that position or currently as exec. however I could be completely wrong and am happy to be corrected.
Hello kaz , thank you for the reply and I wish to add a couple of things regarding my activity since you said that its okay if I correct you

for the last few days I have been playing as an exec in late nights so I would understand why you think I am being inactive

also for my DOR activity I have been pretty much active and you can ask some of the execs that was also in research department at that time , since it has been a year I would understand if you forgot it

also for my RP I would agree with you as much of the RP that was happening was within research department so people outside from it wouldnt notice it .

again thank you for the reply and your opinion .
Aug 13, 2023
I see you've got some history and are kind of an "OG" Player but personally i don't remember the last time i saw you..quite frankly i barely know who you are. As for your role as an Exec researcher i've never seen you on comms or hosting some RP (you probably only host them for people within research).

Never the less i haven't really seen you around, doing anything

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████.

Hello, @ayano

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.
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