[UK] Bailey M's O5-6 Application 'The Presence'

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Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022
Steam ID:


Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
1,848,840 Seconds (513 Hours)


In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom (England)

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Bailey M

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Site Director
-Site Advisor
-Ethics Committee Assistant
-Executive Researcher
-Security Captain

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 0 Bans
-0 Kicks
-1 Warning for Combat Cuffing

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I Am applying for the position of O5-6 Within the Council. I wish to further indulge in the RP of the site in which a role within the O5 council will help me to do so as being a member of the O5 Council heavily revolves around high performing RP capabilities in which i want to develop upon, this will therefore improve the RP quality for myself as well as my peers within the server. I wish to have a more direct ability to assist those of the Site and to help manage and sustain the departments within it specifically research as it is the department that started my long journey however i love any other department/regiment within the site just as much so therefore overseeing any department/regiment would be fine with me. I believe that i am exceedingly comfortable with management and administrative skills in which i wish to further expand and improve upon. Ever since the beginning of my journey, my end goal has always been to take a seat at the O5 Council, when i am set upon a task it will be completed no matter what setbacks or obstacles are thrown back at me, therefore I will do whatever it takes to reach this destination. Finally, becoming a member of the O5 Council will allow for me to close a chapter of my characters story and re-enter into a new discovery of a redeveloped individual. The number that is bestowed upon will not be of importance to myself and will not affect my interest in the role.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
My first endorsement that I will refer is that of my documentation skills, i have had an excessive amount of time to develop my documentation capabilities (Internal and External), this documentation has been developed since the beginning of my research career. Upon becoming a Sr. Researcher i would spend countless hours contradicting my own documentation and going through countless rewrites. This has therefore lead to a (Questionable) habit of me reworking my documentation until it reaches my standard of perfection, this will therefore ensure that my documentation work will always be provided with the elevated quality that is expected. My time as an Ethics Committee has also developed my Documentation Work, this is due to me developing the ability to isolate key information to make a document hold more valuable and contain unnecessary contain that can possibly ruin the contents of a document. In my time as Site Advisor i was able to converse with my colleagues and we determined effective ways to gain beneficial information from individuals which allows for more details/content to be implemented into your documentation. As Site Director i have learned how to convert large chunks of unnecessary information and compress it into shorter/easier to read content which allows for the content of a documentation to be effectively displayed.

The second factor that i will refer to is my activity. I have been a consistently active member of the server for a considerably long time, i am on the server almost every single day of the week and when i am on the server i am on the discord providing help where i can or/and working on external documentation. Overall my activity for the server is heavily consistent in game and out of game.

I consider my roleplay capabilities and experience as the third factor that makes me a suitable candidate for O5. I have been practising roleplay on the server for a long time. Prior finding the Civil Networks community i had already been roleplaying for 1 year and a half. My character has gone through major development and my knowledge of the server has been heavily expanded upon. My array of CL4 roles has allowed for me to develop a large sense of maturity which has also affected me IRL were a large majority of the time my RP character somewhat slips leading to me speaking as if i am in the server (Somewhat concerning i am aware) but overall this has led to me developing as a person IRL and In Game. This maturity development has then therefore lead to my exceptional professionalism whilst on site and i am never seen engaging in any form of misbehaviour or misconduct but instead correcting it. My CL4 experience has allowed me to develop upon feats such as documentation, lecturing, discipline, administration and many more.

I also believe that i currently have positive relations with those in Site Command (Ethics and O5) which will be very crucial for cooperation between both forms of Site Command

I also have a strong work ethic and beliefs, i aspire to do more work meaning that when i have a task to do, it is completed with extras added into it were it can be. And when i have an opinion whether it be on a policy or any wrong doings i ensure that my opinion is heard, i consider myself an administrative force in which i have gained alot of respect from the others i have encountered within the site and i have learned to manage and control to not become a Tyrant with my power and responsibilities showing that i have self control and further expands upon my maturity

I consider my self well liked within the server, i never suffer from any grievances with my peers and therefore always have positive interactions with those that i interact with. This will be important when talking to Dpt Leader/Sr Staff as it will maintain a friendly environment and ensure that any conversations are not turned hostile and if there are any disagreements they can quickly and maturely be resolved.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
In Roleplay Context, the O5 Council are responsible for upholding an array of duties/tasks:

-They have full control over how the site is managed alongside the Code Of Conduct, this could be by changing facility policies or sections of the Code of Conduct or changing the Code of Conduct entirely, they decide what is added/removed/changed in the Code Of Conduct.

-O5 should be overseeing those that they have assigned for example, individuals such as; Site Directors, Site Advisors, Overseer Assistant, Department Director's, Commanding Officers etc.

-In the situation of a Code Black, if necessary they may authorise the Nuclear Warhead if it is deemed as the only available option that remains, they are also responsible for calling said Code Black's.

-O5 are expected to meet with GOI's (Group of Interests) Such as the GOC (Global Occult Coalition) to represent the entirety of the foundation and discuss any conflicts or specific issues that need to be addressed etc.

-Alongside overseeing individuals, Overseers are to overlook the overall department's/regiments in order to stay update with the current health of said department/regiment to decide if it needs any support/change.

-The O5 Council are assisted by the MTF Squadron Alpha-1 (Red Right Hand), they directly assist the O5 Council receive any commands from O5 and only Clearance Level 5 Personnel understand and know the true purpose of the Squadron.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
O5 may need to speak to SL (Server Leadership) to discuss any major issues that may possibly arise. O5 are expected to uphold the maintenance and creation of the Code of Conduct by giving it updates etc. O5 update and keep track of the Site Structure spreadsheet which contains all the information of all personnel. Upon a joint agreement/discussion within the council after considering many different factors for example the current health of a department and the Individual them self, the O5 Council make verdicts regarding Personal Role Reassignments (Role Applications) for roles such as ;Department Director(s), Site Administration Members, Overseer Assistants and MTF Commanders/ Lieutenant Commanders.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

O5-1: "I will ask once more"
*Security Footage Stuttering*
O5-1: "Where do your priorities lie?"
Bailey M: "With The O5 Council"
O5-1: "Brilliant, i just wanted to ensure that you are worthy and capable of our trust being placed upon you"
Bailey M: "Are there any other questions that you wish to ask me?"
O5-4: "We ask the questions, thank you"
Bailey M: "Apologies"
O5-1: "If the sun is not present to cast a shadow... where does the shadow remain?"
Bailey M: "Inside, a shadow inhabits every individual, only a few embrace it and let it take control and flow through them"
O5-1: "What is that supposed to entail?"
Bailey M: "It is a difficult concept to comprehend, when we do not acknowledge the shadow, it still remains..."
O5-1/O5-4: "Continue"
Bailey M: "That is how i view myself, although they may not realise, i am there, i am the shadow, the shadow that watches, the shadow that OVERSEERS there actions."
*Security Footage Disconnects*
*35 Minutes Later, 19:13, 10/5/[REDACTED]
*Security Footage Stutters and reactivates"

O5-1: "How do you wish to conceal your identity.
O5-6: "I wish for my personnel file to be removed, the memory of what was to be removed, the shadow of my PRESENCE to be removed"
O5-1: "Are you certain? Your legacy will be Forgotten."
O5-6: "A new legacy... begins"
*Security Footage Disconnects*

Convert file???

File Name: ???
Clearance Level: 5
Contents of File: [REDACTED]
View File???
Insert Confirmation of Identity.
Identity Confirmed
Accessing File
File ??? (Updated moments ago by ???)
Classified Document, viewing will result in ID CHIP being identified and tracked and located by ???.



Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022
I've only just realised the link to the second part of my Lore is hard to identify it is the light red text labelled 'File ??? (Uploaded Moments Ago), here is the link in case that directory does not work (Lore)
Aug 10, 2022
Massive +Support.
Bailey definitely deserves this role. 100%. Active, mature, and hard-working and is one of the few people i've met who actually cares for the site and not just a role for it's clearance level.

- Stones.
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