Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:203933037
Discord name:Kriter#5288
For how long have you played on CG SCP:Since January
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone:GMT+
Character name(s): Mikhail 'Big Mike' Fergus
Mikhail 'Big Mike' Brekker
Civilian name:Georgio Lorpo
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):UK
Do you have a mic?:yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Holding: Internal Affairs Ambassador and A1 LCPL
Helded: O-1 CSG, NU7 PVT,NU7 SGT and Ethic Assistant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Fail rp and fear rp refused to tell ci the answers
-NLR Went back to 914 after being killed
-Combat Cuffing cuffed O1 and ethics while having gun pointed at me
-Minor Glitch Abuse used the table to tp to catwalk
One day from Forums i didn't know commenting on ban appeals that doesn't involve can get you in trouble (that's before they implemented that rule they added that rule in city rp ban appeal rule but not in other in other servers.)
2x for afk one was unreasonable i was making lecture document
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
-i want to expand my administrative skills and 'Developing skill it is my aspiration to help others with some necessary problems, i bring both brains and brawns to the table, as a IA Ambassador i help new agents and new ambassador on how to do their job including my own ambassador guideline which helped alot of ambassador on how to do their job.
i want make the rp more entertaining for people and bring lot of ideas for departments.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
-As a IA Ambassador i changed some policy such as giving DIA authorization for agents to enter dblock catwalk and weapon checking rule including helping my director of ia who has dyslexia with documents i am mixture of field and administrative ambassador. helped people with problems they have with code of conducts and code of ethics.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
-as a site advisor, you are assigned to department to review and "overseer" it ensuring that they following the health and protocol of the site command
as a Site advisor you are second highest authority next to site command, you can authorize AA if it's a major code 5 and authorizing for mtf to enter dblock and Auth to brainwash hostile GoI this also include organizing sweep doing code two if CoS or captain aren't on site. as a site advisor you must always be professional and listen to any complains personnel have.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
**Username**: Novelist13Discord name:Kriter#5288
For how long have you played on CG SCP:Since January
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone:GMT+
Character name(s): Mikhail 'Big Mike' Fergus
Mikhail 'Big Mike' Brekker
Civilian name:Georgio Lorpo
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):UK
Do you have a mic?:yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Holding: Internal Affairs Ambassador and A1 LCPL
Helded: O-1 CSG, NU7 PVT,NU7 SGT and Ethic Assistant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Fail rp and fear rp refused to tell ci the answers
-NLR Went back to 914 after being killed
-Combat Cuffing cuffed O1 and ethics while having gun pointed at me
-Minor Glitch Abuse used the table to tp to catwalk
One day from Forums i didn't know commenting on ban appeals that doesn't involve can get you in trouble (that's before they implemented that rule they added that rule in city rp ban appeal rule but not in other in other servers.)
2x for afk one was unreasonable i was making lecture document
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
-i want to expand my administrative skills and 'Developing skill it is my aspiration to help others with some necessary problems, i bring both brains and brawns to the table, as a IA Ambassador i help new agents and new ambassador on how to do their job including my own ambassador guideline which helped alot of ambassador on how to do their job.
i want make the rp more entertaining for people and bring lot of ideas for departments.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
-As a IA Ambassador i changed some policy such as giving DIA authorization for agents to enter dblock catwalk and weapon checking rule including helping my director of ia who has dyslexia with documents i am mixture of field and administrative ambassador. helped people with problems they have with code of conducts and code of ethics.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
-as a site advisor, you are assigned to department to review and "overseer" it ensuring that they following the health and protocol of the site command
as a Site advisor you are second highest authority next to site command, you can authorize AA if it's a major code 5 and authorizing for mtf to enter dblock and Auth to brainwash hostile GoI this also include organizing sweep doing code two if CoS or captain aren't on site. as a site advisor you must always be professional and listen to any complains personnel have.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Password: Lucrative
**Searching for Mikhail Fergus file**
** Warning Clearance Level Four Required**
** Clearance Level Acquired**
** Access Granted **
Welcome User and Glory to Foundation

Date of birth: 19/02/1985
Birthplace: Nebraska, USA
Real Name: Mikhail Brekker Fergus
Nickname: Big Mike
Other Aliases: Micheal-Angelo, Mike , Micheal
Blood Type: B-
Pre-Foundation Life
Mikhail Fergus was a small time detective with passion of justice and protecting the weak from the savages from the society becoming hero in his small town in nebraska after busting Big Scandal in the Mayor's office who turn out to be selling insurance frauds and human trafficking, Fergus was always passion for books especially his favourite of all time "The Prince" By Niccolo Machiavelli, Fergus's life struck at him after his daughter died in a freak accident which was planned by site commands to get to him, after the accident. Mikhail vanished from the society was later found tending bars after another. he was spotted by one of our field operatives after being lured into dark alley to capture him we found out that five of our operatives end up with broken ribs and punctured lungs which were they were later "Replaced". luckily we managed to capture fergus after being injected with a sedative and he was still fighting in his sleep. he was taking to our building for interview by {REDACTED}, being offer new job as a internal affairs agent and clean record to start new life. he accepted it thinking it would be for the better.
Rookie Agent
As a IA agent, he quickly adapted to the site rules including making his own exam to pass it, as a agent who holded most record of arrest surpassing his superiors, foundation consider him the most ethical personnel on site whether due to his extreme knowledge of code of ethics or it was just a joke. years later he was invited by his director, offer him a promotion as a ambassador, he gladly accepted his new position. becoming longest and dedicated ambassador of internal affairs. one of his well known skills of his cunning ability him and along with director of IA Mr.Dear changed and improved the department.
in spe credimus
doing normal day in site-17, a insane researcher threw picture 096 to dblock causing code four and riot, the chief of security and captain were no one to be find, Mikhail stepped in and help with organizing sweep knowing he cannot it's not in his power to do it. he ensure that the sweep went smoothly and he did. the riot and 096 was safely secured and done swift;y few hours later he was requested by O5, to come to administrative center, thinking he is trouble, after arriving he took a sit outside of the lobby thinking he will be removed from his job. a strange man in weird spetsnaz look like uniform told him to follow him, he was interview by O5-. about the organizing mtf and gensec in dblock. instead being angry at him he offered him position as Site Advisor, thinking he would it would be his last day to breath air last time he grasped for air and gladly accepted new position.
**Audio Loaded**
O5-■: Bonjour, Mr Fergus do you know how you here?
M.Fergus: Uhh was it because of the organizing the sweep in dblock?
O5-■: Yes it is.
M.Fergus: Listen i know this is bad but if i didn't do anything about it, it could've get worst!
o5-■ : i do not care about it, i'm here to offer you new position as a site advisor
M.Fergus: site advisor that's a generous offer sir.
o5-■ : Well i ain't santa claus and the foundation could use a man like you since the previous site advisor resigned due to health problem
M.Fergus: well sure i gladly accept it but what about ethics?
o5-■ : don't worry about it they will let that slide as long you make sure you don't do that again even though we're offering you new position
M.Fergus: So when do i start
o5- ■: right, you be transter to new site, site-65 and one more thing
M.Fergus: what is it?
o5-■ : Be Neutral and don't f*&k up
M.Fergus: Sure
o5-■ : alright, man get him out of here