[UK] Bill N.'s Second GM App

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Preface: Considering my previous application (along with almost everyone else’s) were denied due to the GM team being full at the time, I’ve re-used event ideas and added further depth into them. This way I’m not carbon-copying my old application but it’s also clear there’s still effort going into this

Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
About 7 months


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
Nu-7 CSG Bill N. "The Grape Guy"

Chaos name (include your rank):
CI-C DELCOM Bill N. "The Chaos Guy"

Civilian name:
Gerald G. "The Goop Guy"

Steam ID:

Do you have a mic?:

What server are you applying for?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my second application: previous denied app here:
Denial reason: GM slots full at the time

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Banned once but was wiped from my record
No kicks
All of my warns have expired, here’s the full list if you want it: (am not on the server right now, I'll get a better photo later):
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
No, but I'm a relatively experienced builder

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes, I used to play on other serious RP servers before this

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
At least 1 or 2 a day but will always be a lot more active on weekends.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
Reiterating what I said in my last application, hosting events has always been something I’ve been interested in, but I never went out of my way to apply for GM. After the player-driven PWCA event (which me and a few other people organised) I was hooked onto the idea of hosting events and the like. I've also recently gotten into building more, and feel like I'd be a good fit in the team.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
As I said in my last application, I’ve often seen people complaining that events are restrictive and very closed, where the average player won’t be very involved. Having a good amount of almost every job available (excluding ISD and the factions added in surface update) I think I can host events the average player can enjoy more often while also making good events for players in SA, SC, etc… Combined with my good knowledge of SCP lore makes me think I’d make a good member of the GM team.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

The PWCA Incident

The Pinewood Crime Agency, once a small ranger station reporting on local fence-cutters and vandals are thrust into the world of the anomalous after a mass containment breach resulting in an evacuation of Site 65. With limited knowledge of the foundation, they aim to uncover more about what is happening inside this mysterious facility, while interviewing anyone they can.
Having run this event without any GM privileges, I think I could expand on it more and make it a more fun event for everyone if I had more tools at my disposal.

How it would work:
Rangers open secure comms with the foundation and introduce themselves, alongside what they know (Basic knowledge of most SCPs on-site)- They want to enter the facility to further interview any sentient SCPs. The addition of SCP 073 and 7722 will give the PWCA more to do.
They will meet with SA/SC on the surface and discuss terms, where they will go, what they will do, etc…
If all goes to plan, they will enter the facility guarded by ISD and toured by SA/SC, interviewing anyone willing in the facility. This includes D-Class, Gensec, Researchers, sentient SCPs, and so on.
After all is said and done, they will leave the facility (likely amnesticised) and the event will be over. If it is continued further, the info they gain will be placed onto “PWCA Secure servers” where it lays dormant until “re-discovered” by PWCA agents (as they’ve all been amnesticised). This allows for room for continuation if wanted, but also gives the foundation an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and end the PWCA for good if they decide to.

Birds have infested the facility! Not only are they a major annoyance, but they've been nesting in the door control systems. Some crafty crows have even been smuggling items into D-Block! Site staff could keep the birds around (and face the consequences) or destroy their nests and try shooing them out of the facility.

How it would work:
An announcement on comms would say something like: “Birds have been spotted in the facility, we need to get them out before they cause us problems. Any MTF on-site are free to assist” signifying the start of the event
3 or 4 GMs disguised as birds will place a custom built bird-nest/hay bale prop around the facility nearby SCP objects. At first, they will fly around and generally be nuisances, flying and doing stuff that birds do. If allowed, decals could even be used to incentivise MTF to find and stop the birds before they make the site dirtier than it is.
If MTF don’t respond/find the nests about 10 minutes, the birds will start picking up items on the floor and dropping them in D-Block.
An announcement in comms would say: “Birds have been spotted picking up keycards on the floor and taking them to an unknown location. MTF on-site should consider assisting”
The idea here is to give MTF a real reason to stop these birds and give D-Class a chance to take advantage of the event, as they are rarely included in them.
Even worse, if MTF don’t respond within 20 minutes, the birds will begin to bunch up inside one containment chamber and breach an SCP (ie the birds are making a nest inside the door control systems, giving the SCP in question a chance to breach)
An announcement on comms would say: “The birds are nesting inside of the door control systems. MTF on-site are to find and shoo these birds out of the facility immediately. This could cause a containment breach.”
This stage of the event would obviously be halted if there was a mass containment breach, as a group of birds breaching more SCPs just wouldn’t be fun. Times stated are also subject to change if people feel they aren’t paced correctly

A Fly Infestation
SCP 3063, a wish-granting fly, has spontaneously appeared in the facility. Anyone who asks for a wish will have it granted, but their days will be numbered. The Foundation could try and take advantage of this SCP at the cost of their own lives, or a well-timed CI raid could use it to their advantage. If unlucky enough to manifest in D-Block, who knows what would happen..
(If this were to happen wishes would obviously be restricted so no-one can ask "Make me the new O5-1", wishes would probably extend as far as modelling someone/giving them items - 5-10 minutes after the wish is granted the person in question will be killed)

How it would work:
An announcement on comms will say: “Facility pesticide supply depleted, abnormally low Hume levels detected outside of containment chambers. SCP 3063 suspected to manifest somewhere in the facility. MTF units respond. Do NOT accept wishes with any entity no matter how much you think you will get.”
One GM modelled as a very small bird (so they are still visible) will spawn somewhere inside the facility and ask to grant wishes to anyone in the facility. Similar to the bird event, the first 10 minutes will entail granting small wishes to people, eg “Give me a freedom” (as a one-time use weapon, non-holsterable) and killing them after 5 minutes. If the person dies, the fly respawns at their body and finds a new victim. If MTF fail to re-contain the fly after 20 minutes, he will manifest in D-block and begin to grant wishes in there. These will be small at first, eg “Give me a glock” or “Give me a CL2”
To recontain the SCP, MTF must kill all flies in the facility/ place everyone who has had a wish granted into temporary containment.
The end of the event would be shown by an announcement in comms: “Facility pesticide supply re-established, Hume levels outside of Containment Areas returning to normal. MTF return to normal duties.”

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
A Problematic Site

A newly christened Site is bought by the foundation due to its optimal location and well-furnished facilities. One problem.

One of the on-site missile silos isn't empty.

And the Chaos Insurgency knows.

An all-out war rages underground as the CI haphazardly attempt to break through the Site and launch the warhead towards Site-65 while they have the chance.
The foundation will need to defend against multiple waves of CI and the anomalies they've weaponised long enough for backup to arrive or for their team of tech experts and D-class to dismantle the bomb, lest the entirety of Pinewood is vapourised.
MTF waves that act as backup can be deployed similar to ERT, for example if CI have weaponised 106 then E-11 can be called in to deal with it. Similarly, if a particularly bad wave of CI reaches deep into the facility, Nu-7 could be called in to help deal with them. This isn't to say there'd be no MTF on-site already though.

How it would work:

Obviously with such a large map change event its workings would be very intricate and probably take a while to make and have functional. As a result, this would probably be something planned much in advance to give time for relevant features to be implemented.
Since this part is quite long I'll put it in spoilers:

Entry to the event
Weeks before the event starts application forms could be made with the dev server/a new server being hosted for the day. This would be whitelist only to stop minges from ruining the experience.
This idea could be scrapped, and anyone could be free to join likely with a readout explaining event details.
Alternatively, anyone that isn’t a first-time joiner/is above total level X (let say level 20 + combat level 10 for now) is allowed to join. This would mean they have at least some experience on SCP-RP.

Pre-event setups
The server would restart and load this map in, with GMs alongside SL getting the map ready for everything going on. This entails adding spawn points for CI/foundation members, locking certain jobs eg chefs, and more.
Once all features are ready, players will be open to join and get ready for the event.

The event itself
Most non-combat jobs may be removed temporarily/capped at lower limits to bolster site security. Class D and Tech Experts are essentially VIPs that need to be escorted to the missile silo to “disarm the bomb”. This disarming feature would likely be a custom-coded design or entail hacking multiple VERY HARD hacks alongside more puzzles.
All EXP earned during this event will have a modifier on it, and wages will be doubled, even tripled. This is to encourage more players to participate in the event.
As the server opens, CI will be waiting in a base outside of the bunker and wait for the event to begin. Foundation staff will be getting ready and arming up for the onslaught, unknowing of where or when it will start.
CI have weaponised numerous SCPs, in this scenario SCPs are allowed to team with CI. Rarely, an SCP such as 106 will spawn with a CI wave and help them on their raid. Their health values will be buffed as they will be fighting against hundreds of individual players. Not much else said about this.
MTF waves will act like ERT (but much bigger) and come with similar equipment.
E-11 are essentially reskinned ERT (without the turrets) and are sent to recontain SCPs. Once said SCPs are recontained they will exfil the facility. Doing so will give EXP bonuses.
Nu-7 will act as an aid to particularly bad CI waves. If they pass a certain threshold, Nu-7 waves will be called in to deal with them, having access to a wide variety of gear.
For the sake of balance, all MTF waves will not have buffed health or armour, as CI will have a hard time getting through the facility in the first place.
Many keycard doors will need to be hacked through, with the possibility of CI having to “restore power” to sections of the bunker using the in game facilities. Card drops on death will be much rarer. Once all of this is done, the main launch room will unlock with a VERY HARD hack, possibly as hard as the Alpha-Warhead blast doors in game. At least 2 CI will need to survive to launch the missile, if they manage to then CI will win the event.

The first prizes that come to mind are money, be that in real life or in-game. I’d think in-game cash to all participants and top-scorers, eg “Most kills: Bill N. – Prize: 20k in game cash”.
For particular achievements, VPoints could be given eg “Bill N. and Ventz activated the missile, as a prize they will each be given 3,000 Vpoints”, or alternatively “Marauder killed Bill N. and Ventz, who were about to activate the missile. As a prize, …”

List an example mission for each of the following:


Sweeping Changes

As a result of years of stress on the job and a particularly bad day at work, a small group of the Ethics Committee have drafted sweeping changes to the Code of Ethics and Conduct. Some of these changes include "Just kill the d-class, we don't want to deal with them anyway" "O-1 is to be dissolved, stop following us everywhere", and that "914 is free to use for all personnel, have at it"
O-1 must knock some sense back into the committee members and get them in working order again before they convince their colleagues to accept these changes.

How it would work:
O-1 will ‘overhear’ conversation between a few ethics committee members discussing their sweeping changes with each other. Among themselves, O-1 will decide a plan of action on what to do, be this forcibly or through words alone. Since the committee members obviously aren’t bots, the ending of this event can go in many directions depending on whatever O-1 end up doing and the reaction of the GMs they are trying to reason with. In the end, these changes will never really go through as it would completely ruin RP on the server. If they can’t get through to the committee members, they will either “”discover”” the committee members were CI moles, or that they are under the effect of some sort of cognitohazard that they can be amnesticised to fix.

The Anomalous Little Toaster

Deep in the bowels of Floor 3, some members of the O5 council begin to act strangely. They've been requesting large quantities of bread and power cables, demanding to make toast. Somehow, someone has managed to place SCP 426 inside of the Council's meeting room, and the entire O5 council have come to believe they are, in fact, toasters.
Will A-1 find a way to make their council members snap out of it before permanent damage is done, or are there now 13 new toasters in the facility?
Will they be affected themselves and begin to believe they are also toasters?
With their overarching Clearance levels, could the Alpha Warhead be set off to make the mother of all toast? All will be found out in due time...

How it would work:
A-1 on their normal duties will find a few GMs modelled/set as O5 members in floor 3 doing unspeakable acts and talking with each other as if they are toasters. If it isn’t obvious they’ve been affected by an SCP, an A-1 CO would likely be briefed on the event beforehand to explain to the rest of the A-1 what’s happening as it does. At the start, the O5 will be harmless, simply saying “I am a toaster” and asking for lots of bread. If A-1 can’t solve the situation quickly, they will start picking up forks and sticking them into sockets as an RP way to try kill themselves. If the event draws out for longer, the O5 members will begin to claim to “need to activate the Alpha Warhead” as there is “so much bread onsite”. They will never succeed in setting off the nuke to make toast, but it ups the ante if A-1 aren’t on the top of their game.
SCP 426 itself will also need to be disposed of, with the A-1 pretending as if looking at the toaster triggers its effects. As a result, they will likely need to push up to it and place some sort of prop on top of it (this can be achieved by a GM playing as A-1 spawning the prop on top of the toaster). Once the toaster is out of sight of the O5, they will begin to come back to their senses at which point they can be amnesticised to forget that they ever saw SCP 426.

Satellite Troubles (Joint Nu-7 + CI event)

A Foundaiton owned satellite which contains valuable information has been shot down by the Chaos Insurgency, crash landing in the middle of Pinewood. Nu-7 are scrambled to secure the crash site and bring tech-experts to the surface to extract any valuable data before CI does. If Nu-7 successfully secure the satellite and bring all data back to base, cash bonuses can be given to each operative that took part in the event.

How it would work:
A Satellite prop would be made for this event, containing 2 password-protected CL5 keypads inside of it. This equates to two CL6 hacks. CI-C will be given a short advance warning on what will happen, at which point the message “MISSILE LAUNCH DETECTED ON FOUNDATION SATELLITE – ESTIMATED IMPACT LOCATION PINEWOOD ███ CANADA”
The prop will then be spawned somewhere around pinewood, and whichever faction manages to finish the hacks wins.
At this point, the prop will be spawned (the message will be ‘intercepted’ by CI) and both factions will be told to secure the site. Tech experts from foundation base (likely trusted players/GMs to avoid minges) will be briefed about the current situation and will have to hack multiple said keypads to secure the satellite. Whichever faction hacks the last keypad wins.
GOC could act as mediators during this event, attempting to negotiate with both CI and Foundation if they manage to secure the satellite. If a peaceful end can be found by the hands of the GOC, everyone can be given smaller prizes as a reward for the RP that came out of negotiating with other factions.
The other day I was on sandbox and decided to build a satellite prop. As a result this event is ready to go at any moment, I have the dupe and everything. I'll get a picture of it later.

Chicken Chasers (SCP 3199)

A loose specimen of SCP 3199 has been sighted in Pinewood, liquefying townsfolk all the while laying eggs across the surface. E-11 are tasked with neutralising this anomaly alongside all the eggs it laid. If even one egg survives, who knows what will happen.
The idea of this event is to spice up E-11 RP, as in-lore these guys don't sit and man checkpoints all day.

How it would work:
A GM modelled as 3199 will have a few thousand HP and roam around surface, dealing about as much damage as 939 does. Every few minutes, he can spawn an egg prop (resized and coloured). After dying, if an egg is still present on surface, he will respawn at one and continue to breach until MTF have destroyed all eggs and anomalies. Alternatively, E-11 could attempt to contain the anomaly for an awaiting transport convoy for a cash and/or experience bonus. Nu-7 will take over E-11s job for the duration of the event. With the introduction of B-1 they can also help, but the main focus of the event is on E-11 doing surface RP, something which they can’t do very often. It’s a nice change of pace, and makes more sense in-lore that E-11 aren’t stuck guarding HCZ.

Satellite Troubles (Joint Nu-7 + CI event)
After months of prep work, the CI have managed to shoot down a Foundation owned satellite containing valuable information they could use. It crash lands in the middle of Pinewood and CI are mobilised to secure the crash site and extract any data they can before Nu-7 respond. If the CI manages to secure the satellite and return to base alive, high CL foundation keycards will be given to be used in later raids alongside the recently added hacking upgrades.

How it would work:
A Satellite prop would be made for this event, containing 2 password-protected CL5 keypads inside of it. This equates to two CL6 hacks. CI-C will be given a short advance warning on what will happen, at which point the message “MISSILE LAUNCH DETECTED ON FOUNDATION SATELLITE – ESTIMATED IMPACT LOCATION PINEWOOD ███ CANADA”
The prop will then be spawned somewhere around pinewood, and whichever faction manages to finish the hacks wins. For the case of CI, R&D members will likely be the ones hacking while the rest of the faction must defend them as they do this.
GOC could act as mediators during this event, attempting to negotiate with both CI and Foundation if they manage to secure the satellite. If a peaceful end can be found by the hands of the GOC, everyone can be given smaller prizes as a reward for the RP that came out of negotiating with other factions.
The other day I was on sandbox and decided to build a satellite prop. As a result this event is ready to go at any moment, I have the dupe and everything. I'll get a picture of it later.

Foundation Staff:

After talking with personnel from different sites, it appears as though the Research Department has gone on strike and are causing a ruckus around the site, demanding better work conditions from Site Administration. Soon, Gensec begin to join in the strike too, leaving D-Block unmanned. It's up to Site Administration to negotiate new work terms with different departments to restore order to the site before something goes wrong.

How it would work:
Some GMs alongside a few consenting researchers will claim to have drafted a formal strike in Site-65, where they will generally cause a ruckus around PW and outside the site director’s office. As time goes on, they will eventually walk towards D-block where gensec will inevitably join in the protests. The site director(s) will have a choice: Either forcibly end the strike, or negotiate with the leaders of the strike for “better work conditions”. In reality of course, nothing will change. However, it’d be a nice bit of fun for everyone involved and give site administration something fun to do, and site staff something fun to participate in.
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Mr. Pringle

Active member
Jul 17, 2022
+ Huge Support
- Detailed and well written application, one of the best I've seen.
- Some brilliant event ideas, especially where they involve lower clearance players and D-Block which I feel we need more of.
- I've seen you first hand during the PWCA event that you are able to control and coordinate events. It's rare a player controlled event manage to go as well as PWCA did.
- Despite your previous warns, over the past two months or so your behaviour has improved massively. I have no issues trusting you in a GM role.
- Good playtime, quite experienced in multiple roles, and has good RP/server knowledge.
- Would be a great asset to our events team.

Wish ya the best of luck Bill!
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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
-Very detailed application
-good leader
-alot of playtime really good for gm
from my experience bill nye has been nothing but the best to me and others around him


Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2022
-Application is IMPECCABLE
-Great vocabulary + grammar

Good Luck,
-Xeno Nefeli
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Active member
Apr 18, 2022
+ support
- well written app
- positive interactions in RP
- v well thought out and decently interesting events


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi @Bill Nye The Guy

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please contact either Myself, @Cassius or @Alex Bones for your interview.

However, I would like to stress that the importance on this position as has been highlighted by my colleagues that you have lower than ideal activity, in the event you wish to continue with this application and take the interview, you will be expected to be more active in game.

Kind Regards,

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