[UK] Blackburn's First GM Application

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Active member
Jun 19, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Ghostgaming7364
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: since August 2023
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Senior Researcher Harold van der Meyer
Chaos name (include your rank): CI-A "Cupcake" (no longer CI)
Civilian name: "Nightingale" (MC&D)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:212394851
Discord ID (name#0000): mura_5124

Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Fail RP for not listening to MTF e-11 as a researcher. A kick because i was stuck in a death loop. Fear RP because i didn't listen to CI whilst a gun was pointed at me (I think). Finally ARDM becaue i stabbed a few d-class as a tech expert.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
-I helped plan a map change event on a starwars imperial server. also did a mini event (If people remember reggie the religeous D-Class) with like 5-8 people
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- yeah did a lot of HL2 RP
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- Usually when i am not in work i can do around 6 hours when im in work it's usually 4-5.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- Well i do enjoy coming up with scenarios and stories that people would enjoy. i mianly want to join so i can help out with event with people. make my own storylines and even try my best to make RP in the server enjoyable.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
-I am more than happy to work with others. I like to come up with creative situations where people can get involved in. when brainstorming i like to take critisim and try and improve on my work. I try and be as helpful as possible and i enjoy speaking outside of the server.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Foundation Event: "Frosty the Not-So-Friendly Snowman" A cold wind blows within the hallways of the foundation; has the foundation forgotten to pay for their heating? Snow would envelop the LLCZ up to 914, where a snowman would sit looking at the machine. Around the snowman, frozen bodies would be crawling away from him. When people get close to him, a blizzard will happen, blocking anyone else from seeing him. A monstrous roar and screaming would fill the room. E-11 needs to be dispatched to deal with this new anomaly before it causes more havoc in the foundation. Depending on how well the foundation handles it, the snow beast either escapes or gets captured by the foundation.

CI Event: "The Faithful Golem '' A supply convoy is making its way to the foundation, and CI has deemed it something worth taking. If successful, they would have to transport a giant container back to their base, which contained a giant stone golem. Once given an instruction, the golem takes that action, either until it's successful or until it is defeated. Now all they need to do is protect it from the foundation and see if they can use it during a raid. However, the foundation might try to contain the golem during the raid. Either the CI has a golem they can use (when allowed) or the Foundation has another SCP to categorise.

UNGOC EVENT: "Martian Munchies'' The mayor has been acting strange as of late. Rumours of him cannibalising the local police force have caught the attention of the nearby UN building. They decide to do an investigation against the mayor to see if there is anything strange about him. Why is he speaking in strange tongues? The UN discovers that the mayor is a visitor from another planet who needs to feed on humans to survive; it is their job to get rid of the mayor before he contacts the mothership. Now, depending on whether they stop the mayor before contacting the mother ship, either this will be a one-off event or it can develop into an invasion (which can be combated).

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"The Green"
Swamps with anomalous effects. Words are that Slasher's Swamps are infested with a new type of undead. The foundation was the first to discover this and decided to send a group of scientists, security detail, and MTF to the swap for classification and containment. However, the UNGOC has also taken an interest in the swamp. According to their information, only those who die in these swaps turn into zombies. They had orders to dispatch all the zombies within the area and level the swaps. Once CI has gotten word of this, they have been trying their best to round up all the zombies they can so they can weaponize them for combating the foundation. However, all will need to come together if they want to leave alive. At the heart of the swamp is a man stuck within a tree, his heart exposed. The man begs for death and says it's the only way to escape. With what makes the swamp anomalous dead, the zombies have returned to being dead, and the three factions are free to leave.

List an example mission for each of the following:
There was word that medical services have been outsourcing body parts from Pine Wood civilians to a slaughterhouse on the outskirts of the town. O-1 are to mobilise and clear the house and take prisoners for them to be put through the tribunal system.

A-1: The search of a rogue scientist who intends to use SCP-096's picture as a weapon have been cleared for interrogation and termination. A-1's job is to find out who it is and why they are doing such a thing. Will they go in guns blazing and alert the scientist to using the picture, or will they take a sneaky approach?. Behind the scenes, we need someone who is 096. Also, the photo is spawned so it can be used if needed.

Nu-7: Local Parawatch has been posting about a port-a-potty that whispers secrets about the foundation to those who use it. It's NU-7's job to recover it and round up the parawatch that used it. Now they need to hand it off to research so they can categorise this within the Foundation systems.

E-11: SCP-999 is having a sugar rush and is running around causing havoc; it's E-11's job to stop him and calm him down before he hurts himself and others. As SCP-999 runs around the site, he manages to cause some power failures (unintentionally), giving the tech experts something to do as well.

CI: A simple supply drop can't go wrong, can it? When 8854 and 323 show up, they have to protect it with their lives and try to eliminate or capture it. The supply drop contains (if allowed) a hacker upgrade, a weapon upgrade, a few chems (self-gathered), and cash. However, it's not just the two surface SCPS; it’s also UNGOC and NU-7 (if they discover the drop).

UNGOC:What if one of their own was an SCP? How would they feel? A high-ranking member of the UNGOC has spiked Hume levels. It seems all is over. Will they accept their fate, or will those he has worked with hunt him down like a dog?

Foundation Staff: A blackout has taken the LCZ and CS down. While tech experts deal with turning back the lights on, there is a little pest running around, causing harmless pranks on unsuspecting staff. The pest acts like a goblin at most times, stealing stuff and running off with it. They move at quick speeds, trying to scare people along the way.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Dec 25, 2023
Hey, It's very cool of you to wish to join the event team as a GM!

Just a simple request from me, would you please go over some of your event ideas again to further explain them? (by editing your post if possible).

Many of your ideas seem interesting to me, however some of them seem lacking in information from what more specifics would happen (such as the 999/blackout one, what would 999 be doing and what would the "little pest" be doing?)


Active member
Jun 19, 2023
Hey, It's very cool of you to wish to join the event team as a GM!

Just a simple request from me, would you please go over some of your event ideas again to further explain them? (by editing your post if possible).

Many of your ideas seem interesting to me, however some of them seem lacking in information from what more specifics would happen (such as the 999/blackout one, what would 999 be doing and what would the "little pest" be doing?)
yeah no worries just go over all of them or the 2 that you mentioned?


Active member
Jun 19, 2023
I think just those 2 are the main ones that I thought needed more descriptions to them :), and I think the changes you added gives some good bonus information about them.
yeah no worries if i need to edit anymore please do tell me :)
Feb 16, 2023
I'll have to -support due to multiple issues I have with the app.

-First the formating is really bad: all same color and font type (no bigger letters nothing) making it very annoying to read (can't tell wich question is where)

-Multiple spelling mistakes. Now i'm french i'm not the best english speaker out there (I most likely made typos in this text already) but when in your own event you type swap instead of swamp I think you should consider re reading the app for any obvious mistakes you made.

-Multiple events are rather simple or just pure pvp without anything:
Map change: it is a swamp quest, you survive zombie kill the boss and that is it. No build up to it as well could be done since this is very basic. Also all factions would not work together that would be a very borring 008 style map change but the zombies don't infect you?

Ci: Crate with free stuff drop but OH NO 2 scps appear (that can easely be contained in all honesty) so more free stuff but they have to fight against Nu7 and GOC (unless goc side with ci wich happens 90% of the time since they never go to war) so in short average surface interractions but now 2 scps are here and they get free stuff. Not a good event
Same for the ci golem event. Just free pvp scp.

Fix these issues and I will reconcider this. I didn't mention all the event but some like the snow man could be more clear as to how they work.


Active member
Jun 19, 2023
I'll have to -support due to multiple issues I have with the app.

-First the formating is really bad: all same color and font type (no bigger letters nothing) making it very annoying to read (can't tell wich question is where)

-Multiple spelling mistakes. Now i'm french i'm not the best english speaker out there (I most likely made typos in this text already) but when in your own event you type swap instead of swamp I think you should consider re reading the app for any obvious mistakes you made.

-Multiple events are rather simple or just pure pvp without anything:
Map change: it is a swamp quest, you survive zombie kill the boss and that is it. No build up to it as well could be done since this is very basic. Also all factions would not work together that would be a very borring 008 style map change but the zombies don't infect you?

Ci: Crate with free stuff drop but OH NO 2 scps appear (that can easely be contained in all honesty) so more free stuff but they have to fight against Nu7 and GOC (unless goc side with ci wich happens 90% of the time since they never go to war) so in short average surface interractions but now 2 scps are here and they get free stuff. Not a good event
Same for the ci golem event. Just free pvp scp.

Fix these issues and I will reconcider this. I didn't mention all the event but some like the snow man could be more clear as to how they work.
alright not a worry. Like i said in the post i am extremely open to suggestions and alterations. I’ll work on these as soon as i am free.

Sean Hanson

SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Oct 15, 2022
Application Denied

Hi Spooks.

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

But we cant Accept you at this time. Its Simple too short. and not detailed enough. if you feel otherwise. feel free to either get a hold of Me or cheetah or James

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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