[UK] Blue's GSD Captain Application

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Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Jul 25, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I started playing SCP-RP back in jully last year and I have almost 1930 hours of Vtime (according to steam)
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
[Foundation] 'Blue'
[Chaos Insurgency] 'Blue' [TEU-WO]<MG-3>
[GOC] 'Marquis'

Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
[Holding] CI-Delta
[Holding] OSA
[Holding] Scp-096 whitelist
[Held] MTF Beta-1 PVT(x2)
[Held] MTF Nu-7 Corpral
[Held] GSD Captain
[Held] MTF E-11 Corpral
[Held] CI-Gamma
[Held] Nu7 PVT
[Held] E11 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have not taken a warn since November last year, I have taken a more mature outlook towards the server, in general showing an imporvement.
Why are you applying for Security Captain? I am applying for General Security Captain again because recently, I have just gotten back into gensec and I feel intersted to play it more and rank up in its chain of command, I also want get another combatative role that is actually enjoyable which I know that I will enjoy.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
There are a lot of reasons why I am suited for captain here are some:
  1. Role knowlage: I use to be a captain for almost 4 months and I know this role like the back of my hand
  1. Expirance: I used to be a sr captain for this department and I have CL4 knowledge / experience.
  1. document knowladge : I am really good at making external documents for the department, in fact I made some documents that the department still use.
  1. Mature: when on captain and any other roles I show mature attitude
  1. Activity: I can say I am fairly active on the server and getting active again on GSD
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
Captains have many responsibilities, The first and most important is to get all the Gensec in to the right mindset. And 2nd captins do tranings and tryouts for RRT and HWL. 3rd They are Responsible for supervise and monitoring all GENSEC. And make sure they are following the code of ethics and code of cunduct. Captains also lead sweeps and assign Gensec with duties. And if they do there duties correctly they sould be rewarded by crediting them.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:Lore
Hello @'Blue'
I have decided to give you +Support for following reasons.

-Cl4 experience
-Good roleplayer
-Cpt experience
-Good application
-He was kicked from cpt once for bad reasons. On the other hand, he improved ALOT in those and showed he can be mature and good. :)

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Reactions: 'Blue'
+ Support

20 Attempts later, he is finally ready to become a Captain. Jokes aside Blue has developed a lot over the last couple months, regardless of the grammatical errors in his application I do believe it's good. He's shown through his current positions that he's a capable and professional candidate.

Good Luck,
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Reactions: McFlurry and 'Blue'
Jan 2, 2022
Hello blue,
Today i will be giving you a +support for the following reasons:

+CPT experience
+CL4 experience

+positive interactions

Keep up the good work, but i haven't seen you in D-block as a GSD, but that might be me. Anyways i wish u good luck and hope to see you on the team of CPT,
your sincerely,
Jay ''GHOST'' Jackson

GSD captain

GSD logo.png


Thank you for showing interest in the position of GSD Captain, after careful consideration we have decided that you are ready to take on the challenges that the role of Captain has to offer. I’m happy to announce that your application has been ACCEPTED.

An interview is required before you are officially a member of Gensec leadership so please contact me on discord to arrange a date and time: dontorro

Kind regards
Chief of Security Cary “Raven”​
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