[UK] Blue's Trial Moderator Application (5)

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Jul 15, 2023
+ Support

Hey Blue. I know I already replied to this but I have spent a lot more time with you and want to change my response.
You are extremely dedicated (As shown by the five applications). In being with you in CI and watching how you handle people and get a control on situations you have shown your maturity greatly.
I now believe rule knowledge is the only thing that could hold you back but being a Tmod is all about learning and I think you would be an amazing staff member given the training and time needed.

You also only specify your summertime hours, It would be good to know your times outside of summer. This still applies

- Active
- Always striving to show improvement
- Cares a lot about being staff
- Application could add more as noted
- Unsure on knowledge of rules (But I cannot see this becoming an issue)
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