[UK] Boguslaw - Security Captain Aplication

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Mar 27, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104789863
Discord name: bunioo
For how long have you played on CG SCP: for a few weeks
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: Central European Summer Time (UTC +2)
Character name(s): Boguslaw
Civilian name: Wieslaw
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-I don't hold any whitelisted roles, but I had acquired riot control license, so I'm in security response team
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
-I got told by many people to apply for a whitelisted roles such as MTF, CI or security Captain, but finally I decided to stick with GENSEC and pick security captain.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I am able to lead a squad into the battle, as I had shown few days ago during a containment breach when I was forced to take charge of the few remaining GENSEC that were left after the massacre coused by SCP-682. We were able to hold the entrance to D from various threats for quite some time untill the MTF squad finally arrived to support us.

Also as most of the players I encountered can tell I'm quite friendly, espacially compared to this mostly toxic comunity. This doesn't sound like a neccesity but we all know that the Captain should be an example to everyone so I hope that me beign at that position could encourage new Cadets to follow ethical and friendly carrier in GENSEC.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-Hosting patrols with other GENSEC members.
-Hosting cross trainings with other departments and MTF Units.
-Hosting license tryouts.
-Guiding other Security personnel in persuing their carrier.
-Follow orders given by Chiefs.
-Giving orders to lower ranked GENSEC members .
-Looking for potential new security Captains.
-Managing D-block and personnel asigned to it.
-Hosting Sweeps.
-Handing out work permits to cooperative D class personnel
-Recruiting informatives from D class personnel.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Security Captain Boguslaw, a new adition to the GENSEC higher ups. He became the fundation worker after beign captured by the Izraeli forces and later shipped to the United States where the fundation recruited him in exchange for his freedom. He received the promotion after proving himself as a trustworthy and loyal to the fundation leader. His carrier in the fundation has always been in the Security. Climbing up the ladder all the way from Cadet to the Officer without bigger obstacles was always one of the friendliest guards at the site. Most importantly he has connections with other departments. Beign a common visitor at Medbay many of the Medical personnel started to recognize him. Common participation in patrols, sweeps and guarding duties had given him respect and recognision amoungs other GENSEC, while the reasearch personnel recognizes him from many times he was participating in tests, making sure everyone include D class personnel was as safe as possible. Boguslaw, comming to the facility all the way from Eastern Europe is higly experienced Officer previously working at the Soviet Army earning many medals and participating in the higly recognized operations such as Invasion of Czechoslovakia and war of Attrition in Izrael.

Captain 'Jacket' / Fang

SCP-RP Staff
Jul 19, 2023
-i would suggest you to get MTF experience

" got told by many people to apply for a whitelisted roles such as MTF, CI or security Captain, but finally I decided to stick with GENSEC and pick security captain." You cannot apply for MTF or Ci, you can attend a tryout for it. Not the same as Captain, and in my opinion, it is not a valid reason to apply for Captain, It must come from you, not from others, for me, you are not motivated, i see no passion
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-i would suggest you to get MTF experience

" got told by many people to apply for a whitelisted roles such as MTF, CI or security Captain, but finally I decided to stick with GENSEC and pick security captain." You cannot apply for MTF or Ci, you can attend a tryout for it. Not the same as Captain, and in my opinion, it is not a valid reason to apply for Captain, It must come from you, not from others, for me, you are not motivated, i see no passion
you dont need mtf experience to be a gsd cpt, like at all.

Once again dave dog has made me change my mind
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Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
My house
+ Support

Nows the time to prove you're a cut above the rest of gensec, I don't think MTF experience is required for Captain, keep doing your best.

You show clear knowledge of GENSEC operations, and have some lore behind your character, and a decent, if not an inexpeirenced application. However you are lacking experience, but this is a JR CL4 position.
-i would suggest you to get MTF experience

" got told by many people to apply for a whitelisted roles such as MTF, CI or security Captain, but finally I decided to stick with GENSEC and pick security captain." You cannot apply for MTF or Ci, you can attend a tryout for it. Not the same as Captain, and in my opinion, it is not a valid reason to apply for Captain, It must come from you, not from others, for me, you are not motivated, i see no passion
I don't think this is from lack of motivation, he clearly likes Gensec and chose to spend his time and effort there. In fact I think making an application while they're still new to the server shows ambition AND motivation. I also don't see how MTF experience would benefit a Security Captain outside of learning how MTFs work, which isn't a necessity.

I think your current -support has no merit, and as a Sec Captain yourself, should be looking at his current performance, and giving judgement off of that, rather than solely "you don't have enough experience".
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Pirate McPirate

Active member
Feb 22, 2024
oki so


i had many interactions with you
and while they were very pleasant, you are extremely unprofessional and acting childish

MTF experience is highly recommended and if you manage to get any MTF/CI command that would be great

your reasoning for applying is pretty much you settling for captain showing me you're applying for the job and not responsibilities

saying mostly toxic community is making me judge your maturity
basically "they are toxic and i am not"

this part is personal issues i have with this app:
i'm from "izrael" so saying kidnapped by the israeli forces is first of all letting me know your not a right pick for personnel reasons (pretty sure that wasn't accidentally picked)

the lore doesn't seem to let me know much about the character and is pretty shallow only diving into his professional aspect
remember, in game your character is dependent on the lore, so a shit
lore is a shit char in my opinion, your lore isn't shit just needs to be worked on

can't lead shit

again mentioning a war with "izrael"

try to use the censor block for the city's or country's you talk about, not a big deal just adds a bit more to it


you are pretty friendly and nice to talk to

unfortunately he cons overweight the pros

i'll give you a big, fat, juicy


-work on your application and professionalism

-get more combat focused exp

-don't mention irl places in a bad lighting since some people can take it the wrong way


Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
My house
oki so


i had many interactions with you
and while they were very pleasant, you are extremely unprofessional and acting childish

MTF experience is highly recommended and if you manage to get any MTF/CI command that would be great

your reasoning for applying is pretty much you settling for captain showing me you're applying for the job and not responsibilities

saying mostly toxic community is making me judge your maturity
basically "they are toxic and i am not"

this part is personal issues i have with this app:
i'm from "izrael" so saying kidnapped by the israeli forces is first of all letting me know your not a right pick for personnel reasons (pretty sure that wasn't accidentally picked)

the lore doesn't seem to let me know much about the character and is pretty shallow only diving into his professional aspect
remember, in game your character is dependent on the lore, so a shit
lore is a shit char in my opinion, your lore isn't shit just needs to be worked on

can't lead shit

again mentioning a war with "izrael"

try to use the censor block for the city's or country's you talk about, not a big deal just adds a bit more to it


you are pretty friendly and nice to talk to

unfortunately he cons overweight the pros

i'll give you a big, fat, juicy


-work on your application and professionalism

-get more combat focused exp

-don't mention irl places in a bad lighting since some people can take it the wrong way
Again, I'd like an explanation on why MTF experience is essential to be a Security Captain? Where do their duties correlate?
You also speak of immaturity due to him referring to toxicity, but I call it honesty, there are good people here but ye, however the community can be fairly toxic.

Regarding His lore,he was captured by Israeli forces and shipped to the US. The only war mentioned was as a Soviet Officer in the Warsaw Pact's Invasion of Czechloslovakia, and supposed Soviet intervention in the Six Days War, both occurred in the 1960s and correlates with a character of Eastern European decent. I think you're grasping for straws, and your - support has little merit. Please reconsider your points and reevaluate your opinion

Pirate McPirate

Active member
Feb 22, 2024
Again, I'd like an explanation on why MTF experience is essential to be a Security Captain? Where do their duties correlate?
You also speak of immaturity due to him referring to toxicity, but I call it honesty, there are good people here but ye, however the community can be fairly toxic.

Regarding His lore,he was captured by Israeli forces and shipped to the US. The only war mentioned was as a Soviet Officer in the Warsaw Pact's Invasion of Czechloslovakia, and supposed Soviet intervention in the Six Days War, both occurred in the 1960s and correlates with a character of Eastern European decent. I think you're grasping for straws, and your - support has little merit. Please reconsider your points and reevaluate your opinion
i said what i said because that's what i think
and it's not that i said don't mention israel, just generally don't refer to irl places with bad lighting because people might not take it well, it didn't bother me as much but it could to other people as i know there are quite a few of israelis on the server

Pirate McPirate

Active member
Feb 22, 2024
Again, I'd like an explanation on why MTF experience is essential to be a Security Captain? Where do their duties correlate?
You also speak of immaturity due to him referring to toxicity, but I call it honesty, there are good people here but ye, however the community can be fairly toxic.

Regarding His lore,he was captured by Israeli forces and shipped to the US. The only war mentioned was as a Soviet Officer in the Warsaw Pact's Invasion of Czechloslovakia, and supposed Soviet intervention in the Six Days War, both occurred in the 1960s and correlates with a character of Eastern European decent. I think you're grasping for straws, and your - support has little merit. Please reconsider your points and reevaluate your opinion
and mtf exp is important because it's exp regarding teamwork combative competency and general knowledge on tactics formations etc etc
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Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
My house
and mtf exp is important because it's exp regarding teamwork combative competency and general knowledge on tactics formations etc etc
Most traditional formations dont apply as well in GSD, Combative competency against other enemy combatants and SCPs do not equivilate to Managing D-Block and D-Class. Joining an MTF will teach you how to perform well in their respective environment, but it will not contribute much to being an effective GSD Captain. Being GSD will make you a better GSD Captain.

Pirate McPirate

Active member
Feb 22, 2024
Most traditional formations dont apply as well in GSD, Combative competency against other enemy combatants and SCPs do not equivilate to Managing D-Block and D-Class. Joining an MTF will teach you how to perform well in their respective environment, but it will not contribute much to being an effective GSD Captain. Being GSD will make you a better GSD Captain.
you can disagree with what i say, it my opinion


Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
My house
you can disagree with what i say, it my opinion
I state this because a large portion of -supports solely consist of 'you should get MTF experience' which I believe is just incorrect. If you want to - support due to his action's on-site, then thats fine.
Security Captain coupled with Executive Researcher are imo 'entry-level' CL4 positions, that only require experience in their respective departments. Saying you should have MTF experience to be a good GENSEC Captain is like saying you should have experience in the Medical Department to be a good Executive Researcher.

Pirate McPirate

Active member
Feb 22, 2024
I state this because a large portion of -supports solely consist of 'you should get MTF experience' which I believe is just incorrect. If you want to - support due to his action's on-site, then thats fine.
Security Captain coupled with Executive Researcher are imo 'entry-level' CL4 positions, that only require experience in their respective departments. Saying you should have MTF experience to be a good GENSEC Captain is like saying you should have experience in the Medical Department to be a good Executive Researcher.
then give him support?
why come at me, just give him a +support


Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023
My house
then give him support?
why come at me, just give him a +support
I have given him support. I've quoted you because yours (and a few others) -Supports have little to no merit, and I believe they're unfair. Frankly, I think yours in particular is hypocritical; which is why I felt the need to call it out.

Do not criticize without expecting criticism in return.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Sep 8, 2023
Alberta, Canada
Dear @Boguslaw

I regret to inform you that, after careful consideration of your application, and your qualifications, we are unable to accept your application for the role of Security Captain at this time.

We appreciate your interest in wanting to become a Security Captain and join our team. While this might throw you off, or discourage you, we do not want to see that from you, and we instead want you to continue pursuing your goals, and achieving significant progress to demonstrate that you would be of great interest for this position, and that you would be a great Security Captain, if you were to be given a chance again. With this, we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

- James Siegel

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