[UK] 'boku's Gamemaster Application

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Well-known Member
Sep 9, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
I play on SCP-RP since August 2022.

I am 17 years old.

In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
GMT +1

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
MTF E-11 CPL 'boku'

Chaos name (include your rank):
CS 'bokuu'

Civilian name:
Miyuki 'boku'

Steam ID:

Discord ID (name#0000):

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do.

What server are you applying for?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
For GM, yes it is.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, I received 2 warnings


I have 2 warnings (none of them being active), from a while ago.
1st - FailRP (Restrained SCP-106 during its breach)
2nd - ARDM (
Attacked someone as SCP-912 with a stunstick)

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
While I don't have any previous experience as a Gamemaster, I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to learn and contribute in that capacity. I believe my enthusiasm for inventing new stuff and my creativity would allow me to adapt effectively. I'm eager to take on new challenges and grow in this role, and I'm confident in my ability to bring a fresh perspective and dedication to the team.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes, I have tried SWRP, Hogwarts RP, MRP and SCPRP

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Currently, I have a flexible schedule and I can be available for a significant portion of the day.
However, I want to be upfront about the fact that my availability might change starting in September when my university begins. During the academic year, I might have slightly reduced availability due to my coursework and other commitments. Despite this change, I am committed to maintaining a consistent and dependable presence during the times I'm available.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I am truly excited about the prospect of becoming a Gamemaster on the server. I believe I've always been passionate about immersive storytelling and creating engaging experiences for others. The fact with SCP-RP is, that I always had a unique approach with SCP stories and overall watching SCP videos on YouTube, and this opportunity to create scenarios and other type of storytelling, aligns perfectly with my interests and strengths.
I believe that as a Gamemaster, I can contribute by having lots of attention to detail or specific stuff, creativity and adaptability. I'm dedicated to fostering a positive and enjoyable atmosphere for players.
Ultimately, my goal is to help enhance the player experience, encourage roleplay interactions, and contribute to the server's success and growth. I see this opportunity as a chance to not only share my creativity but also learn and grow with this role.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I believe I can bring a fresh perspective to the server and contribute in several valuable ways. My dedication to crafting immersive experiences, attention to player feedback, and commitment to maintaining a positive and inclusive community environment stand out as some of my positive stuff.
Furthermore, my adaptability shines through in my willingness to learn and collaborate. I'm eager to integrate seamlessly into the team, align my efforts with the server's goals, and contribute with my unique ideas.
While all applicants may bring their own strengths, I believe my combination of innovative thinking, problem-solving and some familiarity with the SCP lore make me a good candidate. I'm confident that my passion for this role and my commitment to elevating the player experience make me a good asset to the team.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Anomalous Artifact Exhibition
  • Foundation, UNGOC, Chaos Insurgency
The Foundation decides to showcase a collection of safely contained anomalous artifacts to educate personnel and demonstrate their containment capabilities to the UNGOC. The GOC expresses skepticism and sends a delegation to inspect the exhibit. CI, having caught wind of this, aims to disrupt the event, steal artifacts, and cause havoc. Players must navigate negotiations, security measures, and covert operations to ensure the success of the exhibition while dealing with potential breaches from both the GOC and the Insurgency.
Interdimensional Nexus
  • Foundation, UNGOC, Chaos Insurgency
A previously unknown interdimensional nexus is discovered in Pinewood, leading to various alternate realities. The Foundation seeks to study and stabilize the nexus, the GOC wants to close it to prevent anomalies from other dimensions from entering, and the Chaos Insurgency intends to harness its power for their destructive goals. Some creatures seem to cross the nexus, and players are coming across those creatures, altered environments come from other dimensions to pinewood, and unique challenges puts the players to the test. The 3 factions must decide whether to cooperate or compete to control the nexus.
Convergence Accord
  • Foundation & UNGOC
An anomaly of immense power threatens both the Foundation and the GOC. The two organizations are forced to set aside their differences and collaborate on a joint operation called "Convergence Accord." The event centers around a high-stakes mission to neutralize the anomaly and prevent a potential global catastrophe.
Players from both factions work together in mixed teams, representing Foundation MTF and GOC operatives. The event involves tactical planning, strategic cooperation, and a combination of Foundation containment procedures and GOC technology to address the anomaly. The teams navigate dangerous situations, adapt to challenges, and exchange knowledge to find a solution.

Please List a Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Operation Phoenix
  • Foundation & Chaos Insurgency
An escalating anomaly threatens the safety of Site-65 in Pinewood. The Foundation and Chaos Insurgency recognize the need to evacuate the site temporarily for the safety of all personnel. "Operation Phoenix" is initiated to execute a large-scale evacuation while also addressing the anomaly.
The event begins with an announcement that Site-65 is in immediate danger due to the anomaly's instability. Both Foundation personnel and Chaos Insurgency operatives must work together to secure the evacuation process. Players can choose to cooperate or exploit the chaos to their advantage.
During the evacuation, players from both sides navigate a series of challenges and obstacles. Foundation personnel focus on maintaining order and ensuring the safe passage of personnel, while Chaos Insurgency aims to disrupt the evacuation and seize valuable assets.
As the evacuation reaches its climax, a final confrontation occurs between Foundation security and Chaos Insurgency forces. The anomaly's effects escalate, creating an environment of chaos and uncertainty. The conclusion of the event impacts the fate of Site-65 and sets the stage for future developments.

List an example mission for each of the following:
Operation Ethereal Masquerade
Infiltrate an anomalous masquerade ball, maintain the event's secrecy, and discreetly observe anomalous interactions.

O-1 operatives are briefed about an event known as the "Ethereal Masquerade." This secretive event gathers individuals from various backgrounds to interact and exchange information. Mobile Task Force Omega-1 is tasked with infiltrating the masquerade ball, blending in with the attendees, and discreetly observing interactions to gather intelligence and assess potential ethical breaches.

  • The Ethereal Masquerade is known to attract individuals connected to anomalies, from normal researchers and medics to CL4 personnel.
  • The event offers an opportunity to observe rare and unique anomalies, potentially revealing new understandings of their properties.
  • Maintaining secrecy and anonymity is crucial to avoid disrupting the event and revealing Ethics involvement.

Mission Objectives
  1. Infiltration: Operatives must acquire suitable disguises and integrate seamlessly into the masquerade ball's attendees.
  2. Observation: Discreetly observe and record anomalous interactions, conversations, and displays of interest among attendees.
  3. Ethical Analysis: Collaborate with Ethical Committee members/Assistants to assess the potential ethical implications of observed interactions and exchanges.
  4. Prevent Disruption: Prevent any unauthorized personnel from detecting your true identities.
  5. Extraction: Disengage from the event smoothly and without arousing suspicion, ensuring that no traces of Omega-1 involvement remain.

Tactics and Challenges
  • Operatives must adapt to the elegant and social atmosphere of the masquerade while remaining focused on their mission.
  • Disguises, concealment devices, and communication strategies are vital for maintaining secrecy and preventing breaches.
Operation Prionic Enigma
Collaborate with an O5 member to neutralize anomalous SCP-008 prions released within Pinewood, while investigating the source of the prions and containing any associated anomalies.

Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 units are assigned to Operation 'Prionic Enigma', a mission focused on addressing the release of SCP-008 prions within the town of Pinewood. The objective is to collaborate with the O5 member following their orders, neutralize the prions, investigate the source of the release, and contain any associated anomalies.

  • The mission revolves around neutralizing SCP-008 prions and exploring their source within Pinewood.
  • A-1 units must work alongside the O5 member to address the prion release's effects.
  • The primary goal is to eliminate the prion threat, uncover the source, and contain any associated anomalies.

Mission Objectives
  1. SCP-008 Prion Neutralization: Implement containment protocols to neutralize SCP-008 prions within Pinewood.
  2. O5 Council Collaboration: Collaborate with the O5 Council member to address the prion release and its consequences.
  3. Source Investigation: Investigate how the SCP-008 prions were released within Pinewood.
  4. Town Safeguarding: Ensure the safety and containment of SCP-008 prions while minimizing the impact on Pinewood's citizens.

Tactics and Challenges
  • Collaborating with an O5 Council member requires respectful communication and alignment of objectives.
  • Investigating the prion release's source and containing associated anomalies while minimizing public exposure poses unique challenges.
Operation Arcane Confrontation
Engage in a high-intensity mission to counteract an organized 'Serpent's Hand' operation employing Thaumatology, firearms, and reality-bending abilities.

MTF Nu-7 operatives are briefed about an imminent threat posed by the 'Serpent's Hand,' an organization known for its use of anomalous abilities and Thaumatology. Reports indicate that the 'Serpent's Hand' plans to breach a Foundation containment site to liberate contained anomalies. The organization is expected to employ firearms and reality-bending abilities, creating a multifaceted challenge for containment and neutralization. MTF Nu-7 is tasked with preventing the breach, neutralizing 'Serpent's Hand' operatives, and safeguarding the integrity of the containment site.

  • The 'Serpent's Hand' employment of firearms and reality-bending abilities necessitates a multifaceted response.
  • The organization's objective to liberate contained anomalies requires swift action to prevent their escape.
  • The mission involves neutralizing the threat, preventing the breach, and maintaining containment protocols.

Mission Objectives
  1. Security Reinforcement: Collaborate with Site security personnel to bolster defenses and prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Operative Interception: Identify and engage 'Serpent's Hand' operatives.
  3. Reality Stabilization: Counteract reality-bending abilities employed by the 'Serpent's Hand' to minimize their impact.
  4. Containment Integrity: Safeguard contained anomalies and prevent any breaches that may occur during the operation.
  5. Operational Secrecy: Coordinate with local authorities to control information and media coverage to prevent public panic.

Tactics and Challenges
  • Operatives must adapt to the 'Serpent's Hand' use of various anomalous abilities while minimizing exposure.
  • Balancing containment restoration, personnel evacuation, and preventing further breaches presents unique challenges.
Operation Contagion Containment
Engage in a hazardous operation to contain the spread of SCP-610 and prevent further infestation.

E-11 operatives are briefed about an alarming situation involving SCP-610, also known as "The Flesh That Hates." Reports indicate a localized outbreak of SCP-610 in the Heavy Containment Zone.
E-11 is tasked with containing the spread, neutralizing/curing infected individuals, and preventing the anomaly from spreading beyond the affected zone.

  • SCP-610's infectious properties have resulted in a localized outbreak that requires containment.
  • The transformed environment poses risks to both containment protocols and local populations.
  • The mission involves containing the outbreak, neutralizing infected individuals, and preventing the spread of SCP-610.

Mission Objectives
  1. Quarantine and Containment: Establish a perimeter to quarantine the affected area and prevent further spread.
  2. Infected Individual Neutralization: Locate and neutralize infected individuals to prevent further transformation and outbreak.
  3. Decontamination: Deploy specialized decontamination teams to cleanse affected areas of SCP-610 presence.
  4. Containment Breach Prevention: Safeguard the containment perimeter to prevent the anomaly from spreading to unaffected regions.
  5. Collaboration with Research: Coordinate with research teams to gather data and develop effective containment strategies.

Tactics and Challenges
  • Operatives must deal with hostile and transformed individuals affected by SCP-610.
  • The rapidly transforming environment may impede movement and require tactical adaptation.
  • Safeguarding containment perimeter, neutralizing infected individuals, and collaborating with research teams present unique challenges.
Operation Enigmatic Bargain
Accept a mysterious offer from a man in a black coat, leading to the manipulation of an anomalous event in exchange for an unpredictable consequence.

Chaos Insurgency operatives are assigned to Operation Enigmatic Bargain, an enigmatic mission involving an encounter with a mysterious man in a black coat. The objective is to make offers, which leads to the manipulation of an anomalous events within the facility, with the understanding that an unpredictable consequence will follow.

  • The mission centers on accepting an offer from a mysterious figure.
  • The primary goal is to execute the requested manipulation, prepared for an unknown consequence.
Mission Objectives
  1. Mysterious Encounter: Accept the offer from the enigmatic man in the black coat.
  2. Consequence Preparedness: Be ready to face the unknown consequence that follows the manipulation.
  3. Observation and Assessment: Observe the results of the consequence and its impact.

Tactics and Challenges
  • Dealing with the mysterious man requires careful consideration and a willingness to accept the unknown.
  • Manipulating an anomalous event demands attention to detail and understanding of the underlying anomaly.
  • Preparing for an unpredictable consequence necessitates adaptability and resourcefulness.
Operation Covert Harmony
Execute a strategic operation to counteract "The Serpent's Hand", liberate captives, and suppress their anomalous activities that challenge UNGOC's mission.


Global Occult Coalition operatives are briefed about a complex and delicate mission involving "The Serpent's Hand," an organization opposing UNGOC's mission. Intelligence indicates that they have taken civilians captive and intend to conduct an anomalous ritual. The objective is to stealthily infiltrate their location, liberate captives, and suppress "The Serpent's Hand's" anomalous activities to mitigate their disruptive influence.

  • "The Serpent's Hand" poses a multifaceted challenge to UNGOC's goals and global stability.
  • The mission requires covert tactics to rescue captives and counteract the organization's anomalous endeavors.
  • UNGOC aims to neutralize "The Serpent's Hand's" disruptive actions and uphold their mission to protect humanity.

Mission Objectives
  1. Hostage Extraction: Infiltrate "The Serpent's Hand's" location and rescue captives while maintaining stealth.
  2. Opposition Suppression: Engage and neutralize members of "The Serpent's Hand," minimizing their influence.
  3. Anomalous Activity Disruption: Prevent the execution of disruptive rituals or activities that challenge UNGOC's control.
  4. Civilian Safeguarding: Ensure the safety of Pinewood throughout the covert operation.
  5. Operational Secrecy: Maintain utmost confidentiality to prevent information leakage.

Tactics and Challenges
  • Dealing with "The Serpent's Hand" requires understanding their anomalous capabilities and unique ideology.
  • Extracting captives while avoiding detection demands precise execution to minimize risks.
  • Disrupting activities and suppressing anomalies necessitates an in-depth understanding of "The Serpent's Hand's" practices.
Foundation Staff
Anomalous Escape Room
Engage in a collaborative and engaging team-building exercise by participating in an anomalous escape room scenario.

Foundation staff members are invited to participate in a unique challenge that involves an "anomalous escape room." The objective is to foster teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity among staff members while navigating through a series of interconnected puzzles and challenges.

  • The challenge centers around an escape room scenario set within a simulated anomalous environment.
  • Foundation staff members will work together to solve puzzles, decipher codes, and overcome obstacles.
  • The primary goal is to successfully escape the escape room by uncovering clues and utilizing teamwork.

Challenge Objectives
  1. Collaborative Problem-Solving: Work together to solve puzzles, decode messages, and unlock hidden compartments.
  2. Anomalous Adaptation: Use creative thinking and adaptability to navigate through scenarios with anomalous twists.
  3. Effective Communication: Communicate clearly and share information to tackle challenges efficiently.
  4. Time Management: Work within a time limit to complete the escape room scenario successfully.
  5. Team Bonding: Strengthen team relationships and build camaraderie through shared experiences.
Last edited:
Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
-/+ Neutral
I have had no or very little interaction with you, dont really remember the name.
Further the map change event is not an actual map change. It is just a major event.
The A-1 mission and the CI mission are things they just do a daily basis. It is nothing really special and more creativity can be shown here.

I do like the 3 small event idea's and the O-1 one but how are you going to actually do this. For the masquerade it seems you would need ALOT of GM's and normal players who want to be an 'NPC'.

Best of luck!
Mar 20, 2022
Hi @boku

After reading through the application, I am currently settling on a Neutral at the moment but leaning to a +Support if the right parts are remedied correctly.

The formatting of the application is great and made it easy to read, which is a bonus.

Following on from what Dutch said, I do agree that the Alpha-1 and Chaos Insurgency missions are your typical day to day happenings with them on the Server. Perhaps expand on something different or press on something lore related to show some knowledge in those specific areas.

Overall, you show promise and I look forward to any changes that you make with the application process.

Best of luck regardless!


Well-known Member
Sep 9, 2022
-/+ Neutral
I have had no or very little interaction with you, dont really remember the name.
Further the map change event is not an actual map change. It is just a major event.
The A-1 mission and the CI mission are things they just do a daily basis. It is nothing really special and more creativity can be shown here.

I do like the 3 small event idea's and the O-1 one but how are you going to actually do this. For the masquerade it seems you would need ALOT of GM's and normal players who want to be an 'NPC'.

Best of luck!
Hi Dutch,
thank you for your honest verdict, i might be changing the A-1 and CI missions tomorrow when I get home, I’m gonna be thinking on what missions I should change today!
About the masquerade mission for O-1, it’s not impossible to make something like that work, I would maybe need help of some GM’s aswell since I don’t have the experience needed yet, however, I believe it’s a fun mission for O-1, and 1 GM can do it alone if he has experience.
About the “NPC’s” part, I have thought of something different, instead of them being aware of the O-1 mission, an announcement would be made on the discord, that a masquerade was going to be taken place in (Ex.: Core Sector, or lecturing hall or even the smaller lecturing hall in the research area), and all personnel are invited.
I have a more structured idea planned, if you have questions DM me on Discord.

Hi @boku

After reading through the application, I am currently settling on a Neutral at the moment but leaning to a +Support if the right parts are remedied correctly.

The formatting of the application is great and made it easy to read, which is a bonus.

Following on from what Dutch said, I do agree that the Alpha-1 and Chaos Insurgency missions are your typical day to day happenings with them on the Server. Perhaps expand on something different or press on something lore related to show some knowledge in those specific areas.

Overall, you show promise and I look forward to any changes that you make with the application process.

Best of luck regardless!
Hi Broda!
As I said to Dutch, I’m gonna be changing the A-1 and CI missions, when I was making the application, I also thought that they weren’t that special. Thank you for your comment!! <3
The first 2 small event ideas sound pretty cool but Convergence Accord is a bit vague
Operation Phoenix sounds more like a major event than a map change, and I'm confused if CI's gonna be helping or attacking Foundation during it?
An event almost identical to A1's example mission happened a few days ago iirc, a helicopter crash caused a surface breach of 008 and a lot of combative people from around the site went to surface to help out

Serpent's Hand events for GOC and Nu7 could be made into a storyline with lots of events which has good potential
The rest of the events ideas all sound really good
Application Accepted

Hi @boku ,

On behalf of the Game Master Team I like to thank you for making an application for the position of Trial Game Master, this is to let you know that you have been accepted to conduct the next step of the application process.

Please contact an Event Team Leader such as myself or Scotsman for your next step.

Kind Regard,

Event Team Lead Jason Taylor​
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