(UK) Brayan's Inspector Application

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
1006.45 hours


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Brayan "Jim" Murry

Civilian name:
Steve Cobblepot

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, I do​

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

  • E-11 Lcpl (Held)
  • Nu7 PVT (Held)
  • DEA Senior Agent (Held)
  • ISD Investigator (Holding)
  • SCP-22415 (Holding)
  • SCP-096 (Holding)
  • CI Gamma (Held)
  • DEA Agent (Holding)
  • ISD Agent (Holding)
  • CI Alpha (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Screenshot 2024-11-16 114859.png

Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?

-I am applying for Inspector to move up in the leadership chain so I can help new ISD Agents and train them to become fantastic agents. I would also love to create more RP and being a CL4 can help me with that.

What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:

-I have some skills such as: leadership which can be used to guide and assign stations to other ISD members, Problem Solving which can help with investigations to find the culprit and Team Work which is great to have in ISD as you have to work well with others. I am active and always willing to help. I am also willing to dedicate my time on SCP RP to ISD so that it becomes a better and bigger department. I also believe that with me becoming a investigator I can enhance and create more operations, opportunity's and more role play. I would also love to help new agents to have great documentation. Those are the reasons why I know I would be a great Inspector!

What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:

-An ideal inspector is one who makes sure that ISD's daily operations are carried out. All inspectors must be capable of carrying out the commissioners' or directors' policies, whether that means establishing ID checkpoints or working with investigators on investigations. It goes without saying that inspectors need to have strong interpersonal skills because they are in charge of educating the department's future.

How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:

-I have wrote quite a few documents most of them arrest reports before and after the ISD update. I also have been writing some documents for the recent operations.
What makes a document good quality:
  • Good grammar
  • Good template
  • Good in detail
  • Good spacing

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:

  • Organise all of the field's ISD activities.
  • Assign staff members tasks.
  • Establish checkpoints.
  • Hire and develop new members.
  • Participate in high-level enquiries/investigations.

Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:

-As my time on DEA Senior Agent and E-11 Lcpl I have learned some leadership skills. With my Investigator role that has given me opportunity's to have more leadership skills. And I would love to help the reformation of ISD. I have great teamwork skills which will help work with other ISD leadership to make ISD great again!

Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Last edited:

jimmy charles

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 14, 2024


  • First of all I want to put, Brayan has moved away from being a minge, ive known him for a while and he really wants this role, he genuinly wants to do Roleplay as a Cl4.

  • I think he and the server could benefit of him having this role. he would not be abusive, he would help roleplay scenarios.

  • I know im known as a minge but im being serious about this comment.

  • Doesent have much information

I hope it gets accepted - Jimmy Charles
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Reactions: Brayan "Jim" Murry
How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:

-I have wrote quite a few documents most of them arrest reports before and after the ISD update. I also have been writing some documents for the recent operations.
For this question you partly answered it, you are missing what 'What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality' or in more simple terms what things make a good document?

Apart from that I have seen your attitude on site massively change and due to your recent contributions to ISD operations, I believe you would be a good candidate. Therefore I will be leaving a +support.
  • Like
Reactions: Brayan "Jim" Murry
For this question you partly answered it, you are missing what 'What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality' or in more simple terms what things make a good document?

Apart from that I have seen your attitude on site massively change and due to your recent contributions to ISD operations, I believe you would be a good candidate. Therefore I will be leaving a +support.
Thank you Harvey, I have added some more to the question.
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