[UK] Broda Kagen's Site (Co-)Director Application

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Mar 20, 2022
Steam ID: 76561198009576931
Discord name: Brokage#3416
For how long have you played on CG SCP: One Year. (Fuck my life)
Age: 28
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Broda Kagen
Civilian name: ‘Nathaniel Croft’
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Executive Researcher
  • Director of Research
  • O5-6 ‘The Cortex’
  • Site Advisor
  • Site Director
  • Medical Consultant
  • Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • None
Why are you applying for Site Director?
  • Site Director is one of the core components for Site Roleplay progression. My long time dedication and passion for RP has realigned myself to apply for Site Director once more. During my prior tenure I developed great friendships with many people throughout the server and thoroughly enjoyed working alongside those inside Site Administration also. My eagerness to develop RP and promote individual and collective story lines has guided me to reapply for the position once more as it is far more sociable compared to that of an Ethics Chairman or an Overseer. Having been a Site Director before, it was my most enjoyable experience in my year of playing so far and would love to take the opportunity to step into it once again.
What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:
  • I have a tremendous amount of experience in roleplay over my years of gaming. Ranging from D&D campaigns to sandboxed RP in various games/private servers.Whilst I have managed the Research Department as Director and gained tremendous experience through multiple challenges that were presented upon immediately taking over this role. During my time as Director of Research, alongside Dr Hamster, I developed concrete and effective policy to direct researchers to if they become confused or unaware of any changes. Signposting people to the correct authorities when needed, such as ethics for unique and dangerous testing. Being a highly mature individual, matters of importance and sensitivity are easily managed due to my experience in character/in game and also my IRL career. My approachability encourages others to come to me if there are issues as I always make time for others. Doing so builds that unique relationship between myself and others on site, a strong rapport creates an efficient workplace. Following alongside my ability to form solid relationships with people, becoming Site Director would enable me to continue creating site wide narrative progression by encouraging individual story lines to flourish and develop the site as a whole. I do have a proven track record of pushing story and character development via various means, such as Sigma-1 and group lectures which engage newcomers and veterans to form new relationships on site to enhance the social and experimental side of affairs. My ability to produce documentation and websites to enhance accessibility to policy and procedure will allow me to aim to revolutionize the Site to lessen issues going forward. (Link will follow below). To add onto this, I have created an Introduction to CL4 guide for both US and UK Sites to use to ease in any new CL4 personnel. Documentation like this is a speciality of mine and I endeavor daily to create improvements for any aspect on Site. I will be creating a full CL Knowledge guide soon to aid all players on both servers to know what their CL grants them knowledge too, thus preventing mass confusion to which many players struggle with on a daily basis. Alongside this during my time on SCP RP for CN i’ve fulfilled further roles very successfully and transformed/resurrecting departments when they needed it the most. I have a long span of Clearance Level 5 experience and Clearance Level 4 also, not to mention the transformation of the Ethics Committee during my time as Chairman. During my time as Site Director before my ascension to Chairman, I fought passionately to reform and relocate the department before the Core Sector update was released. During this time I argued efficiently to increase Site Advisor slots from 2 to 3 in which we were successful alongside the move to Entrance Zone Offices from Personal Wing. During this time NL noticed we created a website for Site Administration in which it advertised newsletters, information and departmental reviews. We were all awarded £100,000 ingame currency for promoting serious RP and engaging with the community as Site Administration should have done. If I wasn't asked to move to Ethics to be Chairman, I would still be Site Director to this day. Unfortunately COVID got in the way during December and I had some rather unfortunate complications which led to my resignation prior. I am back and ready to continue improving RP quality like I have done before. To conclude with this, All my past and present accomplishments within RP and OOC development of RP will be linked below to support my claims within this application.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
  • Site Administration runs the daily going-ons within the Site. Whilst the Overseer council sits atop their throne above the entire Foundation, Site Administration per site is vital in the continued productivity of their designated site. Specifically on Site-65 their responsibilities are, but not limited to:
  • Creation and application of Site Wide policies.
  • To review and discipline departments if necessary.
  • To develop relations between departments to ensure the Site runs effectively.
  • To be available at a moment's notice to direct the Site during emergencies.
  • To be available to answer queries from Site personal when needed.
  • To train and instruct Site Affairs in the absence of Clearance Level 4 personnel.
  • If required, report in to Interrogation to issue job bans to those who misuse their role on Site.
  • To be a figurehead and develop RP further for the Site as a whole.
  • Liaise with Site Command and run specific Tribunals when needed.
  • Issue Citations to naughty people.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Broda Kagen Biography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aFmkB3AErFtR-FxqLyGwK1Efv9mp9SDXBoDdaYuSK7k/edit
O5-6 ‘The Cortex’ Biography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KyLmcVHiRorlMp1yfDSkeRoSh4L2ykbluzmBUJhxEvk/edit?usp=sharing

Supporting Documents:
Project Occulus: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qmdXECxZW-u-iZKiXx--X4oDu075ObbGSTr6BrEf-eE/edit?usp=sharing
Sigma-1 Concept: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-n9oGPZUhVwKYFaXP3PWtYUKw0QGOIXU4D2YN4eX8lQ/edit?usp=sharing
Department of Research Website: https://sites.google.com/view/department-of-research-scprp/home?authuser=0
Site Administration Website:
Introduction to CL4 Guide:
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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
+CL5 experience 2 cl5 jobs
+One of the most serious rpers ive ever seen
May 24, 2022
+massive support

I have nothing but great things to say about Broda. Literally reforms any department he touches and has an incredible track record.

Alongside his high capability of leading and organising constant RP Broda is also a great person to work alongside, he is both understanding and manages to constantly maintain a non bias standpoint on situations which is exactly what is needed when it comes to being a site director.
Broda Kagen's influence whilst serving as the Ethics Committee Chairman, in my opinion, significantly boosted both the quantity and quality of roleplay for a significant portion of the server population, especially those looking for more in-depth roleplay. This is a common trend with Broda, anything he touches seems to turn to gold. Even in the past few days he has been working in the medical department as a Medical Consultant and it's the busiest I have seen the medbay without an SCP being present.
-Highly experienced (the only man to be overqualified for SD?)
-Outstanding creative roleplay
-Knowledge of the inner workings and lore of the foundation is second-to-none
-Well respected and known within the community, will be able to bring Dpt. Directors into the fold to organise roleplay with ease

Zero Hero

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 15, 2022

I've known Broda since before the US server opened, and I know that he's well suited for the role, especially with vast amounts of Sr. CL-4/Cl-5 experience.

R. Slicker

Well-known Member
Aug 30, 2022
excessively experienced
well written application
very active.

give this man SD


Deleted member 1285

Broda is a great guy, I've known him for ages and he has always acted responsibly and mature to situations - he has had experience with O5 and director of research for vast amounts of time. I wish you the best of luck with this application and hope you get the results you want.

(Also had site director roles)

+ Support


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
every role he has held has improved so much medical was dead a few days ago when he gets consultant it pops off he even got a member of CI TO RP ? no doubt SA will improve
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