[UK] Broda's Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24655601
Discord name: brokage
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Nearly 3 Years
Age: 30
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Broda Kagen
Civilian name: Broda
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
  • Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher (Held)
  • Director of Research (Held)
  • O5-6 ‘The Cortex’ (Held)
  • Site Advisor (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • Ethics Committee Chairman (Held)
  • Medical Consultant (Held)
  • Site Manager (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • O5-2 ‘The Sovereign’ (Held)
  • Special Agent (Held)
  • Agency Manager (Held)
  • O5-1 'The Sovereign' (Held)
  • IA Ambassador (Holding)
  • Director of Internal Affairs (Held)
  • O5-4 'The Quartermaster' (Held)
  • Director of Internal Security (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

  • Never
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
  • I believe Site Administration currently is in a weakened state due to members not wielding their powers and permissions efficiently enough. I aim to bring along my extensive experience to the position of Site Advisor to help current members bring out Site Admin’s full potential. Recently the survey they’ve deployed has to my knowledge garnered some feedback from various members of the community. I know from personal experience that some players are conflicted with Site Administration currently due to various reasons ranging from lack of engagement to presence on the Site. I am to become a driving force behind relighting the presence and leadership behind Site Administration and re-establishing the governing department on the site once more. The Overseer Council and The Ethics Committee have realistically less powers and permissions than Site Administration via the Site Administration Guidelines. There is so much that can be done but there needs to be a course correction and I believe I can assist the Site Director in doing that.

    Site Administration is the primary authority on Site-65 and as such enables the position holders within to be more social with the members of the community rather than isolation on Floor 3 or hidden away within the Ethics Committee Offices. Being social with people is my biggest enjoyment alongside immersive roleplay experiences. Site Administration ticks them boxes as they can spearhead Site wide projects and Operations to create fun experiences for all. Out of all my roles, even O5-1 and Ethics Director (Chairman), being Site Director/Manager/Advisor was one of the better experiences I have had due to the sheer freedom you get within the role.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

- Internal Security has been a bit of a challenge to review from its corpse of a department I was tasked to deal with. Upon a request from the Chairman and NL to fix the department, I set upon it to find out what's caused its death. Internal Security is a department that was mismanaged for a while and needed to be 'relaunched' as I refer to it. Since then, I've rebuilt the entire Internal Security Leadership team, bringing in excellent talent and veteran players to give the department a boost in its activity. I am now in a position after the activity has been boosted, the roleplay quality has skyrocketed and player engagement has been at an all time high. I feel confident in stepping aside now that the work is practically done in rebuilding the department from the ground up. I've moved documentation in game, removed duty logs and focused on the quality of roleplay being produced by the members of Internal Security. By using this formula that I've applied to previous roles, I've been able to create a welcoming and less stressful area on Site-65 for the more roleplay orientated players to come play in. I can evidence this as Site Administration can see everything we've been up to.

I've created a delegation framework to enable a continuation of high quality players to learn and grow to take over the position at some point down the road. This ensures the Department of Internal Security will not suffer a similar fate as it did prior. On top of this, I've held the two biggest positions on the server and have impacted the server in a positive way on both tenures. As Chairman I pushed for the change to rename the role to align with the lore accuracy as Ethics Director was not lore friendly at all. I also began work on the tribunal system to be delegated to Assistants as well. Delegation and others growth is an essential strategy to my prior successes as getting overwhelmed in a role can lead to burnout, however some instances are just completely unavoidable.

I am also the original author of the Zone Jurisdiction Policy, something I put in place to encourage departments and MTFs in where their zones primarily are and what powers they hold within these zones. However, I've seen it been bastardized and aim to rectify that by proposing a realignment of what is currently within the document. I also aim to bring Site policy in game as not everyone will refer to discord. Finally, I have created many huge changes in my time here and being put back into Site Administration again will give me another opportunity to work with some likeminded individuals to enhance the server experience for all players, not just Clearance Level 4.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

- The duties primarily for Site Administration are vastly important to the successful functioning of the site. A member of Site Administration would be expected to vote on the appointment of Mobile Task Force Nu-7 and E-11 Commanders along with Department Directors for General Security, Medical and External Affairs. Alongside those appointments they must vote on new candidates to Site Administration and interview them accordingly with the Site Director, this can be delegated to Site Managers however at the Site Director's discretion. One of the more important duties is the management of departments on the Site, this does include all departments minus Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 and Omega-1. With management comes additional powers to audit departments to ensure there is nothing out of place or any information hazards lurking about as this does tend to threaten Site security. It is recommended and encouraged to use Internal Security and External Affairs to conduct these audits for safety and security due to the secrecy act. With management comes great authority and as such the part closure of areas on Site can be authorised to hold trainings for any department. This however has been greatly abused and I aim to rectify it to the best of my ability if successful. Site Administration is expected to use External Affairs to manage the local GOI tensions and incidents in the area as they represent the Site as a whole. Some minor duties are the approval of advanced armoury during codes, the calling of the Emergency Response Team if you are high enough within Site Administration and generic test authorisation if there are no ethical concerns for the test in question. If there are any emergencies on the Site, Site Administration is the first port of call to manage the emergency and if necessary organise the evacuation procedures by issuing orders to the relevant departments. I want to bring back Code Black drills to test the response time of all departments and ensure the evacuation procedures are running smoothly. Finally, the constant liaison with departments and reviewing their progress is vital to having a higher quality experience with roleplay, otherwise standards will nosedive and we'll just be stuck in SCP VR Chat.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

(I will issue that fucking citation to Resh-1)
Nov 14, 2024
Broda would make an amazing Site Advisor! He has done so much to reform ISD and has made it fun to be apart of ISD. I will miss him as our Director but I know he will do a fantastic job! We shall look after ISD and keep it going strong!
Jun 10, 2024
Major +Support

- I haven't been on the server long enough to see everything that Broda has done, but what I have seen has been absolutely amazing. He has transformed ISD into a paradise, and his time as O5-1 was equally as amazing.
- Broda would make an excellent Site Advisor or even higher.
Good Luck!
  • Director of Research (Held)
  • O5-6 ‘The Cortex’ (Held)
  • Site Advisor (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • Ethics Committee Chairman (Held)
  • Medical Consultant (Held)
  • Site Manager (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • O5-2 ‘The Sovereign’ (Held)
  • Special Agent (Held)
  • Agency Manager (Held)
  • O5-1 'The Sovereign' (Held)
  • IA Ambassador (Holding)
  • Director of Internal Affairs (Held)
  • O5-4 'The Quartermaster' (Held)
  • Director of Internal Security (Holding)
What the...
This is just crazy

Been on the server for almost the same amount of time, but I can't even begin to compare to Broda.

Broda, you have been carrying so many departments by yourself, and it's absolutely amazing how you manage to accomplish everything you do.

You've come back twice now to ISD and have done so much for it. I truly believe they couldn’t have a better DoISD than you.

I believe you will be an amazing Site Advisor, and for that reason, I’ll be leaving a +Support for you. The work you do and the hours you put into it are truly stunning.

The amount of RP you've created is amazing and I belive you can create so much more with the role of Site advisor for the entire site.

Good luck on your application, buddy.

+ Support
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