[UK] Bush IA Ambassador Application (3)

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Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022
@"Bravo" @finleyhyland08
I understand that you and your Director are angry because I wanted a Pepsi. Actually, I don't understand it at all.
To be quite honest, I really didn't care about your situation in interrogations, the whole thing was just a misunderstanding between my CPL and you. He had every right to suspect you and cuff you considering the fact that you cuffed a CL4 personnel, made what looked to be a "Cup of Death" as my CPL mentioned, and then refused to show any approval or documentation.

As for the pepsi I made, since when is making drinks conspiracy to murder? What I did was not remotely close to "framing you" and I think you need a reality check. I'm sorry to say, but not everything revolves around you. I understand that your medical Dpt. has a problem with me, however I don't think that throwing on false charges is the way to go.

As for misuse of an SCP, I already turned myself in and faced the sentence out of respect for the Ambassadors, despite NLR.
Massive -REP
You have been removed from Nu-7 because of this and many high ranking people within the facility have agreed with me also we did show the medical document to prove that it was allowed.

Also you have been banned from the medical department since you managed to kill a AFK researcher with a medical harpoon for no reason, Which this clearly shows that you have no role play intention on this server and you applying to become a Lvl 4 personal is a joke at this point.

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Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
@"Bravo" Responding. I believe it was your escort, Fin Highland, that claimed he had an approval document from ethics, however refused to show it to me or my CPL, claiming that it was not necessary. He was detained later.

@finleyhyland08 In that clip that you so conveniently cropped, you said that I should give him electroshock therapy to test my new defibrilator Pac.

@Demi I suggest that you do not comment on situations that you were not present for nor know nothing about, considering that what you said was a lie and I did not "frame" anyone.

Application Denied

Good day, Agent von Mann.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. We've come to the conclusion that you are not qualified for the position of Internal Affairs Ambassador.

Your behavior through the last weeks has been unacceptable. You have been banned from GENSEC and medical, blacklisted from E-11, and had your RRT and medical licenses revoked. You've been on a massive mingeing spree and, as much as you've been a valuable asset to IA, such actions cannot go unnoticed.

I understand that you've recently started to try and behave properly, but that's not enough. Nevertheless, your efforts don't go unnoticed and they're appreciated.

If you wish to rejoin the ambassadorial team, you're expected to show massive improvements in your overall behavior through the following weeks.

Don't let this discourage you from reapplying in the future,

Kindest Regards,
Director Katona.
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