[UK] Callum's GM Application

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Jul 14, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
I started playing CG SCP ~June 19th, 2023


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
UK timzeone?

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):
Callum 'Flare' Keller

Site Advisor [HOLDING]
Overseer Assistant [HOLDING]
Ethics Committee Assistant [HELD]
Executive Researcher [HELD]

Chaos name (include your rank):

Civilian name:

Steam ID:

Discord ID (name#0000):
(flare _ _ s)

Do you have a mic?:

What server are you applying for?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
[RDM] Expired | Killed a d-class as non-combattive.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Not other than SCP-RP.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
Firstly, I want to enhance fun and enjoyable RP for all players. I believe that it is extremely important for all people on the server to be involved in a certain aspect of the RP, especially if the event is wide-scale / server wide. I personally enjoy writing and participating in in-depth and developed RP, especially if it involved many people as it allows everyone to contribute their ideas and thoughts on the current situation going on.

My favorite type of RP is "fluid" RP, where the actions you take decide the outcomes.where the consequences of your actions shape the unfolding narrative. This style enables diverse outcomes and possibilities stemming from a single event, ensuring that each individual's choices significantly influences developments in the story line. I am applying for Gamemaster is so I can create fun and interesting RP for everyone involved by increasing the amount of fun and developed RP that will allow all people to interact with.

One final reason that I am applying for game master is to unleash my creativity. I'll have to power to create engaging RP which will be enjoyable by everyone. Creating fun, developed, and unique scenarios enhances to general game play of each person involved, creating fun memories with the community, building the player base. GMs often need to think on their feet and adapt to the actions and decisions of players. This role provides an excellent opportunity to hone problem-solving skills, as you navigate unexpected situations and find creative solutions to keep the rp experience engaging and enjoyable for everyone involved. All which are traits that i posses and want to expand.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I'm often engaged in RP and understand the basic layout and method of how to lead it. I have vast amounts of experience in CL4 positions, meaning that I often engage and participate in intricately designed RP and I understand the general layout and method of hosting an event. On top of that my positions as a Site-Advisor and Overseer Assistant will mean that I'll be able to effectively participate and create my own events, allowing a lot of personnel to be involved.

Secondly, I'm a very observant and creative person meaning that I'll be able to create interesting RP for both sides. Unlike other people, I enjoy writing long-winded and developed documents for RP. This means that I'll be able to write documentation for events that I'm hosting for people to read through and understand objectives, etc...

Finally, My positions as CL4 prove that I'm willing to RP and i'm responsible enough to hold positions allowing me to lead and develop RP. I'm creative enough to make interesting, advanced, and elaborate rp, elevating the amount of fun that players can have on the server, creating fun and interesting memories for people. Being creative allows me to create narratives that aren't only interesting but dynamic and engaging for everyone, creating an environment where players can let loose and enjoy themselves.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Christmas Doors:
A new anomaly is arriving on-site, I expect research and containment personnel to adapt to it's unique containment procedures and testing guidelines.

SCP-5664 is a wooden mahogany door typically representing architectural styles from the Victorian era, although showing no signs of decay or damage. It has multiple engraved panels with a deep black finish with two raised decorative glass inserts, which are perceived to be had "head-height" for anyone viewing it. Cognito-hazardous effects mean that the anomaly, once viewed, causes the person to have an irresistible urge to open it and enter. Once the person has entered, they will be instantaneously transported to any door within a 3km radius around the origin of opening, regardless of if it was locked. After the subject who entered has been fully teleported, the door will close itself and vanish, re-appearing at another location roughly ranging from 10 minutes up to 4 hours.

Transport Trucks:
Several transport trucks have been sighted entering the Chaos Insurgency base. High humes have been reported in the area. The possibility of new anomalies being transferred is high. The CI R&D department has to study and analyse the anomalies for their capabilities in combat.

SCP-8355 appears to be a standard wooden play-sword, representing a long-sword typically used in the anglo-saxon era. When wielded normally it behaves and acts as a normal wooden sword, however when used with deadly intent the anomaly starts to change to the wielders desire, changing material, length, and passing effects such as stamina, health and other to the person holding the sword.

SCP-5543 is a gun which can be loaded with any type of ammunition. Accepting any kind of bullet, grenade, or stick, firing it proportionally to what would normally be expected. SCP-5543's appearance is misleading, and as such is highly classified. Without normal inspection, it appears as a standard tube. SCP-5543's ability to fire the items cannot be observed. Additionally SCP-5543 refuses to fire when aimed at / when a person is in danger from it's projectile.

These anomalies will be GM's who use pac to change their appearance on the SCP-??? role. Using /me or /it, the event will take place with anomalies being transported to CI base from lake-house with vehicles. Unless intercepted, they arrive at CI base and logistics personnel bring the crates inside. After opened, the two anomalies will be visible and able to be used / researched. No server deaths or casualties will take place through the use of these anomalies.

To: Site-65 CL5
From: O5-6
Topic: SCP-2950

Greetings O5 members. With recent events unfolding at my site, I'm ordering the transfer of SCP-2950 to Site-65 for containment in LCZ. It's a safe class SCP and is just a chair, nothing special. We require the containment room for other anomalies.

Kind Regards,

SCP-2950 Is believed to be a chair by the majority of foundation personnel. In reality it's a keter anomaly that cannot be contained, if we believe it to be that. SCP-2950 is a an anomaly that is defined by the majority of human thought. If we believe it to be SCP-106, it will be SCP-106. The SCP will be kept in LCZ Containment, with a wall placed in front of SCP-099 in it's containment chamber to serve as a "make-shift" containment unit for SCP-2950. The event will go like normal, with personnel only knowing that it's been transferred from another site. SCP-2950 will be a game-master who using pac, changed his player model into a chair on the SCP-??? role. Any interactions with SCP-2950 will be used to further RP to the greatest extent possible using commands, pac, etc...

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

SEARCH: <OPERATION-Ephemeral Eclipse>
>> Searching...

>> Loading file "Ephemeral Eclipse".
>> Warning. This file is classified to Level-4 and contains multiple cognito-hazardous images as to protect the information inside this document. Do you accept the risk?

Y / N

>> Granting Access...

Title: Operation Ephemeral Eclipse.
Missions: Retrieving life from planet 54-KBS-JHER safely.
Personnel Involved: [LIST REDACTED]

Incident Report:
At roughly 0800 hours at Site-65, researcher [DATA REDACTED] was conducting standard procedure testing on SCP-8837. Due to complications with the Class-D personnel, who has since been terminated, SCP-8837 gained knowledge on it's containment, leading to a temporary CK Reality Shift scenario.

Later on, at roughly 0930 hours the world started to shake, with anomalously sized earthquakes spanning the earth. At 0946 hours, the last recorded message was played by Foundation personnel prior to reality shift:

Attention facility personnel. We are currently undergoing an earthquake. Please remain calm and go to your designated zones.
At all times follow SOP and listen to you-

The announcement was cut short.

For the next 45 minutes, all life on earth passed out, this is to be assumed the time that the CK Reality Shift scenario occurred. Foundation staff, alongside the enter population of the earth slowly started to gain consciousness at around 1001 hours, realizing that something was wrong. Foundation personnel quickly asserted the information that a CK Reality Shift scenario occurred, gathering each other together by site to conduct head counts and discuss.

O5-1: Greeting council. We are conducting this emergency meeting in relation to the current situation which I am sure you are all aware of. Foundation personnel specializing in CK Scenarios have asserted that there is a high likely hood that we have been transported to another planet, or dimension with similar properties to the EARTH-48K, our home planet.

O5-3: All equipment has gone missing, as only life on earth was transported. It seems that we-

The sky suddenly becomes dark. The council members look up. An immensely large floating space helmet comes into frame as the camera moves up towards the sky, almost completely covering the nearest star. All life on earth starts to simultaneously hear a voice, although no location of origin can be found.


The eye visible in the sky is a god-like being, looking similar to the helmet that SCP-8837 wears. After learning about it's containment, SCP-8837 becomes enraged, deciding to reek havoc across all life on earth for mistreating it. After a containment breach, SCP-8837 alongside multiple other unidentified anomalies conducted a ritual to transport life to another dimension, where they were gods; similar to SCP-106. Trees and other plants are visible, with the terrain around them representing a desert with a purple hue on the ground. There are 2 stars visible in the sky, however it is night time. Many stars and galaxies are visible in the "night" sky.

Personnel are advised to setup camps and temporary containment units for anomalies that they may find. The chaos insurgency, still in shock of what has happened will plan to use this to their advantage. The UNGOC attempts to calm down civilians and find methods of terminating all anomalies involved in this.

"Judgement" refers to the act of SCP-8837, or at least something that looks like it, to watch over personnel giving them challenges and messing with their heads and perception of life as it is. Time slows and speeds up depending on the will of SCP-8837.

After joint efforts from the UNGOC and Foundation, the anomaly is summoned through the use of a ritual into a physical form, at which point they capture it and use make-shift SRA's to detain it. The UNGOC attempt to destroy it, slowly withering away the reality they are in, revealing that they never left... It seems that they were in an illusion of space.

List an example mission for each of the following:

FROM: *Regimental Command*

Recent events including members from the Serpent's Hand have threatened the life of CL4 personnel. Using their thaumaturgic abilities they have trapped, kidnapped and even in some cases killed personnel.

Attention Omega-1 Personnel. A package was delivered to an Ethics Member this morning at 0800 BST. At first inspection it seemed to be just a bottle, passing hume and biological hazard detection scans. After opening, the Ethics Member shrank in size, being caught inside the bottle. Protect the Ethics Member and ensure the safe release of them.

Recent events on Site-65 have threatened the life of the majority of CL4 personnel on-site. The serpent's hand have been using thaumaturgy to target CL4 personnel who have committed crimes against humanity; Murdering D-Class, Others, and much worse stuff. With the recent events including the Ethics Member being trapped in the bottle, we are beginning to question the loyalty of the board of ethics to the foundation and if they serve their purpose. MTF Omega-1 are to investigate this and find out the cause. Will loyalty overpower their morality?

One of our assistants has gone rogue and is operating on surface
against the foundation's goals.

He is a top priority and due to his position has major potential for a
broken masquerade scenario. Capture them before this situation
gets out of hand. Now.

Due to complications with a cognitohazard released to the assistant through SCP-079, the assistant turned rogue against the foundation, threatening a broken masquerade scenario by defecting and leaking information to other GOI's in regards to ongoing operations... Or is he? SCP-079 seems to be... missing? SCP-079's egoistic personality made him want to abuse the power and position of the assistant to remove his disc and inject his code into a computer located at lake-house, giving him access to the world. The foundation must stop them.

Multiple floating islands around the pinewood area have been reported by civilians. Figure out the source and bring them down.
Defend. The. Site.

After interaction with a powerful reality bending anomaly, three large floating islands have appeared around the general pinewood area, each possessing it's own biome and anomalous capabilities. MTF Nu-7 alongside other departments has to organize containment, and preventing the spread of information.

A powerful reality bender has decided to target Site-65. By using the surrounding terrain and materials around Site-65, they were able to create three floating islands, each containing valuable resources currently slowly destroying the foundation. The foundation must climb and take down each of the three beacons to be able to detain the reality bender. Can the foundation stop the final event from happening and possible research the uses of the three ores?

1) Luminescent Crystalite: This rare crystal made by the reality bender creates a force-field for the reality bender, but only while in the light...

2) Aetherium Crystal: Provides flight for the reality bender. Disabling this crystal will remove his ability for fast-travel.

3) Chronoite: Allows for far-range thaumaturgic abilities to take place; seeing through walls, etc...


FROM: Research Command - CS
TO: MTF E-11

Hey guys- uh... I think... I'm an anomaly?

Please help- I've done a test with a reality bender
last week and now stuff around me is becoming


Somewhat kind regards,
Research Department.


After a test-gone-wrong with TG-A, a researcher has discovered that certain anomalous effects are starting to manifest around him... Certain aspects of his life have become easier, with objects coming to life to assist with his goals and missions. It seems that whatever the TG-A did enabled the researcher into becoming a weak reality bender. The foundation must investigate the source of these effects.

Can we trust him to use these abilities for the good of humanity, or will he have to be contained?

After a successful raid on Site-65, CI Command has gotten their hand on a few SCP-500 pills. Study them and find out how to replicate their effects to a much greater standard. Ensure the foundation does not find out about your research findings.

The foundation needs to discover the missing SCP-500 pills and find out what CI is planning...

Chaos Logistics have delivered three SCP-500 pills to the chaos terror cell in pinewood. Using /me and /it, the chaos insurgency will attempt to reverse engineer the creation of SCP-500 pills, in an attempt to mass-produce them. Will they succeed? SCP-500 pills will be either spawned in or bought from MCND prior to the event. If successful, the CI will have a small supply of liquid which will temporarily enhance personnel's health, while slowly decaying to death.

The UNGOC have found themselves in the possession of a thaumiel class anomaly, protecting another, anomaly from being breached. The UNGOC's next steps may decide your fate!

The UNGOC hear a knock on their door, after opening it they find a small mysterious purple dyed leather box with wooden exo-skeleton structure, closed by chains and massive locks. Engraved on the box is written "Pandora's Box. Do Not Open."

Pandora's box is a reference to mythology, where the box holds great tragedies and misfortune, however symbolizes hope. If opened or interacted with, the person who did it will release evil spirits which will haunt them until they die, at which point they will return to the box waiting for their next victim. Through the use of PAC3, the ghosts can stalk their victim until their demise, playing spooky sounds to enhance rp.

Foundation Staff:
After a black out at Foundation Site-65, research personnel were shocked to discover a vase replacing SCP-099's CC. Engraved on the vase was the phrase
Double Double Toil And Trouble / Fire Burn And Cauldron Double". The mysterious effects of this vase are to be tested immediately.

Is it the witch glass or is it just a prank?

A vase will be placed in SCP-099's CC. When interacted with, the person will read "DOUBLE DOUBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE / FIRE BURN AND COULDRON BUBBLE", a reference to the witch glass from mythology. Using /me and /it personnel will be able to experiment on the SCP, taking full advantage of it's effects. This would give research staff, especially of lower clearance, the ability to interact with events and more! Any personnel who interact with the SCP can be given fun or interesting effects which will last until they die.

Thanks for reading my GM App! Leave your honest opinions below.​
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+-neutral +support
almost all one or two event ideas are vague, some have good potential though
map change event is not a map change event
i don't blame you for not knowing this but any events related to GOC, CI, or Foundation High Command (e.g. The Engineer, The Administrator, D.C. Al Fine, etc...) never happen unless an SGM or superadmin is leading it

I like the sound of the mahogany door and research staff events, they sound like fun premises
O-1 mission is a reskinned CI raid
Nu-7 mission is a reskinned CI raid

The rest of the events sound fun and leave room for imagination
changed event ideas after feedback
silly aah O-1 event sounds like it'd be very fun to participate in and run
Nu-7 event is very unique
CI event is feasible and sounds good
map change is feasible
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Today, I will be going with a +Support, (still lightly leaning towards Neutral) for your Gamemaster application.

You're a long-standing member with good attitude and seriousness, though:
- I haven't seen much in-depth roleplay from you, despite this long activity in the server and your position as SA.
- Almost all event ideas are very vague and short, making the application seem rushed and the details non-existant.
Some of the ideas are cool, but they seem more like brainstorming instead of outlines of actual events. In my opinion, these should have a more powerful presentation, to wake the engagement of the targeted groups, especially the MTFs that are more combat-focused.

If you change and improve upon the event ideas, I am inclined to change my verdict.

Seeing you take my advice and improve upon the event ideas, plus getting some further information on substantial RP interactions, my verdict is now +Support.

Good luck.
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Jul 14, 2023

Today, I will be going with a +Support, (still lightly leaning towards Neutral) for your Gamemaster application.

You're a long-standing member with good attitude and seriousness, though:
- I haven't seen much in-depth roleplay from you, despite this long activity in the server and your position as SA.
- Almost all event ideas are very vague and short, making the application seem rushed and the details non-existant.
Some of the ideas are cool, but they seem more like brainstorming instead of outlines of actual events. In my opinion, these should have a more powerful presentation, to wake the engagement of the targeted groups, especially the MTFs that are more combat-focused.

If you change and improve upon the event ideas, I am inclined to change my verdict.

Seeing you take my advice and improve upon the event ideas, plus getting some further information on substantial RP interactions, my verdict is now +Support.

Good luck.
Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
We have good interactions ingame and in discord but there are a few issue's I would like to adress.

The 3 small events are very vague, they offer no real description on the event itself. You have put an description of the SCP but not how you think it will play out, what people will do etc. This could be improved on.

The map change event seems cool, but you have not given us an actual map to use and it does not seem as an actual map change event. You would just add some props/materials to the current entrance zone and not actually change the map. You could also give more information about how you think the event will run, how many GM's you need etc.

The regimental missions are also underdetailed. As stated above you need to add more detail to the mission. Also the CI mission is kinda dull and the rest are okay. The only ones I actually like is the Nu-7, E-11 and O-1 one.

Good luck!

You try and implent feedback into your application. You seem eager for feedback and want to learn stuff!
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022

Hello Callum,
As of current, I am unable to support your application.
Several of your events lack detail and have too little thought put into the actual feasibility.

As people before have said, your "map change" event is not a map change, an event as you have proposed it would never be run due to the disproportionate effort placed on the mapping team for such a thing.
Map Changes require a pre-existing map, which will be loaded onto the server for the duration of the event, replacing Site-65 until conclusion, your proposed map edit is interesting, but unfeasible.

Furthermore, I have a handful of more specific issues which i will highlight individually.
Anomaly Two:
This just looks like you forgot to finish writing this event, "Who knows what will happen" is not very convincing on an application, while I understand the appeal of a big mystery and not wanting to spoil anything, you are attempting to convince us you would make a good addition to the GM team, which has limited slots, and need to put your best foot forward.

Unknown Anomaly:
The following message if for CL4 personnel located at Site-65:

A new reality bending anomaly is being transferred to the site. It does not have an exact description due it's specific nature. It changes it's shape and abilities depending on what people think it is. Do not let it breach. It's only limitation is your imagination.

SCP-[REDACTED] is a chair.
I know the SCP this is inspired by, SCP 2950. While this is a very intriguing Idea. Why would CL4 (of which there are a lot) be told about this, when this is the only possible way things could ever go wrong? I understand wanting to set up situations that inevitably end in disaster, but things should vaguely make sense. Alternatives would be that O5-9 Informs the present O5s about the SCP and it having to be transferred there, or perhaps CI obtains this information and leaks it to a select few individuals within the Foundation to try to cause havoc.

Also, as a minor side concern: How are you intending to actually portray those effects?

Combined efforts from members of the Chaos Insurgency and the Wanderer's Library [...]​
I am uncertain what you mean by this, do you mean The Serpents Hand, the well known GOI that operates within and through the library?
Or do you mean the largely Neutral Librarians themselves? Either way, while The Serpents Hand will occasionally work with the Insurgency, they are not allies in any fashion, they call them "the Madmen" and The Chaos Insurgency is hated by the Library Itself, CI, like the UNGOC and The Foundation are banned from the library and hunted down like vermin.

Description: Half the site including: Majority of LCZ, Parts of EZ and Floor-2. Have been fully replaced with entrances to the wanderer's library, Some corridors even being fully lined with book cases. Personnel are advised to steer clear and avoid contact with all life forms that exit the rifts.
This is a very short description for the biggest possible type of Event to be run, What will each side be trying to do? what were the instigators trying to achieve? what will actually be happening? This is just far too brief to give us any idea about your plans.

[...] MTF Omega-1 are to investigate this and find out the cause. Will loyalty overpower their morality?​
Im not entirely positive what O1 is intended to investigate in this, the initial "protect the ethics man in the bottle" was very clear but the wording on this is a lot less precise, please elaborate.

The UNGOC have found themselves in the possession of a thaumiel class anomaly, protecting another, more dangerous SCP from being breached. The UNGOC's next steps may decide the future of earth as we know it!
This event description too is a bit too vague, please elaborate

Is it the witch glass or is it just a prank?
See above.
Lastly, something I personally look for in applications is a demonstration that the applicant is familiar with the SCP universe beyond the content featured promintently on the Server, as of current no such thing is contained within this application.

For the Stated reasons, I am giving your Application a -Support.
Best of Luck.
After your revisions, your application has become satisfactory and I believe you would become a good addition to the GM team.
While several of the old criticisms are still valid, it has been improved significantly enough that I believe those concerns to be easilly smoothed over during your trial period.
Best of luck.
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Hi @Flare

I'll be giving you a +Support for your application.

Your application have developed via the feedback presented by the other Game Masters and you've responded well to the criticism provided. Your eagerness as a Site Advisor and historically as an Overseer Assistant will blend in well with the role of Game Master.

I hope to see you on the team soon, Best of luck!
Application Accepted

Hi @Flare ,

On behalf of the Game Master Team I like to thank you for making an application for the position of Trial Game Master, this is to let you know that you have been accepted to conduct the next step of the application process.

Please contact an Event Team Leader such as myself or Critical for your next step.

Kind Regard,

Event Team Lead Jason Taylor​
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