[UK] Cameron Stoker's Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128962199

Discord name: Serrt#5717

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing the server on and off since the second half of 2022, however I have played it consistently since February of 2023

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Foundation - Cameron Stoker
CI - Chester Wright

Civilian name: Cameron Stoker

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Nu-7 LT (Holding), CI-B (Held).
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: In 2022, I received a warning for combat jumping as GENSEC. To my knowledge, this is my only warning.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?:
I would like to challenge myself and further develop my roleplay through the job of Site Advisor. I believe the job is a massive opportunity to work further with more departments on the Site while pushing my existing skills and desire for collaborative and enriching roleplay. I have participated in several major events recently in a more passive setting with chances to roleplay with senior members of SA and I have found the experience nothing but enjoyable. I believe that an opportunity to move beyond combat jobs into working to develop and maintain the Site from the passive perspective will be an enjoyable experience and a chance to get to develop my existing passive roleplay skills further.

I am also applying because I believe my skills and experience that exists already will allow me to hit the ground running with the job and immediately provide a positive experience to those I work with. I will elaborate on these skills in the next section.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
In terms of skills, I am very adaptive to pressure, a rapid critical thinker and quick on my feet in terms of creating plans, coordinating people around me or being a voice of reason. I have therefore had a chance to work as a leader on the server for an extended period of time now, which I think is essential to synergize with the skills needed as a member of Site Administration. All of these skills have been demonstrated in my time as a Nu-7 CO. On top of this, being a CO has given me a chance to slightly work on the passive side of roleplay already, as I have created various documents and conducted interviews for our regiment, all of which are maintained to a high standard with good communication between our teams.

In terms of the quality of my roleplay, I believe that thanks to the opportunities of several major events lately, the best examples being the TSH storyline and the -2 Cortex storyline, where I have demonstrated my ability to work well with others to create passive roleplay. I was at the forefront of one of the TSH events and had a chance to work closely with one of the server's GMs, Avery, for over a week with a unique event character. I also had a chance to work directly with Broda and various SA members when solving puzzles that we had been giving, showing my ability to actually provide enriching moments to roleplay on my own.

Whilst I can appreciate that I may be lacking experience due to my low amount of senior held positions, I believe that I have made effective use of my time interacting with jobs to generate roleplay, understand the passive side of things more and provide collaborative experiences with those around me to further gain the foundation needed to have a strong experience as a member of Site Administration.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
To provide a list of their responsibilities, they are as follows;​
  • Ensure the standards of the Site are running at a high quality and providing assistance to departments where required to improve drops of quality, whether that is through feedback or intervention.​
  • Oversee the general operation of the Site and ensure that everything is working smoothly, to ensure the stability of all departments.​
  • Provide an outlet for those with concerns in the Site to go to have their voice heard, so that communication and situations can be handled in an appropriate and proactive fashion.​
  • Assisting MTFs to authorize advanced equipment when necessary, for example the usage of the Advanced Armory during a Code 5 requiring SA+ authorization.​
  • Being the active eyes and ears of Site Command so that they are able to remain informed of the on goings of the Site despite their heavy workload.​
  • Helping to repair and improve inter-departmental relations where possible to further provide a positive roleplay experience for members of the Site.​
  • Oversee situations with GOIs, particularly in regards to the discussion of relations, treaties or collaborative efforts, so that the MTFs of the Site have a cohesive and correct understanding of how they should behave on the Surface.​
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:​
May 10th, 20XX
Foundation Site 65, Outside of Site Director's Office.

Lieutenant Stoker was in a state of disarray. It would be impossible to tell externally, but the elevated heart rate, whirlpool of rapid thoughts and complete lack of comprehension as to why he was even here had all unnerved him. Taking himself back to 30 minutes prior, where he and his men had been celebrating a victory of massive proportions in a combat excursion against the Insurgency, nothing had suggested Site Administration needed him today, but there they were. As his men continued to celebrate and laugh in a circle, he was beckoned away silently by a man in a long, black trenchcoat. Slipping away quietly, a movement to speak had been promptly shut down by a single raised hand and a cold, calculating gaze.

"Come with me. Your presence is necessary for an audience with the Site Director." No more words spoken, a silent convoy of himself, the nameless man and flanking members of the Internal Security Department all marched to the Office with haste. And that is where we are now, the Lieutenant staring resolutely ahead as he waited for the man in the trenchcoat to finish inputting a code into the scanner of the Site Director's intimidating, oak wood door. As the doors swung open, Stoker made eye contact with the nameless man once more, even more confused thoughts entering his mind as he saw a small, amused smirk on his face. "In you go. Do try to relax, Lieutenant, I assure you that you'll be fine."

A nod and a gesture of thanks was given at the reassurance, before Stoker turned again and walked forward, entering the office and taking stock of his surroundings. There sat the Site Director at his chair, flanked by two members of Site Administration, all three pairs of eyes fixed upon him with every step he took, coming to a halt directly in the centre of the room and offering an immediate salute to his superiors.

"Lieutenant. Thank you for taking the time out of your day. Have a seat, please. We'd just like to go over some things with you." The Director's toned was measured and even, offering a friendly gesture to a comfortable chair as he pulled out a stack of paperwork and a clipboard in the time it took Stoker to settle into his seat. "Now then. I've been reviewing some documentation from a few weeks ago in regards to the incident with The Serpents Hand. Initially, I had expected to be having this meeting with your Commander, but I was pleasantly surprised to learn from him that you were the one in charge of operations that day, not him. I wanted to just go over the records with you, if that's alright?"

That was it....? If Stoker deflated slightly in his seat upon hearing so, nobody commented on it. As stressful as that incident had been, it was a beacon his skills that he was even alive to tell the tale in the first place. "Of course, sir. The Commander was taken by the Serpents that day, for clarity. I had to lead the tactical side and get him and the prior Site Director out of the dimension they had been sent to. We were stretched thin and confronted several times by unidentifiable members of the group, but me and my Commander worked together to ensure that everyone was returned safely. After that, our top priority was escape, as a Code Black was called due to site security being compromised."

The Director scribbled the whole time, underlining, crossing out and ticking boxes as he saw fit, both members of Administration sat behind him idly nodding their heads. Although, as the recollection stopped, all three turned to look at the Lieutenant, an oddly expectant look on their faces. The Director's brow arched and a friendly smile appeared on his face, a knowing tap of the clipboard sounding out in the office. "And is that EVERYTHING you experienced that day, Lieutenant?"

Ah, so they knew. Stoker chewed his lip as a familiar face floated in his memories, the ghost of a member of Nu-7, who had drifted across the Site for over a week leading up to the incident. Nobody could see him, despite his attempts to describe him or point him out. He had pointed it out to even his fellow Commanding Officers, with a lucky break thanks to photography capturing the ghost being the only barrier to his detainment for a mandated psyche evaluation and barrage of tests. "No, Sir, I apologize. There is also the factor of this...ghost. I do not have a name or much intel to provide, nor do I even know why I have been chosen by him to be observed. All I know is, without his help and my actions as a medium between him and the Director, we may have lost some good men."

"That's better, Lieutenant. The previous Site Director and your Commander had marked your performance that day as Exemplary. I'm inclined to agree. To quote; 'Stoker's ability to coordinate with members of my Administration, take charge of the situation and ensure the safety of myself and his Commander was a pleasure to behold. I am recommending he be given the offer of a position of work within the Administration, as recruiting someone with his skill set will almost certainly be a step to further developing our Site.'" The quote ended with an appraising glance from the Director, sliding the paper over to the Lieutenant for him to examine.

Confirming the words as genuine, the paper was placed back on the desk and a stunned, muted silence followed for a while. "Sir, I-I couldn't possibly make such an immense decision with-" A friendly hand was raised from the Director, shaking his head before interrupting to clarify the situation. "Relax, Lieutenant. I'm not expecting an immediate answer out of you. Having to leave an MTF behind as a CO isn't exactly an easy thing to ask. All I'd ask is that you'd give me your word you'll think about it?" Stoker chewed at his lip once more, crossing his leg and staring down at the dark wood of the desk before him before eventually replying. "You have my word, Sir. I can only offer my most sincere thanks to all of you for this."

"Think nothing of it. We would only gain by having you onboard. That will be all for today, if you have no further questions." Stoker shook his head and stood, adjusting his uniform and turning to the oak double doors to leave, on the verge of leaving the room when; "Oh, Lieutenant? Do make sure that your ghost issue isn't going to happen again, if you accept. It would save us all a lot of bother." The Director's face may have been friendly, but the steel-like gaze in his eyes said it all. Lieutenant Stoker said nothing, before eventually standing to a salute and exiting the room.

As he walked out of Core Sector, silently contemplating the career deciding choice that now was laid out before him, a whisper in his ears caused him to whip around in fright. "Remember me..." Yet no one stood near him. Wiping a bead of sweat off of his forehead, the Lieutenant returned to the bunks to think about his future, unaware of the Director watching the mini event transpire before him. A future had now been opened to Lieutenant Stoker, but the thorns that laid within it would no doubt prove to rear their heads with time...


-Detailed application
-Great Rp
-Good leadership
-Lack of CL4

Despite Cameron’s lack of CL4 outside of LT, I have never had a single bad interaction with him both OOC and IC. He’s always very professional whenever I see him doing almost anything. This application is very detailed and he clearly knows the responsibilities and duties that a Site Advisor would be responsible for. Top tier lawyer ;3. Handles RP heavy situations amazingly.

Overall I think despite the lack of CL4 Cameron holds or has held he would be a very competent member of SA, being able to open RP situations and opportunities for Departments and GOIs doing nothing but improving RP for everyone on site.

Good luck!

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
+ Support

The Mother [Redacted] Decided to move on?!
Either way this man has done amazing work with nu-7 when it comes to organising people and doing docs alike.
He will do a very good job. I hate the fact hes moving on but im glad


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Serrt

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request.

This request has been put on hold. There are currently no available positions pertaining to this role available.
We will review this request as soon as a position has been opened.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​



The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Serrt

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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