[UK] Cary "Raven" CoS application

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[UK] Cary "Raven"'s Chief of Security application


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100200295

Discord name: dontorro

For how long have you played on CG SCP: For about a year now.

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: Belgium

Time zone: CET (GMT + 1)

Character name(s): F :Cary "Raven" [GA - O], CI: Cary "Raven" II, UNGOC: Cary Malkor IV

Civilian name: Cary "Ravem"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Nu-7 LCPL [holding]
GSD Captain [holding]
IA agent [holding]
DEA agent [holding]

MTF Nu-7 CSG [Held]
CI-A [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have no active warnings, I have been banned in the past for mostly RDM reasons but this was back when I was minging on the server together with my friend who is no longer active. I have tried improving my behaviour and since than I have joined the staff team I think this has been going very well.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?

I have put in a lot of work for the GSD department both in-game and externally, making documents and running the D&D sub-department. I think that I have proven myself both in combat and leadership skills over the past months and partially because of my time in MTF Nu-7. I have been really active inside GSD for the past two months now and I have made a lot of friends and seen a lot of Captains as well as Chiefs come and go for both happy and less happy reasons. I have had the opportunity to help out with a lot of things, but I still feel like I am limited in the things I can do for the department, such as helping new Captains find their way through all the documents and administrative work and also helping junior personnel like cadets with problems they may have. Being Chief of Security will put me in a position to help everybody with any problems they might have since that is also why I became a Captain in the first place. I am aware that being the Chief of Security (alongside Banana) will bring a lot of stress, hard times, and difficult decisions with it, but personally, I think I am prepared to take on the challenge and become a wonderful replacement for our beloved ex-CoS Ceaden. o7

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:

Over my time in the GSD department, I have gathered a lot of experience and discovered a lot of things. When I first started, I had no idea how to even begin hosting a tryout, and now I do them regularly and easily, just to name something. I have also been an IA main for some time a while ago, so I know a lot about the Foundation Legal Codex and about what to do and what not to do while on-site. My three weeks of staff have also helped with understanding server rules and how to be professional when talking to other players. I also have some RP experience from back when I was in Nu-7; I had to roleplay a lot together with UNGOC and CI and do a lot of negotiations. I have helped with a few internal and external documents, one of which being the GSD training guide, now often used by Captains to host various trainings, and I've worked closely with the Chiefs in order to achieve multiple things. I've made a handful of suggestions for things to be changed within GSD, and when I'm Chief, this will not stop. All of this combined has given me a decent reputation within Gensec leadership as well as among junior personnel of the department, and I feel like I am suitable to take my commitment a step further.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:

As Chief of Security a lot is expected from you by all sorts of personnel both within and outside of the department, some of these duties can include:

Managing GSD leadership (strikes, LOAs...)
Accepting and denying Captain applications for your server's country
Interviewing future Captains
Hosting GSD leadership meetings
Upholding the overall standard of the department
Upholding relations between GSD and other departments
Working together with the other Chief and Captains
Reviewing new or updated documentation for GSD
And basically managing the whole department.
Interacting with junior personnel.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

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A curious young man obsessed with everything that had to do with aliens and undiscovered species. He was the kind of kid at school to sit at the back of the class and not pay any attention while getting higher grades than all his classmates. He got bullied often and his mother, my mother, adviced me to do Karate which I did for about a year or two before breaking a leg and giving up, not the brightest story I know but this was the truth about my childhood, a hard truth I only dared to accept years later. My father, a mysterious salesman who went on all kind of wierd travels around the world trying to sell his goods was also a drug addict and didn’t make our (my mother and I) lives easier. Sadly, kind of for the better but I don’t like to say that, he died in a car accident when I was twelve.

Fast forward 10 years and I’m now a working and functioning individual of the system they call society, I worked as security in a shopping mall nothing special but it paid well so I wasn’t complaining. I went to that mall every day in my uniform and always on time as I should. Nothing really happened their so I just stood around thinking about things that do not matter, or just day dreaming. I had a friend, Micheal, he was a rather unlucky kid as he constantly did the wrong things at the wrong times, once he slipped over a banana peal in 3de grade and he fell 30 steps down the stairs. At that point he was known as “Banana” which I still call him today, not in a bad sense but more as friend laughing you know. Until one day he was gone, we usually always met each other very morning at the entrance of the mall before work (we did the same job) but at that particular day he did not show up, not even a message. So I got worried after 3 more days went by and I tried contacting him multiple times without result. I decided I had to take action myself, and so I set of on a quest to find Micheal. I took me a good 3 months of researching, browsing the internet, hiring multiple hackers..: in order to find him but at last I did, it was only for a brief moment but a message flashed on the screen of my computer luckily I was recording so I could go back and read it calmly.

The message was hard to read but I did get a string of coordinates, I obviously did not hesitate to take my lump of metal I call a car and drive to the airport to get myself a flight to Canada, as this is where the coordinates point, just outside of [data expunged] in some prairie fields. Idk what I’m looking for but I am determined to go get my friend.

Upon arrival I noticed something was off, and not long after I got kidnapped by figures I could not identify. They held me in captivity for a while, I didn’t even know why, and than an angry looking man comes into my room. I barely recognized him, “MICHEAL!” I scream out loud when I notice it’s him. He hugs me and I almost start crying of relief.

After some months of training at a secret facility called Site-65 I a now a GenSec Cadet serving for the general security department. I love the job and I’ve made a lot of friends, it also helps with my reputation that Micheal, my best friend, is the Chief of my department and funny enough they call him banana here aswel. Some years go by and I’m now a full on Captain, with authority over a couple hundred personnel. It feel great, but sadly at a good afternoon, a report came in of a really bad SCP breach in lower HCZ. I rushed to the scene together with my unit and the other Chief, Ceaden. We faught well but Ceaden was too slow and he got killed, painless luckily.

So now, we had one open spot for Chief of Security and I was the best candidate. So after a while of fighting other candidates (not physically) I became CoS alongside my almost brother now Banana. With me now having access to higher clearance documents I was just look through all the foundation cl4 classified documents and I stumbled upon a document with my last name in it, I was curious and when nobody was looking I opened it up to take a look inside, and there he was, my father, under the name of O5-1. I was shocked, my father was Chief Overseer??

If somebody, maybe in the future, is reading this I want them to know that the world is not nearly ours.

"The only people who get to see the end of the war are the dead" - Raven

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Thank you for reading my GSD CoS application for the SCP-RP UK server, glory to the foundation.

o7 Ceaden, if you are reading I wish you good luck with ECM and a fun future on the server!

Last edited:
Jul 15, 2023
Big +Support

I am not going for COS this time around as I feel Cary honestly deserves the slot. The amount of OOC effort Cary puts into the department and docs is incredible. They are the best sub division manager, probably one of the most reliable and sensible captains (Ain't seen him taking D class into ethics offices recently...)

I see no reason not to give him a chance. He may be new to the department but he has shown his dedication and worth more than 90 percent of the longstanding GSD captains.
He is also professional and outstanding on staff, which overall shows dedication to the long term health of the server and community.
COS is a role that takes a lot of OOC and IC due to it being a new constant stream of players and I think Cary is well equipped to deal with this.

Ultimately, good luck to you
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