[UK] Cary Raven's Site Advisor Application

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100200295
Discord name: dontorro
For how long have you played on CG SCP: for a year now
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Belgium
Time zone: CET (GMT + 1)
Character name(s): F: Cary “Raven” CI: Cary 'Raven' UN: Cary Malkor IV
Civilian name: Cary “Ravem”
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Chief of Security [holding]
GSD Captain [holding/held]
MTF O-1 PVT [Holding]
MTF Nu-7 CSG [held]
MTF Nu-7 LCPL [held]
CI-A [holding]
IA agent [holding]
DEA agent [holding]

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100200295
Discord name: dontorro
For how long have you played on CG SCP: for a year now
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Belgium
Time zone: CET (GMT + 1)
Character name(s): F: Cary “Raven” CI: Cary 'Raven' UN: Cary Malkor IV
Civilian name: Cary “Ravem”
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Chief of Security [holding]
GSD Captain [holding/held]
MTF O-1 PVT [Holding]
MTF Nu-7 CSG [held]
MTF Nu-7 LCPL [held]
CI-A [holding]
IA agent [holding]
DEA agent [holding]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have no active warnings, I have been banned in the past for mostly RDM reasons but this was back when I was minging on the server together with my friend who is no longer active. I have tried improving my behavior and since then I have also joined the staff team which has had a great impact on my level of seriousness. My time as CoS has taught me how to be a functioning member of the RP side of the server more and more so this has decreased the amount of warnings/bans I have received in the past 5 months to zero.
I have no active warnings, I have been banned in the past for mostly RDM reasons but this was back when I was minging on the server together with my friend who is no longer active. I have tried improving my behavior and since then I have also joined the staff team which has had a great impact on my level of seriousness. My time as CoS has taught me how to be a functioning member of the RP side of the server more and more so this has decreased the amount of warnings/bans I have received in the past 5 months to zero.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I have had my fair share of time as departmental leader with experience in Nu-7, CI and as GSD Captain before that, thus I think that the next logical step for my career on Civil Networks would be to join Site Administration. During this time as CoS I can say that the department has undergone a lot of necessary changes and enhancements, it wasn’t always easy and the thought of quitting crossed my mind at numerous occasions but as you can see, I’m still here. I’ve heard from various people, both ex-CoS and Leaders of other Departments that Chief of Security is one of the most nail biting positions and I can confirm to an extent but unlike some of my predecessors I have never found it ‘unfun’ or ‘irritating’ even to this day and if I join SA I will never find a task too annoying or boring to deal with. I've always dreamed of being Site Advisor and I think my time has come to give it a shot. I am willing and capable to help lead any department and the Site overall and my dedication to a game has never been so high. I have talked to members of Site Administration recently and in the past and I would love to be apart of them and give Site-65 what I have to offer.
I have had my fair share of time as departmental leader with experience in Nu-7, CI and as GSD Captain before that, thus I think that the next logical step for my career on Civil Networks would be to join Site Administration. During this time as CoS I can say that the department has undergone a lot of necessary changes and enhancements, it wasn’t always easy and the thought of quitting crossed my mind at numerous occasions but as you can see, I’m still here. I’ve heard from various people, both ex-CoS and Leaders of other Departments that Chief of Security is one of the most nail biting positions and I can confirm to an extent but unlike some of my predecessors I have never found it ‘unfun’ or ‘irritating’ even to this day and if I join SA I will never find a task too annoying or boring to deal with. I've always dreamed of being Site Advisor and I think my time has come to give it a shot. I am willing and capable to help lead any department and the Site overall and my dedication to a game has never been so high. I have talked to members of Site Administration recently and in the past and I would love to be apart of them and give Site-65 what I have to offer.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
During my almost one year of time on the server I have held many roles and invested in many departments learning every piece of knowledge they had to offer me. In the end, I decided to go for Gensec and I am have been holding Chief of Security for the past two months. This role has given me a lot of insight on how to run a department, partake in RP scenarios and write extensive documentation, work alongside other players for a common goal and keep everybody happy and engaged. During my time as CoS I have changed that face of Gensec quite a bit going above of what is expected from me, I managed to get a good look and comprehensive understanding of the functioning of Site-65, working and discussing with SA regularly to achieve various objectives such as new subdivisions and exchanging ideas for future changes. During my time in Nu-7 a while back I have had the opportunity to RP with UNGOC on a daily basis, giving me the required experience on that terrain as well as hosting numerous cross training sessions with other regiments and departments. Internal affairs has teached me the ins and outs of the Foundation Legal Codex and how to swiftly deal with offenders, External affairs has brought me insight on hostage negotiations and surface operations, how to deal with hostile GOIs in a friendly (or aggressive) manner and how to blend in using disguises and the Chaos Insurgency has brought me tactical skills and insight into ongoing battles. I’m not going to say that all of these skills will be of use in order to be a functioning member of Site Administration but I think that they do help me understand the running of departments I would possibly need to oversee, giving me a good grip when starting off.
During my almost one year of time on the server I have held many roles and invested in many departments learning every piece of knowledge they had to offer me. In the end, I decided to go for Gensec and I am have been holding Chief of Security for the past two months. This role has given me a lot of insight on how to run a department, partake in RP scenarios and write extensive documentation, work alongside other players for a common goal and keep everybody happy and engaged. During my time as CoS I have changed that face of Gensec quite a bit going above of what is expected from me, I managed to get a good look and comprehensive understanding of the functioning of Site-65, working and discussing with SA regularly to achieve various objectives such as new subdivisions and exchanging ideas for future changes. During my time in Nu-7 a while back I have had the opportunity to RP with UNGOC on a daily basis, giving me the required experience on that terrain as well as hosting numerous cross training sessions with other regiments and departments. Internal affairs has teached me the ins and outs of the Foundation Legal Codex and how to swiftly deal with offenders, External affairs has brought me insight on hostage negotiations and surface operations, how to deal with hostile GOIs in a friendly (or aggressive) manner and how to blend in using disguises and the Chaos Insurgency has brought me tactical skills and insight into ongoing battles. I’m not going to say that all of these skills will be of use in order to be a functioning member of Site Administration but I think that they do help me understand the running of departments I would possibly need to oversee, giving me a good grip when starting off.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Site Administration plays a huge role in the day to day running of the entire site, some of their duties are as followed:
Help sustain the health of Site-65
Be approachable to all personnel for problems or questions they might have
Ensure everybody is functioning and do their duties correctly
Discuss problems / policies within a department with the appropriate directors
Making Roleplay possible with or between other personnel
Be an example for everybody else inside Site-65, upholding a standard and being professional at all times
Authorizing AA during situations that require its usage
Follow orders given by SC
Writing monthly reviews on departments
Authorizing access to the facility for MC&D or UNGOC
Authorizing mass termination of D-class if deemed necessary
Authorizing a code black in Site-threatening situations
Site Administration plays a huge role in the day to day running of the entire site, some of their duties are as followed:
Help sustain the health of Site-65
Be approachable to all personnel for problems or questions they might have
Ensure everybody is functioning and do their duties correctly
Discuss problems / policies within a department with the appropriate directors
Making Roleplay possible with or between other personnel
Be an example for everybody else inside Site-65, upholding a standard and being professional at all times
Authorizing AA during situations that require its usage
Follow orders given by SC
Writing monthly reviews on departments
Authorizing access to the facility for MC&D or UNGOC
Authorizing mass termination of D-class if deemed necessary
Authorizing a code black in Site-threatening situations
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
SD secretary: Sir, we have received a transmission from one of our Site Advisors.
SD: Go on.
SD secretary: They are proposing a promotion for one of our Chiefs of Security to become a member of Site Administration. Their designated personnel report has been attached to the e-mail.
SD: Can you read it out loud for me please?
SD secretary: Of course, sir. The message is loading.
*He clears his throat before starting to read*
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From: Site Administration
To: Site Director
File Location: [Unknown]
Dearest Site Director,
We have discussed with the Site Advisors that an individual we have been scouting for the past 3 months is ripe to become a possible candidate to be one of us, a member of Site Administration. To further emphasize that this proposal wasn't made with haste or discussion we have set up a personnel report containing extensive research towards the subjects history and background within and outside Site-65. Of course we are aware if your ability to veto this but with as much authority over the situation as we currently have I, on behalf of the Site Advisor team, would like to advise you to accept this offer.
We will await your verdict patiently before taking any further steps. The personnel report has been attached.
Greetings, Site Advisors of Site-65
SD: Very well. I will be reviewing this whenever I have time. Print this e-mail and attached report and place it in the designated cabinet if you will.
SD secretary: Of course, it will be done immediately.
SD: Perfect. We will see what this Chief is made of shall we.
Thank you all for ready my Site Advisor application, glory to the foundation! HOORAH.
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