[UK] Cassius's Ethics Committee Application

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Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2022

Basic Questions​

Steam ID:​


Discord name:​


For how long have you played on CG SCP:​

Started playing on 14/02/2022.



In what country are you located?:​


Time zone:​

CET, Central European Time

Character name(s):​

MTF O-1 MAJ Carlous Rex 'Shadow' Iudicium
Tarquin Cassius
CI-A T. Cassius

Civilian name:​

Bob Boberson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):​


Do you have a mic?:​


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:​

Omega-1 Major (Holding)
Ethics Assistant (Holding)
Chaos Insurgency-Alpha (Holding)
SCP-096 (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:​



What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:​

Ethics Committee Member; I am applying for the position due to the recently opened position. I believe that Ethics can be more effective if all slots are occupied. I also believe I am a fit candidate for the position due to my prior experience serving with ethics.

Since unlocking the position of Internal Affairs Agent I have had a constant interest in the code of ethics and administration. This interest has become even more apparent during my time in Omega-1. I've had a fascination with good roleplay since a few years back, and it's something I would like to enforce and implement in the community. Enforcing good roleplay is quite important for higher ranking positions such as Captains, Ambassadors, and Commissioned Officers.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:​

I do believe to am the most suitable candidate for the Ethics Committee; as I have a good understanding of the operations of the Ethics Committee and all duties they undertake. Any candidate applying for the aforementioned position must have the experience necessary to understand unique situations that can occur within the facility. I have said experience due to my countless hours of service within Omega-1 and Internal Affairs. There are no situations where I am surprised or baffled at the actions of anyone.

Another reason why I am suitable Is how active I am spending several hours each day on the server. As a current Omega-1 Major and Ethics Assistant; I have a lot of experience with overseeing Omega-1 and leading them in any situation, whether this is a combat situation or any form of a training exercise. This is important due to the importance of Omega-1 to the Ethics Committee. Understanding how Omega-1 operates and performs allows an Ethics member to utilize them to their fullest ability; increasing performance, activity, and role-play for all factions involved.

Ethics Committee members have the expectancy to act professionally at all times within character. I believe that I fit this criterion due to my prior experiences within the facility. As a senior commissioned officer within Omega-1 and Ethics assistant, previously IA Agent. I believe that I have enough experience to understand situations and approach them in a professional and ethical way.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:​

The Ethics Committee has direct responsibility for Omega-1 and the ethics assistant. They are also responsible for enforcing ethics by utilizing Omega-1 or Internal Affairs; in the most extreme cases Ethics members may host tribunals to root out any foundation staff performing their duties unethically, this offers a unique roleplay experience to everyone involved.

Along with ensuring that Ethics are followed they also provide department reviews to ensure that each department within the facility is kept to high standards and abides by the Code of Ethics. Committee members also have the responsibility to answer questions regarding the Code of Ethics and approval of high-level testing. They also have the responsibility to keep good communication with department directors and actively assist them in selecting Ambassadors.

The last and equally important duty of the Ethics Committee is acting as Site Command having the ability to authorize the Advanced Armory, Shakedowns, Mass Amnesticsation, or even activation of the Alpha Warhead.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):​

Out of roleplay, the Ethics Committee has a few key responsibilities, from handling applications to updating and reviewing documents. These documents would for example be the Code of Ethics, this can also be documentation regarding the Ethics Committee. One focus of the Committee should be to enclose and remove any loophole that may be found within the Code Of Ethics. The Ethics Committee also handles applications for the Director of Internal Affairs and Director of Medicine, both of these are joint decisions with the Overseer Council. The position of Ethics Assistant is handled single-handedly by the Committee.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:​

T. Cassius or Tarquin Cassius was previously employed as a Police Officer in █████, Sweden. While conducting a routine car stop, Cassius apprehended a Marshal and Carter's seller due to the car being loaded with weapons and unknown artifacts. While reporting the incident up to his chain of command, implanted agents sounded this off to a local MTF Team.

In the after-action report provided by the MTF Team, the police officer was recommended for possible service within the foundation.

Tarquin Cassius was then provided with an interview for the Department Of Internal Affairs as an agent on Site-██ by the Director █████████. Agent Cassius spent the first two years of service performing duties as an office clerk, mainly working with documentation and taking phone calls. During a containment breach taking place on the ██/██/████. Agent Cassius was able to fend off three instances of SCP-049-2 saving the life of five foundation staff members. Due to his brave actions, Agent Cassius was moved to active duty as an Internal Affairs agent.

After an additional six years of service within the Department of Internal Affairs, Agent Cassius requested a transfer to Site-19 on 23/03/████. The request was denied at the request of the now-deceased Director █████████. The last action of the Director was a letter of recommendation for Agent Cassius.

Agent Cassius was subsequently apprehended by MTF █████-█ on order from the Director of the Ethics Committee. After a successful interview taking place on 15/12/████ and a subsequent vote conducted by the Ethics Committee; Agent Cassius was appointed to the position of Ethics Committee Assistant.

On 04/07/████, a hostile GOI; the Chaos Insurgency, attempted to seize Assistant Cassius, the assistant subsequently consumed cyanide resulting in unconsciousness. Due to the firefight between on-site security personnel and the GOI. The assistant was retrieved and eventually revived utilizing emergency antidotes after being flown to an off-site emergency center. Assistant Cassius was publicly declared dead after an interview took place on ██/██/████.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 10, 2022
+ support
. O-1 experience
. Active
. Great leadership skills
. Backstory is very detailed

I genuinely don't think there is anyone else as qualified and deserving of the role. Good luck Shadow :)
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Cassius' application for a position on The Ethics Committee.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position for The Ethics Committee, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be on The Ethics Committee. However, you will be put on a trial period for the position. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you're ready for your interview.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved

Director of the Ethics Committee.​
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