[UK] Cece - Ethics Committee Chairman

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SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 11, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120884171
Discord name: cecew99
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over a year
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: Sweden
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): 'Cece' Kim
Civilian name: Cece
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Committee Member

Ethics Committee Assistant
MTF Omega-1 LCPL
Medical Consultant
Senior Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Chairman to benefit server health as a whole.
I want to maintain good standards of RP, minimize the random killings where RP could occur from, from people being too lazy to for example, give an MC&D to SOP or detaining a parawatch instead of killing them.

The reasoning for me applying as a Chairman is relatively the same as when I went for Ethics Committee Member,
"it is time for me to expand my possibilities and responsibilities within the Committee itself."
But now from a server POV and not just the Committee itself.
I believe I have experienced all sides of the Committee during this time, both bad and good, and I am not intimidated by what has to be laid in front of me in the Chairman position.
I have been an ECM for as long as I can remember and during that time I have learnt so much more than I ever thought I possibly could.
I am now eager to learn even more and be able to create and do changes for the better, which I know I will be able to do with this position.

There are multiple points on why I am applying, and here are some of them:

- Improve health between departments, specifically the Committees relations with other departments and regiments
The Committee is known of having bad relationsships with other departments, which I want to change. This has stopped the Committee of being involved in some RP scenarios where we should of been, all because of relations and people not wanting to involve us cause we are "Ethics"
I also believe people are not coming to the Committee when there are situations regarding Ethical questions or concerns, cause there is this stigma of "F... Ethics". This is something I would change, would not be able to change everyones opinon, but I could improve them.

- Create broad roleplay that will involve any clearance level personnel
I believe the server is creating too much RP that is not involving all clearance levels cause of classified information.
I personally have created operations/projects and roleplay that specifically is dedicated to the lower clearence level personnel on site. People might think of new players as someone who would not want to participate or know what to do in the RP situations, but it is truly those people we should involve and focus on the most. It's those players we should be inviting to participate in the RP for them to understand what the server and the quality of RP we have to bring. Which would eventually lead them to enjoying playing on the server and then apply for higher positions.
This is something I will be enforcing a lot as an ECC, and still am as an ECM.
Who knows, one of those new players might be our next Ethics Committee Member one day.

- Enforce "accidental" roleplay
There are a lot of situation where good RP could of been created from a situation, but people thinking too much in to it and seeing a potential bad ending to it, they would rather just void it than continuing it. Myself has done this before where I don't see a good outcome of the potential RP from a situation, but this is what the server has to build majority of its RP from. The so called "accidental" RP.
Those accidents might lead to the biggest storylines that has ever been created on the server, but we don't know that since people would rather void them.

My goal is for everyone to see me as a helping hand where they can trust me and my abilities to assure them that I am here to help with my best capabilities, no matter what the topic is regarding.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
What makes me the best candidate for the Chairman positions is not just my longstanding run as an Ethics Committee Member, it is:

Dedication to upholding the Committee
Not only have I shown my dedication with the amount of time and efforts I have put in the Ethics Committee, I have shown my dedication with partaking in meetings, regarding who is hosting them, I will always be outmost honest with my opinions and what changes I believe are good or bad, even if it doesn't benefit myself, but benefits the majority of the server.
The key responsibility of the Ethics Committee is to uphold the Morals within the site, this meaning what is good or bad / right or wrong.
On papers the Ethics Committee is mostly thinking of the lives of human beings, but sometimes sacrifises has to be done if the end results would end in a good sighted moral. For example, putting multiple people at risk for the end results to be revolutionary and possibly save more in the future.
This is something I strongly believe in, and I am willing to take those risks for most benefitial end results.

Experiences and productions
My experience within the Committee has been long, started off as an Ethics Assistant in the Committee which later turned in to a promotion to my Ethics Committee Member position, which has been wonderful. I have had to do multiple decision makings on the spot that has both been good and bad. It is a role I was not expecting to be this eventful from seeing earlier personnel in the Committee. Even me as an Ethics Assistant couldn't have been prepared of the both hard times and the amazing times.

A quick explanation of some of the Operations and RP I have done in the Committee since becoming an Ethics Member is:

- "Operation Hummingbird"

This operation involved Omega-1 infiltrating surface to find out what information Civilians, Rangers and Parawatch have of the foundation and most importantly what information they have of our SCPs. How do they obtain it, who told them and so on.
This operation is still ongoing and when it is complete, it will be handed over to SOP where they will deal with the people in question.

Some parts of the "Hummingbird" operation post

"- I want you specialists to go up to surface in a group of at least 2, get civilian disguises and act like a clueless civilian who has seen compound and wants to know more about what it is. Find out what all civilians, parawatch and rangers know about us, the SCPs, what we do and how they got to know this knowledge, perhaps the Chaos Insurgency are telling them. When you approach a civilian, parawatch or ranger, ask for their name and introduce yourself. I want names on all of them (if it’s possible) Do not ask the civilians straight up questions about the foundation, lead them more into answering in the way you want. For example ‘’Have you seen this military bunker? Do you know anything about it?, Is it just a military camp or?’’ -"

This operation is to be contiuned..

- "Chemical Injection RP"
We created a scenario where I was injected with an unknown chemical that medical had to find a cure for in a certain amount of time before I potentially could die from the effects of it.
This had medical testing different kind of chemical combinations to find a potential cure for the deadly symptoms I had. They kept me alive for a long amount of time after injecting me with Immortal flesh and upholding their best capabilities to keep me alive. Time went by and the cure was eventually found and I could walk off with some trauma and burn wounds on my body which healed up later on thanks to the immortal flesh injection.

- "The O- blood list"
I created a project where Medical staff were to collect blood from all personnel on site to find out who has O- bloodtype and create a list of it. This was to be used for potential surgery RP, hostage negotiations and for the research departement where O- blood is required for some specific chemicals.
The intention of this list was for Site Command and Site Administration to have access to where they could simply look over a list to see which personnel on site has O- blood for whichever request SC and SA had on their mind. This list was to be kept a secret from the Sites personnel and more importantly from the Chaos Insurgency since the potential of the personnel who has O- blood could have a higher risk of being kidnapped and drained from their blood.

- "The Chip"
I was kidnapped in the Ethics Offices by someone unknown and brought to a secret room which had a surgery table in it.
There were 2 people with the same suit, on the barrett they had a logo that was a bird and the letter A and R.
In the surgery room I was ordered to lay down where they later implemented a metal device into my cranium. They also encraved a sentence with a scalpel on my arm ‘’The Watcher is always Watching’’ and then I was brought back by unknown methods.
The Omega-1 Commander comprimised me after not being responsive in communication during my kidnapping. He later sent Omega-1 Operatives to locate my location, which I later on was found in Core Sector closet. After being captured by Omega-1 they had to question me on where I had been, who took me, what happend to me and then figure out what was implemented in to me. After that I was brought too medbay where I met up with medical professionals for them to begin a surgery to remove the chip from my cranium. But it ended up not being succesful at the time.
Time goes by and I find out that O5-2 "The Lawbreaker" has been kidnapped by unknowns, this reminded me of my experince. I contacted him after he was returned to Site and questioned him about the experience he had during the kidnapping to be able to see if it matched my story. Which it ended up doing.
He underwent a new type of surgery that was succesful and they were able to remove the chip from his cranium. That led to me doing the same surgery to remove my chip aswell.
It was cruical for us to remove them as soon as possible since we had no information about the chip on what it could potentially do to us. All the kind of questions were spinning around in our heads during this time, was it something that could kill us? could it control our movements?.
After going back and forth on these questions we agreed on creating a joint project for the Research departement where they study the chip and potenitally discover what it could do to a human being, this project we named "The Chip".
We handed our chips to each of the Director of Research for them to create their own teams and study the chips.
Why we ended up giving the chips to two different teams was cause of potential discoveries the other team wouldn't be able to achieve.
The information we gathered was that the chips were from Anderson Robotics and that they could control our emotions when they seemed the time to be fit. More than that, we do not know, yet.

Leadership is something I have had to uphold ever since I was a Consultant.
When I started off on the server I applied for Consultant where our Director of Medicine soon after resigned which left me and the now Director of Medicine Kayla in the "acting" positions of DoM. I had to quickly adapt to the way that medical department was supposed to run after only being on the server for a little bit over a month.
We had to create RP, projects and recreate almost all of the documents, this was something completely new to me which I spent day in and night out figuring out how to make everyone happy and continue enjoying the medical department. Which we succeded in!

Now in the Committee, ever since Assistant I have had to be in a leading position where I have had to take certain issues raised to me in an IC pov to an OOC standpoint cause of the issues that has been raised and the topic concerned me over server and/or player based health. I created a lot of on the spot RP as an Assistant since I did not believe I was in a position where I could create bigger things, which was one of my main points when applying for ECM.
Now as an ECM, I see the possibility the Assistant have to create the kind of RP I didn't know how to, I believe as a Chairman you should set the standards of each ECA as if they will be the next ECM. With this I mean teach them how to create good RP and mostly, how you create RP. I want to teach them what I wasn't taught.
As an Ethics Committee Member I have been in positions where I have had to deal with situations I did not want to deal with at all, but as for my duty, I still did it. These situations are anything from striking, confronting and debating with people I see as close both from an IC and OOC view where I am able to differentiate these POVs to be able to handle the situation in the most professional and unbiased matter.

Me as a Chairman wont be me making big decisions on my own (if I dont have to), I would always communicate with the rest of the Committee when it is changes regarding what they work with or are involved in. Same goes with the Council, I would not "gatekeep" cruical information that could potentially decrease the quality someone else would be affected by without communicating with them first about the idea or change. I would give everyone a fair chance to debate wether it is a good idea or how we could implement it with the best outcome from everyones perspective. I believe the higher of a position we are in, the more we have to communicate. The higher of a position, the bigger changes and more people gets affected by those changes. Which is why communication is one of the key values to the Chairman role.

My long run as an Ethics Committee Member has truly helped me accomplish and to understand what it means to be a leader. I do not believe I could've gained this with any other role rather than ECM.
A leader is someone who guides, influences and shows a good example on how to express yourself in a professional and virtuous matter. A leader is someone who really anyone should be able to look up to and wanting to achieve and present what that person is expressing and executing.
I believe my experinces and dedication to the Committee and my strive for more will be my strongest aptness for the Chairman position.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
The Ethics Committee has a bunch of different responsibilities when it comes to RP in the foundation. We cooperate with Site Command and Site Administration to create Operations, Projects, RolePlay and Storyline based events for the whole server to participate in.
As a Site Command member, you are responsible to upholding the level of RP that is on the server from a non Game-Master standpoint. Without Site Command, Site Administration and the Directors/Commissioned officers, the servers health would be compromised due to the RP only being reliant on the GMs, which in theory, is not possible.

We enforce the Foundation Legal Codex where if someone oversteps or misbehaves which leads to a break in the FLC, we will deal with them depending on what in the FLC was broken and what Clearance level the person is holding.
We focus the higher clearance leveled personnel to be dealt with via tribunals, where they are summoned to a tribunal and are required to attend. If not, they will be punished.
The Ethics Committee also draws the line between necessity and excessiveness in regards to actions and situations where ethical concerns and morals are involved.

The Ethics Committee do not only deal with tribunals, we have a lot of different responsibilities within the foundation, and here are some points:

Oversight of Ethical standards and morals
As the Committee we enforce that the ethics and morals in the foundation are being followed and considered to the means of the personnel understanding and practicing them during Projects, Investigation, Operations and Researches. That is why the Committee is on site to uphold peoples knowledge and will to continue their duties with consideration of human beings. The Ethics Committee draws the line between necessity and excessiveness in regards to actions and situations in the foundation, this involving any regiments and departments aswell as Site Administration and Site Command itself, including the Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Committee are not only enforcing ethical issues and questions, we also act as advisories for the Council, as well as our liasions where we step in when it is needed. There are often times we need to help out the Research departments with questions and tips about documents, how do I make a document that will be rated excellent? and such questions. This I have discused with a researcher that I find to be brilliant in what he is creating with both his documentation and his outstanding roleplay. We have planned for lectures to be held for new players not knowing how to create good rated documents and hopefully this is an opportunity for them to learn and become the best of the best in the future.

Monitoring the Council
A big part of the Committee is monitoring the Council in what actions they are doing and what end results they have. In some cases, we need to intervene before they can achieve the end result where we find them to be unethical.
In rare cases, we need to vote on if Primary Action is needed for the circumstances that has occured.

Authorizing tests
The Ethics Committee is working hand in hand with the Research department when it comes to proposing ideas to us and authorizing tests.
These tests mostly involve SCP-008, SCP-914, SCP-427 and/or SCP-049. SCP-008 is highly managed by the Ethics Committee cause of the main reason of high amounts of D-class material being used and terminated during the test, and the potential outcome if a breach were to occur. This is why every test has to be read through dearly to be able to minimize the risk of a SCP-008 breach.
SCP-914 has to be authorized by the Ethics Committee when biomaterials are being involved, such as D-class or cross-tests with other SCPs.
The Ethics Committee also authorizes cross-tests, for example SCP-427 and SCP-049. Any tests that involves more than 3 D-class has to be authorized by the Committee to make sure that the D-classes are not being used over unnecessary means.

Site responsibilities
The Ethics Committee, aswell as other departments, has some major responsibilities when it comes to the site being in danger, and here are some examples:
- Authorize Advanced Armoury in dreadful SCP breaches
- Initiating Code Blacks and making sure personnel in the site makes it up to evacuation zones in a safe matter
- Calling Emergency Response Team to site before the SCP breaches are in danger for the evacuation proccess of the sites personnel
- Initiating the Alpha Warhead when the breaches has reached a point where the SCPs recontainment efforts are not feasible
- Initiating Site Wide Amnestication when an information breach has occured on site

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP?:
The responsibilities for the Ethics Committee, from an out of character (ooc) pov, are to cooperate and plan Operations, Projects, RolePlay and Storyline based events from an OOC standpoint with the rest of Site Command and Administration to see if the potential creation would be good in long terms for server health, who we can include and how the ending should be.
Site Command also has responsibilities when it comes to server health with multiple meetings with Server Leadership regarding changes where we have a chance to get our input on the regarding topic for the potential server wide changes. For example, when ISD got the CL3 keycards.

The Ethics Committee also:

  • Accepts or denies Ethics Committee Assistant applications after the whole Committee has made their final verdict.
  • Accepts or denies Ethics Committee Member applications after the current Members and the Chairman have all discussed their opinions, where the Chairman gives the final verdict to the applicant.
  • Decide on who is the most suitable Omega-1 Commander when a new one is needed.
  • Accepts or denies Director of Internal Affairs applications after the whole Committee has each made their final verdict.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Accessing the Cairo Database
Cece is sat in her office by her workstation fiddiling with her hands to relieve some of her stress. She takes a big breath before hovering her fingers above the keyboard. The glowing screen is shortly after displaying the Cairo database login interface, a place on earth that holds the most vulnerable information. She takes a look towards her shelf where a picture of her diseased brother can be found, Lucas.

- "How did I ever end up in this position, I was just a normal girl living in Sweden a few years ago..." she mumbles like she is talking directly with Lucas.

She shakes her head slightly to regain the focus on what she is about to do, access the Cairo database.
Despite her position in the Committee, the weight on her shoulders felt heavier today than normal.

- "Cairo" she says with a softly voice

The screen flickers for a second before a voice fills the room. The voice is presented in both a professional matter but yet so comforting.

- "Welcome, Member Kim. How may I assist you today?"

- "I need access to the personnel file of 'Cece' Kim"
This was a strange feeling for Cece. Her heart races as she is seeking information from Cairo, both being the seeker and the subject at the same time.

- "Accessing File..."
The lit up screen slowly becomes darker with a swirling animation in the middle, the visual representing of data being processed.

- "Please confirm your identity with the biometric verification"

Cece places both of her hands on the scanner, it is a small pad embedded in one of her drawers to remain hidden where only she has access to.
After some time, a green light lit up on her face from the screen, she has now successfully accessed the Cairo database.

"Loading 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100%"

- "Identity confirmed, access granted"

She quickly scans through the database regarding any information that is involving her, to which her surprise, everything is there.
She finds a file labeled 'The past', which concerns her. Her past has some dark secrets and she starts to sweat thinking if it is about those situations.

- "
Cairo" she says with her voice shaking.

- "
Hello, Kim. How can I be of assistance?"

- "
Open the file labeled 'The past'"

"Loading 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100%"

- "
Access Granted"

'The past'
Sirens can be heard from ambulances and firetrucks, an accident has happend. Cece can hear people talking to her, but she can't make out what they are saying from the loud sirens and the tinnitus.
She slowly looks over towards the people outside of her car window.

- "
Ar.. ..ou o...ay?"

She attempts to speak, but nothing other than grunts comes out from the excruciating pain she is in.

- "
Hel.. s.. on... i..s way"

At this moment, Cece is thinking to herself if she is alive or not. Is this what death is like?
She gathers her thoughts and realizes that she is infact still alive. She has no idea what just happend but all she know is that herself and her brother was on their way to his football training.
That makes her think, where is her bother?
She slowly turns her head to the right, where he should've been. But she does not see him.
It is both relief and fear that kicks in, he was sitting in the passenger seat, but no longer is. Does that mean he has already gotten help or is she delusional and he was never there in the first place.
She turns her head back to the left to look at the person outside of her window, when she suddenly sees her brother..
He is not in the seat anymore nor has he gotten help. He is hanging out from the windshield infront of her.
She starts to panic. That is her little brother she is supposed to be protecting with her life, what has she done!
She attempt to speak to him to see if he responds, to her fears, he does not respond back.

- "
Lu..cas? are y..ou o..kay?" she says while grunting in pain

She used her last bit of energy to cry out for someone to help her little brother, where she later on passed out from the copious bleeding she had.

A few hours later she wakes up in the hospital surrounded by nurses and a doctor, aswell as a police officer.
She has just had surgery from an internal bleed that happend due to the crash.

The police officer is there to ask questions regarding the crash. From witness statements it was a head on collision where another car had ended up on the wrong side fo the road and crashed in to Ceces car, head on.
After being retold the situation, Cece suddenly remembers it all happening. The car, the crash and most importantly, her brother.

- "
Where is my brother?" she interrupts the police officer

The doctor in the room takes her on her shoulder and gives her the most heartbreaking news she has ever heard.

- "
He did not make it, I am sorry"

Cece breaks down crying and becomes a maniac, she punches the bed and then starts to punch herself.
She has been told her whole life to look after her little brother, and now she is the reason for him dying.
She starts to blame herself for him dying, she could've turned to the side before the other car crashed in to them, but she just froze up in the moment and couldn't do anything before the collision. She could've been more strict on her brother to wear a seatbelt, but she kept ignoring it and saying "It's your own fault if something happens"
She was the driver, she had the responsibility to tell him to put a seatbelt on. But she didn't.
She had just gotten the drivings licenses a few month before the crash, was that the reason she didn't know what to do in the situation?

A few weeks passes and she is allowed to finally go home, but this time go home without her brother..
When returning to her normal life, she keeps hearing people talking about the crash and her brother passing away.
People kept coming up to her to show respect due to her losing her borther, but all Cece heard was "It is your fault he passsed away"
She couldn't take it no more, she needed to escape her reality. To which she found a newspaper someone had brought with them from a trip in Canada. The title was "what is the SCP foundation?", she asked if she could keep the newspaper to which she was allowed.
She brought it home and started looking in to it more, "what is the SCP foundation?", she started questioning herself.
But all she saw was an escape from reality, she didn't care what is was, all she knew was that it is far away and no one will know her there and her past, her past of being a cold blooded murderer..

She booked the first available flight to Canada, which was a one way ticket, since she was not planning on returning back to Sweden, ever..

Cece starts to shed some tears after reading this file, it has been so long but she still misses him so much.
She is pretty confused on how Cairo has this information, but she doesn't question it too much. All she know is that it was her fault for her brother passing and she did not take the responsibility she should've done in the moment.

- "
Cairo.." she says while wiping her last tear off of her cheek

- "
How can I be of assisstance, Kim?"

Once again, the voice of Cairo somehow calms Cece down in the comforting tone.

- "
Delete the file 'The past'"

The screen goes back to the loading animation and later on turns green, the file was deleted.

"Loading 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100%"

- "
Successful removal of file 'The past'"

Cece breaths out in relief, if anyone would know about that, she doesn't know how she would be able to deal with it. It is such a big part on why she is acting like she is.. Don't want people around her to know her biggest secret.

- "
Cairo, could you provide notes related to my recent assessments?"

- "
Of course, Member Kim"

Accessing recent evaluations...."

Loading 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100%"

- "Access granted"

The screen fills up with feedback from her colleagues which states -

Ethics Member 'Cece' Kim displays a strong ethical strive but has shown emotional distress during discussions involving familial loss, recomendation suggest...."

Cece suddenly stops reading the rest. She doesn't care what people think she should do when it comes to her brother. She would rather forget it all and deal with it on her own.

Cece continues reading through the files in the database and finds one she doesn't remember ever writing..

- "
Cairo, open the file 'To "my" future self'"

- "
Of course, Kim"

Accessing file 'To "my" future self'"

"Loading 20%... 40%... 60%... 80%... 100%"

'To "my" future self'
"Hello Cece, or should I say Cecilia, as your name actually is.

You are reading this, cause you have finally found this document. Good job, probably took you a while finding it.
Who I am you might be asking? That doesn't concern you one bit, I am simply here to guide you. You know me better than you think.

So, where do we start.
I know every single little thing about you, that scar, the trauma, your thoughts. I know it all, you are not good at hiding them.
This is written for you to find when guidance is needed. Which I assume is now.
You are in a hard position in life, you were just a normal Swedish girl a few years ago as you keep saying. This is like living in a dream, and not a good one.
If you are ever thinking of leaving Site 65, who is gonna believe you and the stories you have? You are gonna end up in a psych ward in no time. So don't ever think about leaving, cause I know you have been.
You keep escaping the troublesome times instead of solving them. Just look at your brother for example, you bullied yourself in to moving from Sweden to Canada to escape it all. What happens if they will get to know here? Cause you do know that they will eventually get to know the truth..

Back to the topic..

I am here to help you.
You came here to help others on how to deal with the hard times, how to solve them and how to build off of them. I know it is pretty ironic that YOU out of everyone wants to help people when you can't even help yourself. But I guess that is what the trauma brought out of you.
You main goal is to channel your pain into something productive, which is why you came to Site 65 in the first place, remember?
You taking the pain and helping others with it is a way to honor your brothers memory, by making sure no one else would suffer from a loss or injustice. Which is why you went for the Ethics Committee, cause you care about humanity.
You came here cause of your desire to enforce compassion and the moral intergrity into the cold and practical decisions that is made within the foundations walls everyday..
You are here to change everything for the better. You care so much about how other people feel and how you can improve their well beings. But you keep forgetting about yourself.. I am not saying that it is something bad forgetting about yourself, cause other people will curently not forget about you.

If you ever get lost again, find this document and read it till you understand your motive in this world.
And remember, once entering the SCP foundation, you cannot leave...

Yours truly,
- Unknown

Cece is more confused than ever after reading that file, who was it from? Who has written it? Why does it say "my future self" if I haven't written it?.

- "
Cairo, who is the author or the file 'To "my" future self'?"

- "
I will look this up, Kim. Scanning for the author will proceed"


"Loading 20%... 40%... 60%."

Scanning failed"

- "
Member Kim, the author was not located"

Cece raises her eyebrows in disbelief..

- "Understood, I will find out by myself. Sign me out"

- "Always at your service, Member Kim. Signing out now"

The screen shuts down...
During my time as Chairman, Cece, has been the Committee member whom has been with me the longest. And during this time I have been able to track Cece's progress as both an ECM, and as an RP leader. And now, 7 or so months on, I can proudly say that Cece has come an indescribably long way. I believe that I have left the Committee in very capable hands, but also in a better state than when I became ECC, and I am confident in this due to the capable ECMs who make up the current lineup, and Cece is the first person who comes to mind for me. Cece has developed herself into becoming a highly capable RP leader who leads engaging and intuitive storylines and character driven narratives, something I think the server, especially CL4+, needs more of. Cece is also very attentive outside of IC interactions, and many times has been a voice to point out overlookings or a neglect of RP, including to myself, which in hindsight I am very grateful for.

In general, Cece is an amazing candidate who has come a long way to being the standard setter of a CL5 she is today, and I do not pity SL in having to make this decision, the Committee has a very bright future ahead regardless of who takes the helm.

Easy to say +support, and I wish you the very best of luck.
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Reactions: Cece
Jun 6, 2022

Cece "Kim" has long been recognized as one of the standout members of the Ethics Committee. Throughout their tenure, they demonstrated a consistent level of commitment, precision, and a profound understanding of the ethical boundaries within their jurisdiction. As a key figure on the committee, Cece operated with a nuanced approach, balancing the moral dilemmas that come with the role while ensuring that decisions upheld the core values of the organization. Their ability to address complex ethical issues with both clarity and compassion has often set them apart from their peers.

One of the most notable aspects of Cece’s tenure was their strategic positioning behind the Omega-1 Commander, known for their sharp, tactical prowess. While the Omega-1 Commander was recognized for their combat capabilities and rapid responses to crises, Cece's strength lay in their quiet but determined presence, often seen in the bunks or the Core Sector, either in focused contemplation or preparing for the next ethical review. Their ability to remain composed, even in moments where others may have lost focus, was a testament to their discipline and dedication to the greater good.

This level of dedication didn’t go unnoticed. Cece was seen as a stabilizing force, someone who could provide thoughtful insight and guidance when faced with complex ethical challenges. Their contributions were not only respected but often set the standard for others to follow. It’s no surprise, then, that Cece "Kim" has now been chosen to take on the role of Chairwoman of the Ethics Committee—a position of great influence and responsibility.

As Chairwoman, Cece is stepping into one of the most demanding roles within the organization, a role that requires an even higher degree of vigilance, fairness, and ethical fortitude. While their time as a committee member showcased their capacity for sound judgment, this new position will undoubtedly test them in new and unique ways. The responsibility of guiding the committee, overseeing delicate situations, and ensuring that the highest standards of ethics are upheld will rest squarely on their shoulders.

Congratulations are certainly in order for this achievement. Cece’s appointment as Chairwoman marks a new chapter, not only in their career but in the future of the committee. Their calm, measured approach and deep understanding of ethical principles make them well-suited for the role. However, it's important to remain mindful that this promotion will also bring significant challenges, and time will tell how effectively Cece can navigate the additional pressures of leadership.

The final verdict on Cece’s potential position remains neutral. While their track record speaks highly of their capabilities, stepping into the role of Chairwoman comes with its own unique trials and tribulations. The transition from a key player to the figurehead of the Ethics Committee will undoubtedly be a journey that tests all of their skills. Only time will reveal the full scope of Cece’s success as the Chairwoman, but for now, they stand at the precipice of something greater, poised to make a lasting impact.

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
+Support. With a small lean to neutral.

You're a good friend on this server and I would love to see you be chairwoman. However I do have concerns the position may lead to you getting burnt out and I'd hate to see that.

Your roleplay ability is something i've seen first hand and we've both handed down "Chip" to (One too many) Directors of research.

I wish you the best of luck with this application. Even if you are swedish.
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