[UK] 'Cerberus' Ethics Committee Assistant application

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Steam ID: STEAM_01429293001

Discord name: Nova#1548

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2+ weeks and a few days in v time but over a month in real life

Age: 22

In what country are you located?: Kuwait

Time zone: KSA

Character name(s): 'Cerberus' on the foundation. Jack Kincade on Chaos Insurgency.

Civilian name: 'Shiba'

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Holding: MTF O-1 SPC, CI-A PVT TEU, SCP-096, GSD Captain.
Held: MTF Nu-7 SGT.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: None

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

Not only am I very active on the site, I also believe that I am a strong candidate to become an ethics committee assistant due to my time, experience, and knowledge about the situation of the site and the legal codex. As a member of O-1, I've also had experience watching Ethics Committee members and assistants handling many situations and not only believe that I can replicate the same results but also bring my own experience, judgment, and spin to the site as an ECA. I can learn quickly and do my job well but I also can face my shortcomings and work on them just as quickly whatever they may be.

I feel confident in my skills to learn and give the ethics committee peace of mind with whatever responsibility they may appoint me with and i am confident in doing it well.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

-Follow any assignments given to me by the ethics committee,
-Ensure the FLC is followed at all times when applicable,
-Handling any cases where the FLC has been broken by CL4 personnel and below,
-Be the eyes and ears of the ethics committee and report anything that would need their attention to them,
-Overseeing any ethical problems that may arise in the absence of an ethics committee member,
-Teaching personnel that either do not understand/know how to properly handle situations ethically,
-Enforcing ethics and punishing those who break them,
-Helping O-1 in any way I can in the absence of an ethics committee member,
-Handling smaller tribunals and cases

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

'Cerberus' (formerly known as Jack Kincaid) was born somewhere in the Middle East in the slums, never given a name, but was sold off to a slave trader sometime in the 1600s. One day, while he was in a carriage heading towards a famous slave owner who was interested in "gaining another fine addition to his collection of slaves", he was saved by an unknown group of bandits who saved him and the other slaves from their fate and gave them freedom and a home to return to called [DATA EXPUNGED].

As the years went on and Jack grew up to be an adult, he was curious about his saviors and showed interest in joining their cause of freeing slaves like the one he once was and made it known to them that he was ready for any test they throw at him and do whatever it takes to be a part of their group. After many years of torturous training and finally proving himself to be a valuable ally, They named him [DATA EXPUNGED], and has finally joined [DATA EXPUNGED], the group that saved him and many others, and has proved his skills were unmatched not only in combat but also in diplomacy and negotiations.

When a mission was given by the mysterious leader of his group to eradicate a cult that was known as "The Serpants Hand" for kidnapping children and turning them into sacrifices and wielders of black magic, Jack took it upon himself to sneak in alone into their base of operations and learn the layout of the land before the raid. During his time in, he saw [DATA EXPUNGED], [DATA EXPUNGED], and [DATA EXPUNGED] with hundreds of children screaming and begging to be put out of their misery, only to have them [DATA EXPUNGED] by what Jack assumed to be the wardens of this place. when he was about to escape and report what he saw to the rest of his allies, one child saw him and yelled "PLEASE SAVE US" and exposed his location to all of the members of "The Serpents Hand" which caused a huge battle to occur, alerting his allies stationed nearby and having them rushing to his aid.

During the battle, wicked magic was being cast upon friend and foe indiscriminately for they decided to kill everyone involved including themselves and the children. Jack fought valiantly but was ultimately beaten by these unknown powers he faced and when pushed to a corner, the SCP foundation MTF unit [DATA EXPUNGED] appeared through a rift in space, killing everyone in their path indiscriminately, effectively ending the conflict within minutes from their appearance. when they were finishing off any survivors, they took the children with them and when trying to go back through the rift, Jack, broken and battered, weakened to the point that the wind could knock him off his feet, stood in their way demanding that the children are to be freed.

impressed by his tenacity, they took Jack with them back to the foundation where he was given an opportunity to save humanity in a new world where carriages are replaced with cars and crossbows with guns, he remembered the first time he was given the same opportunity and this time, he vowed that he will never let another person ever get tortured or used ever again and has decided to pursue the way of the law and uphold justice for all and make sure that everyone is being treated equally ethically.

He changed his name to Jack Kincaid after arriving at the foundation to signify the new person that he has become in this new world and after years of hard work, he joined MTF unit Omega-1 under the codename 'Cerberus' for he is the hound from hell that will punish any evil that dares to cross his path. He then caught the interest of the ethics committee after showing exceptional skills in communication, willingness in upholding the FLC and ethical practices, and combat skills but also his undying loyalty to the foundation, and have decided to test him to see if he is worthy of joining their ranks one day.
ECM shite.png

- Ethics Committee Verdict Report
- 'Cerberus' for Ethics Committee Assistant

Good Afternoon Cerberus,
Thank you for showing your interest in joining the Ethics Committee; The Committee has met in deliberation of your application and concluded that you are suited to assume the position of Ethics Committee Assistant. You may contact myself to organize a formal interview.

- Ethics Member Phoenix
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