[UK] 'Cheese' 2nd ECA Application

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Jan 3, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:613015691
Discord name: noobusmcnoob
For how long have you played on CG SCP: If you don't want to look it up, this is around 1.6 months, or 6.4 weeks. However, I think it might be over a year due to me having clips of the server when I joined being a year ago, and Garry's Mod time tracking is strange, so you can use around 1.6 months being the truth, however I believe that 1 year is a lot more accurate because it feels like I've been on the server for forever, evidence of my clips being from a year ago can be provided.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy
Civilian name: Timmy 'Cheese Man' Biggyy
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: SCP-096 (HOLDING), MTF E-11 CPL (HELD), MTF NU-7 PVT (HELD), GOC SGT (HOLDING).
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2 for RDM, 2 for FailRP. All of them are just little things such as not hearing/noticing FearRP, and also entering base as a civilian way back when I didn't know.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

I've been thinking about applying for the Ethics Committee Assistant role because I have a few known people in the Ethics Committee, and in O-1. I feel like because I have these friends in these departments, the Ethics Committee Assistant role would be perfect for me as I already know a few people.

I also think that I am the best candidate due to me being dedicated to the Civil Networks server, spending almost 10 hours a day playing and moderating on the server, I find that the Ethics Committee is one of the best CL4 roles to start with, and I think that the Ethics Committee Assistant role will fit me perfectly.

As of a few weeks ago, a few more people have applied and made it into the role of ECA, now because of this, I think that I would be a good candidate for ECA due to the fact that I know many people in the Ethics Committee.

I also have fun doing and writing detailed documents when needed due to my abilities to write creatively and make a document look good and readable.

On top of this, I am very mature for my age when needed, and this makes me a great candidate for ECA also.

More thinking of the role of Ethics Committee Assistant, I feel like even more people that I am familiar with have become either O-1 or ECA, as well as Ethics Committee Assistant and joining the Ethics Committee as my first CL4 position feels like the best way to go.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

ECA's have multiple responsibilities when it comes to RP, these include:

Fulfilling orders given to them by both the Ethics Committee Members (ECM), or the Ethics Committee Chairman (ECC). These tasks can vary between multiple things, such as, ensuring that the Facility Legal Codex (FLC) is being upheld, maintained and followed at all times.

Another task that is the job of the Ethics Committee Assistants is approving tests for researchers, an example of a test that would need Ethics approval is having 4+ D-Class participate in the test.

Going back onto the topic of research, a job of an ECA could be overseeing tests and ensuring they follow the FLC and the Research Department Policy at all times. If the test that is being overseen by an ECA is breaking either of the FLC or Research Department Policy, the ECA will halt the test and put the researcher into custody.

One other responsibility is when a breach happens, if the breach meets the AA requirements, Ethics Committee Assistants may authorize Advanced Armoury for MTF NCO+, however during AA authorization, E-11 takes priority.

Yet another responsibility of an Ethics Committee Assistant is to oversee departments such as the General Security Department, Internal Affairs, Department of External Affairs, Research Department and more to ensure they are doing to the best of their abilities and also following all ethical standards and the FLC.

Ethics Committee Assistants can also attend important meetings on behalf of the Ethics Committee if the Ethics Committee are unavailable.

They can also provide Roleplay Scenario's for other departments such as IA, DEA, RSD, it would be a bit harder to create roleplay for departments such as MTF, GSD, but I imagine that this would still be possible.

Ethics Committee Assistants are permitted, when there is a mass escape or riot of D-Class Personnel, Ethics Committee Assistants (If the highest rank on) are able to authorize mass-termination of D-Class, however this is ONLY to be authorized when it is 100% needed.

Another responsibility of an Ethics Committee Assistant is to ensure that D-Class Personnel are treated correctly and ethically, and to make sure the correct measures of ethics are applied to all D-Class.

Ethics Committee Assistants are also permitted to sample/test on SCP's at the request of an ECM or ECC, this is to be done with the assistance of Omega-1 to ensure the safety of the Ethics Committee Assistants, Members or Chairman assisting in the test/sampling.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Biggy was born in a small house in the snowy mountains of Canada, in the lovely town on Pinewood. He grew up in this town, there was something great about it... As the years go by, strange occurrences happen around the town of Pinewood, and more reports of "Dangerous Serial Killers" running around Pinewood were announced by the official United Nations. He became more curious as to why there was so many strange occurrences happening to him, and his fellow citizens of Pinewood, but he didn't really bother as to look into it, he just figured it was some sort of crazy cult...

Until one day, the ground starts to shake and he falls off of his bed, as he sees outside of his window bullets flying from tree to tree, as a distant growl is heard from the forest. This peaked his interest, and he also realized this isn't any ordinary occurrence, he started researching the things that would happen, he found giant footprints that looked like a dinosaurs, bones of the dead... and bones of the still alive.

Of course, it wasn't long until the SCP Foundation stepped in, broke into his home, cuffed him, with blindfolds and gags, as they took all of his research, and put him in an armoured truck, driving to the nearest site, which was Site-65.

He was put into an interrogation room, as the following audio log was recorded:

Agent [REDACTED]: "So, do you know why you're here...?"

Biggy Timmyy: "No, you just dragged me here out of nowhere!"

Agent [REDACTED]: "Great, let's get started then."

Biggy Timmyy: "Just get it over with... What do you want from me...?"

Agent [REDACTED]: "You're quite lucky actually, I'm here to give you an offer that you can't refuse. Literally."

Biggy Timmyy: "What...?"

Agent [REDACTED]: "Your research is... quite amazing. I can offer you two options."

Biggy Timmyy: "I'm listening..."

Agent [REDACTED]: "Either I shoot you right here, or you join us."

Biggy Timmyy: "I guess I have no choice..."

Agent [REDACTED]: "Well, we have an open researcher slot. So welcome."

Biggy Timmyy: "Thanks... I guess..."


After around 10 years of hard working as many roles in the research department, as well as participating in many projects, he has a meeting with an ECM, and is brought into the Ethics Committee as an Assistant.

Nov 7, 2023


  • Detaild Application
  • Claimed proficiency in document writing.
  • Good ammount of time


  • 15 years old, potential concern for staff role suitability.


  • promising application with detailed responses and dedication. Age may be a factor to consider.
  • Cookie


  • Detaild Application
  • Claimed proficiency in document writing.
  • Good ammount of time


  • 15 years old, potential concern for staff role suitability.


  • promising application with detailed responses and dedication. Age may be a factor to consider.
  • Cookie
this aint no staff app my guy

anyways +Support, just recommend making the app more nicer by adding colours or such
New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Good Day Mr Timmyy,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Committee. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Becoming an assistant to the Committee requires dedication and hard work, something we see in you.

After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been accepted . Please reach out to an Ethics Member or Chairman to arrange a time and date for your interview. We look forward to the prospect of you joining our team and how you will assist the Committee.

See you soon, and best of luck.

Have a lovely day,
Ethics Chairman Oisín McKenna
  • Love
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