[UK] Cheetah Ivanov's Consultant Application

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
3,076,682 Seconds.


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Cheetah "Perseus" Ivanov

Civilian name:
Changes alot due to the fact that i am in the Event Team

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
Indeed i do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
None, i am a good boy.

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
I am applying for the position of Medical Consultant due to the fact that i find medical RP interesting. I have tried out Research which i was an Executive in but recently resigned. I am also holding a position of an Overseer Assistant which is also very different from Research. I simply believe i would enjoy the medical RP and it would be a good step for me to try and find what role i would like to stay and progress in.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
I believe that my experience within differet departments has given me a great amount of information and experience regarding different departmental policies and how they operate. My vast knowledge with different RP scenarios is also an advantage, allowing me to more easily perform RP to a high standard within the Department of Medicine.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
During a normal day working as a Sr. Doctor you get approached by an MTF Nu-7 LT. He states that he believe one of his Nu-7 PVTs has been amnesticated by an opposite GOI and he asks you to find out whether this is true or not. I take a blood sample of the PVT, place it in a vial and go over to the chem lab. I analyze the vial under the microscope and once i get the results i will do the following /me's.
/me Checks the patients blood for any sign of amnestics.
/it Would there be any?
At this point i would have the PVT respond to the commands on his on accord by doing his respective /me's.

On a quite day in the foundation a D-Class gets rushed to the medbay due to a complication with SCP-1025 during an experiment. He had read a page in the book and suddenly turned into stone. Due to this complication the patient cannot be put on the ECT, and to get rid of anomalous effects one would have to kill the patient using any form of weaponry. And then instantly revive them getting rid of any anomalous effects.

During an active Code 5 scenario an MTF E-11 comes into the medbay screaming he needs assistance, he cannot swap away from his weapon due to a fracture in his arm. I will have him lay on the X-RAY scanner to allow me to get the information on where the fracture is located. Once that is done i will go to the medical cabinet and open it using !medic. Grabbing the correct variant of "Calcium" to give to the patient to cure his fracture.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
Watching over the department making sure the Medical Personnel ranked below you are fulfilling their duties to an acceptable standard.

Handing out job bans / punishments to any Medical personnel deemed worthy of punishment

Doing psychological evaluations on CL4 personnel to deem whether or not they are fit for their duties.

Hosting Medical License Lectures to teach medical trainee's how to become a licensed doctor within the department.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Kayla - Hello, Cheetah. How may i assist you?

Cheetah - Hello, i would like to apply for a position as a Consultant within your department!

Kayla - Great to hear, we are always looking for more skilled personnel to assist the department.

Cheetah - Okay, do you need any sort of CV or anything similar?

Kayla - If you happen to have a Personnel File i would love to take a look at it.

Cheetah - Okay, ill send it over via SCIPNET, Thank you for your time.

Before anyone -Supports my application due to me just getting OSA. I am simply wanting to try out the different roles the server has to offer. I tried Research, im trying OSA and im now also wanting to try Medical. I do not see this as a bad thing and i am not doing it simply to stack up on previous positions. I seriously believe i would enjoy Medical which is why i spent this much time on making an application. Thank you.
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E. Kepler

Well-known Member
Feb 7, 2024
15 Parsecs Beyond Neptune

Really great guy even though he's short
Knows medical roleplay and policies well
Has experience as CL4 personnel
Does a great tie fighter impression
(Oh and also good application)
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Reactions: Cheetah
+/-Neutral leaning towards +Support
-You’re a good guy, and from what I’ve seen your RP is good, but I have barely seen you on any medical role.
You were also asked to explain a in game medical procedure, and chose on a Nasal Fracture. Which is not a in game medical procedure but a real life one (A in game one would be something like ECT, Diagnosing and Curing, Surgery, Amnestics check, etc). This does show a lack of understanding of medical due to your limited time in it.

-He updated the medical procedure part, good application overall.

Past all that if you started playing medical and getting used to being in the DPT I think you would have a pretty good shot. But for now I’m Neutral on it.
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-You’re a good guy, and from what I’ve seen your RP is good, but I have barely seen you on any medical role.
You were also asked to explain a in game medical procedure, and chose on a Nasal Fracture. Which is not a in game medical procedure but a real life one (A in game one would be something like ECT, Diagnosing and Curing, Surgery, Amnestics check, etc). This does show a lack of understanding of medical due to your limited time in it.

Past all that if you started playing medical and getting used to being in the DPT I think you would have a pretty good shot. But for now I’m Neutral on it.
Updated some for ya :)
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Reactions: Niox
Oct 27, 2023
South Africa

The following message is composed via consensus of the medical leadership team.

Hello, @Cheetah / RustyOsprey2 . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

We wish you good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.
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