[UK] Chief of security application format

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Well-known Member
Nov 3, 2022

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:527913614

Discord name: Femboy7#4948

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 month.

Age: 21.

In what country are you located?: Romania.

Time zone: EEST (Eastern Europe Summer TIme)

Character name(s): Fritzgerald 'Roomba'

Civilian name: Thomas Greenward.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 (Held), Nu-7 (Held), CI (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Here is a list of all my bans only:​

Ban: ERP

Reason: Telling a D-Class to drop his pants in a joking way.

Ban: RDM

Reason: Result of stacked warns.

Warn: RDM

Reason: Killing a D-Class without proper judgement.

Warn: RDM

Reason: Killing a D-Class without proper judgement.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?: Because I want to make progress that would change the view of gensec as a whole with plans on reforming documentations and other necessities this department might need to evolve greatly and drastically if possible for the betterment and to be in favor with other security captains. Because for me this department is personally one of my favourites for putting effort and time more than any positions offered to me as I am feeling connected with this department and getting alongside with my co-workers and other operations it has to offer for me. With this position it would be very beneficial for me to create hope and strenght on regular knowledge for better comprehension and creating smooth understanding of an document unable to direct vision and clarity of it that it's given inside the department and other sources of interest.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?: My suitability is mostly built on experience for department that I always stay nearby and work upon with until . As for the dedication I will always put effort to educate and reshape the structure and base as I would plan in the future with the knowledge I could gather to separate the wok from an combat environment into a teaching session to uphold as many personnel from the department as I could to integrate a new form of indoctrination to attract people who would be interested on enjoying lecture session or simply to enjoy time time with other co-workers for creating a new level of being progressive and educated with anything that would be possible. The reason for choosing education instead of creating more combat skills is because I simply enjoy giving people better understanding of documentations and code of ethics plus other policies.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?: Bellow I will state and explain every tasks the chief of security has to do:​

Responsibility of the General Security Department

Description: The responsibility of an COS (Chief of Security) is about keeping the department healthy and organised at all times for ensuring seriosity and mannerism inside our fieldwork or other locations. It comes with great value and reward for locking your interest into what is more prestigious than any departments has to offer. By keeping the columns of the department intact should always be a number one priority when stability comes in mind as integrity of it always plays a major role for the sustainability and balance for everyone to stay upon.

Overviewing applications and hiring captains

Description: As and the slot of captain positions lower and interests tend to drop in a slow process, the need and requirements of newer captain candidates will be then considered necessary to hire fresh competitors for keeping the and ordonance above average to keep in touch with our policies and standards for more people who are willing or consider their interest acceptable to participate and lead the personnel to inspire more people who would want to demonstrate their capabilities in a senior position.

Creating and editing official documents

Description: The use of documents is always beneficial to understand and remember our designated tasks and other policies we very much respect alongside with other basic rules to enforce. As department grows, the standard knowledge will also need to grow to keep itself more up to date and simple to understand and manage with different methods of enforcing rules or policies. In any case of needed files or documents to be publicated for other seniors to consult upon it will either be unnecessary or become considered on being an official document.

Monitoring department heads

Description: The use of captains is always necessary for keeping activity on check or creating a sense of control and unity among our colleagues to keep in line the seriosity and working grounds correctly handled. Even though we entrust our captains with maintaining correctly their roles and sub-divisions, it will also be necessary to observer or spectate how does a captain handle the work within the environment and primary working stations to ensure no misbehaving or lack of careness is spotted. And so the use of keeping the captains monitored in a periodic time is almost considered elemental for a COS.

Improving relations and alliances

Description: The group to flourish grantly can be estimated to be achieved by forging alliances and keeping healthy relations between two groups to maintain equal strenght for priority goals to be achieved. And by this creating new allies to work alongside with for the betterment of digging much more deeper for needed comradery and companion.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:​

As the sun glimmers on the cristaline snow and birds chipper as the sun starts to grow in the sky starting a new day of the town of Pinewood marking another perhaps average day around the region. As sound echoes around maybe from the vehicles with roaring motors and the blaring sound of horns, not to mention the agitating yells and shouts from the people who have their own inconvenience truly silence the sounds made by mother nature that she knows best. Even though the town has the noise to silence it, the world from underneath greatly overcomes the sounds provoked from outside. As someone who might think of the mole rat people myth living underneath truly don't understand what fantasies lie inside the mysterious world of powerful people who rule under their thumb.

Although noisy and frustrating that almost takes your attention away from it, there is one person who had enough with shouts and yells from everyone around him whenever he would walk at specific places that himself knows what would it be about.

This story is about one man who desires to become one day a teacher for either a high school or university to make profit.

Who's dreams will almost be the ideal proposal of his life and benefit from it greatly.

That one man would be called 'Fritzgerald'

The story of Fritzgerald would start at the fragile age of 2, when he made his first steps with courage and support from his family which he started to develop love towards them dearly early on his life. As each year passed by, the progress he makes far on will change his future self very abruptly. When he reached the age of 14, he made for the first time hard earned money for him after doing not only house chores but by also being a responsible young lad with the neighbour's canine friend that he accepted to start taking care for her. Althought sweet for him to accept such offer from his neighbour there was one small consequence for accepting such offer. On 1st of April, Fritzgerald was on it's way to meet the neighbour next door for giving his companion a nice walk in the public park as per usual. But on the moment he appeared with the dog, it seemed like it was frustrated and agitated at the same time, due to its unwilling behavior of declining to go outside but the neighbour insisted to leave the house even if it meant to use force onto him. When he finally stepped outside the front door got slammed shut infront of him much to Fritzgerald's frustration and then the dog locked is vision onto him, he slowly walked towards him perhaps to be caresed after such a unpleasing moment. As he sensed something was wrong with him he leaned his hand near the dog to pat his head, but as soon as he did that the dog suddenly got enraged and out of nowhere he bitted Fritzgerald's left hand with brute force and swinging it only to make it worse. By then he started to bleed badly giving small drops of blood on the concrete floor while the flesh started to get ripped and spreaded gravely while screams and cries for help were getting more louding in a pitching tone to make himself heard. The next 6 years were the final days on the wound to finally heal although the scar wasan't expected to disapear like a flick of finger but rather slow and less painful than the first time. By then he carried on with his life still simplistic and rather boring for himself while still stuck with the memory of still having it's wound still there on his hand it would prove again to be a simple imagination to trick himself of still having such wound. As he reached the mature age of 19 he made the final decision to detach himself from his parental home to integrate in a more isolated location that he could find for himself to transfer his life of being a 'city boy' into a more rural related environment to enjoy being surrounded by animals and farmers of any kind. By the age of 22 he was determined to be fond of being more patriotic for his homeland than he could ever will. And so he made the decision to become on part with the military and finally enlist after 3 months of thoughtful thinking and including the risks of accepting such decision but decided that would be unnecessary because he wanted to be more provoking than acting 'cowardly' in faces of great challenges.

As time and time went on in the militaristic life of his in the field of computer programmer he had a weekend free for himself to go have for himself a drink for the first time ever. He one day met someone in a locally known bar he would find who had a suspicious appearance and gave him an offer that it would be so big he would consider it for himself 'The grand bingo shot he ever experienced'. As for the rest of the story only god would know what could happen next.


Hello Fritzgerald,
Today I will be giving you a +SUPPORT for various reasons. First of all you are a long standing member of GSD with a
lot of experience and you have always been decently active. It was fun both talking and working with you and you are a nice person. You accept every task I've given you with open arms which is much appreciated! You are quite the minge when on site and I think you lack the professionalism required for CoS. Your application is decent and well worked out. The only critique I have is that although you have been active you have not helped majorly with running things or often improved GSD over your time serving for the departement, I think you just could do that extra bit.

For the rest I think you
would not be the best candidate to be the next CoS, good luck.
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Rosalyn 'Vrda'

Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 15, 2023
I'm giving a - Support

Ultimately you are a long standing and dedicated gsd player. But you are in my opinion, not active or sensible enough to be a COS yet.
You don't have a lot of management experience and can't be seen holding a lot of trainings. I would reccomend you try managing a sub division and expanding more as captain.
Additionally in the discord chats you do minge around quite a lot, and don't really have a sense of professionalism.
I think one day you could be an excellent candidate, just not yet.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Fritzgerald

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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