[UK] Chief of Security Application. Grog "Houseplant" [Classified]

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:448585224

Discord name: GameFist_

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 418.6 hours (this is from the year achievement)

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: Netherlands

Time zone: GMT+1​

Character name(s):

Foundation: Gungus 'Houseplant' Gunlips (My main character)
Foundation: Grog 'Crippled' Leo (My Maintenence Character
CI: Grog 'Toenail'
Civilian name: Grog 'Armpit' Leo
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

General Security Sergeant: Holding
Internal Afairs agent: Holding
External Afairs Agent: Holding
Senior General Security Captain: held
Head-Hunters Supervisor Held
NU-7 PVT: held
CI-G: held
GOC-PVT held


The Fun GSD gives for me, I have always loved the dpt GenSec and most of my time on the server was me just having fun on Gensec and going on whacky, fun, serious adventures. And I want to try my best to bring GenSec back to its former glory(instead of a dead dpt). I have seen allot of GSD come and go and a few of them stay and go after some time cause they said GSD is slowly dying I never wanted to believe them untill I saw what GSD is in right now. If I look on how GSD CL1+ is treated around site I just feel bad as GSD is for most if not for all the first combat job they get, they will not know everything and I really want to get that changed as my motivations.


1. Activity: I have no idea how active im gonna be as my schools starts again soon but ill do my best. If you have seen my place on the roster when I was a captain you could see I was always one of the active cpt's that did their quota's and Vtime requirements.

2. Experience: I have held the highest position in a sub dpt from Gensec where we trained officers to become captains it went really well till got disbanded cause the Sgt role kinda took its place. I have gotten 3 times Captain of the month during my time as a captain I have helped with all sorts of tasks like: Hosting the weekly GSD meetings 2 times in a row, Writing up docs for the Sub Dpt Head-Hunters. And I have done some relation building and meetings with other CL4's to see how GSD can improve. I think it is time for someone that has always loved and cared about this dpt to take the CoS spot. I know the way on how GSD deals with this I mean by saying this is that in my time of being Cpt I have seen allot of minges come and go, yet I always figured a way out to let them listen.

3. Roleplay: I know most of you know me as The minge or smth. But I can assure you I have changed and try my best I have showed it mostly on the role of tech expert trying to "Fix" containment boxes in HCZ with some E-11. I will try my best and have a few ideas on how to improve the RP experience for GSD (as GSD isnt know for their RP but their RDM). Fixing the way on how GSD can RP could/would be hard but I will try my best to get that fixed and show that Gensec have the ability to RP.

4. Plans:
- I want is to try my best to improve relations with Ethics and IA.
- Giving GSD a greater purpose than "Prison Guard" this could help with the problem of GSD not getting much RP.(ofc D-Block goes first).
- Trying to fix the way of tryouts being boring for Cpts to host so their will be more tryouts(I hope).
- of course one of the biggest problems is that GSD is dead I want to do my best to get GSD back to its glory.
- Make docs for CL1/2/3 GSD easier and shorter while still containing all the info needed with small details. From what I have learned from the CL1+ roles is that reading is shit and if we make it shorter easier more people will read it.
- Requirements/objectives for Sgt just little objectives that will be refreshed as soon as the first one is done. This will not be required as a quota and just something for Sgt's to do as making something for Sgt's that is required is pretty bad as Sgt is just kinda casual GSD they already have to be active and I dont want to add more things for the Sgt's to do as they are not holders of a CL4 position but a CL3.
- Making it easier for trainings to be done and not cross trainings just normal GSD trainings I have seen allot of cross trainings. I have not seen allot of normal trainings like lecture or lets say Killhouse trainings I want to make those easier to host so there will be more trainings for GSD to attend.
- Make/try the activity for Cpt's quota based and not activity based ofcourse activity is important but I want to focus on performence requirements and not Vtime.

5. Serious: I know I am not the most serious person but I can tell you with confidence that in the moments of RP where you have to be serious I can be that.

6. Dealing with CL1/2/3 GSD: Most of you guys know GSD isnt known for being best of the best and mostly not listening. In my time of being in GSD I have learned on how to deal with these GSD. I know how to get GSD to listen to me without losing the responsibility of the role. And I think how others treat these GSD is wrong as they punish someone that are mostly casual players and are not reading up on all docs every minute.

7. Why me tho: I think this question can be asked here on what makes me suitable so. I have always loved GSD as I have said allot during this application I have done allot for this Dpt and seeing how it is right now it just hurts I have a big believe that I can turn GSD around and make it the best it will ever be. Ofcourse I will try my best to make these promises not lies but the truth and I think that works along with teamwork with the other CoS and other Captains. What I have seen allot is that Cadet+ sometimes get ignored allot by Cpts/CoS and otehr dpt's and I have always tried my best to take other peoples POV into the Dpt and trying to fix the broken. I just have a big love for this Dpt always coming back to it like a magnet and some metal. I think with the next CoS if it would be me or someone else it should be someone that can fix the broken in this Dpt and you do that with the love, Passion and knowledge for a Dpt.


Working together with other Cpt's:
-Hosting Meetings for GSD CL4
-Mentoring new GSD CL4
-Giving orders to other GSD CL4
-Making sure that the GSD CL4 are doing their job.
-Trying to change problems that GSD CL4 have during duty.
-Approving/Denying Cpt Applications on the forums.

Working with other Dpt's:
-Making sure that GSD and other Dpt's are having a good relation.
-Frequently talking to SA/SC to make sure that GSD is doing good things.
-Helping other Dpt's when needed to.
-Making sure that GSD stay's respectfull to other Dpt's on site.
-Making sure research and GSD are working together better as GSD and Research are both really important for testing. (no GSD=no escort/no Research=no testing)
-Cross trainings with other Dpt's to make skills of both dpt's better and helping each other.

Dpt Management:
-Working together with the other CoS to make sure you both like the ideas/policies/doc.
-Helping out with docs and creating/approving them.
-Helping out the GSD in need.
-Making sure the Dpt doesnt crumble.
-Hosting Sgt tryouts
-Reforming the Cadet test as policies change so they dont get outdated tests.
-Helping out the new players with making it easier for them to understand that GSD is not just a "shoot orange" role.
-Doing Lecture/physical trainings with GSD.
-Making sure the right tryouts are being hosted not that there are only RRT Tryouts hosted and no HWL that its gonna be a mix of both.



Name – Grog Schnitzel

Code Name - “HousePlant”

Location - Site-65

Eye Colour - Squidward

Weight - 73 KG

Birth - Date: 14/4/1912, Time: 23:30 GMT+1

Location of birth: Netherlands, Urk

Age – 112

Height - 6.3

Medical illness - N/A

Hair - Spongebob

Before The Foundation.

This is Grog Schnitzelhe is one of the Sr Captains of site 65. But his story does not begin in site 65 not even in a SCP foundation. His story begins on the date: 1912 14th of april 23:30 GMT+1. He was born in a small town called Urk in the Netherlands on a little farm. Where he lived happy for 17 beautiful years, untill a fire in his house broke out. The whole farm house burned down and both his parents died, and the only thing surviving was a houseplant he didnt give much attention to, in the corner of the living room. After he saw the plant he saw it as a sign of hope he believed he could rebuild the farm and he started working again. He began working at a company that makes dams so he could help make dams. But the dams got destroy'd by the germans in WW2. He didnt give up tho and after WW2 ended he began his own company the Schnitzel inc. He became one of the best engineer's in the world. In 1954 he was noticed by the SCP foundation to become a Sr Tech expert. Ofc he said yes he left his own company and gave it to his pregnant girlfriend Amanda Leo.

Site 69

After a few years of being a Sr Tech expert a CI raid began and to protect himself he picked up a gun from a dead respond units body. And he sat there in a corner waiting but he saw a houseplant standing infront of him, it gave him hope and he began helping and shooting every CI that he saw. Sadly that day a Gensec Cpt died aswell and Site 69 did not have any competent Sgt's for Cpt and they saw how Grog termed all tho's CI and they asked him *Would you like to become a Gensec Cpt* Grog said *Yeah why not *. So he became a GSD Cpt. After allot of years Grog made it to Sr Cpt and because of a incident in Site 65 he got asked by the Site Command to transfer from Site 69 to Site 65. He said yes to the offer.

Site 65

He is now stationed at site 65 and he became a Sergeant as he needs to earn the trust of his new crew. He improves everyday and tries his best even tho he heard what happend to the old captain Grog Leo it doesnt bother him. He is doing his dutie as no one is bothering him. After he got a call that he needs to go to the GSD Leadership office for some sort of talk. And it is a Captain interview he can finally go for the position he once held on site 69. After years of fighting for Gensec he got the position of HU-S to train officers to become Cpt's. Making document after training after sweep he was truly doing it all. After 1 of the CoS's goes missing he gets a call from a unknown number asking him to go to the Site Directors office. Grog enters the office excepting he has done something wrong but the Site Director asked how he felt if he became the new Chief of Security. Grog instantly becomes more motivated and asks "is this asking me if I want to become CoS" The site director says yes and tells him his interview is now.............(the story ends for now)

Just for everyone to know I am dyslexic if there are any spelling mistakes sorry please tell me so I can fix them.
if any questions about what I want to do and how PM me on discord ill respond when I have time.​

Dec 25, 2023
+ Support

Yes, please. Grog has shown an amazing love for Gensec, a massive history in Gensec (leading a Gensec team/being a Sr Captain), taught me a bunch about how to be a captain/better gensec, and made people have more enjoyment while playing Gensec - I truly think he would do a wonderful job as CoS.

I recognise Grog has (in the past) been slightly less than stellar in his maturity however I think of recently he has greatly improved, and would improve even more if he got the role itself.
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Reactions: Kees Van dr spek
~Neutral -Support
I think you've identified a lot of the problems with GSD right now and provided some potentially good ideas for solving them. Overall I think your application looks good and if implemented you might be able to do a lot of good for GSD. My main concern is that you have a pretty extensive history of minging and whatever, and I've not really seen any sensible RP from you. If you do change/have changed and are able to stick to that, I'd move this to +Support, but I just haven't really seen it yet from you and it wasn't too long ago that you were still mostly just messing around.

EDIT: He just got banned for two weeks. Clearly hasn't improved.
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Ace Linguini "Spades"

Game Master
Game Master
Nov 21, 2023
Massive -Support
Doesnt demonstrate what to do as captain so how will he be a chief?
You are not fit for chief or captain
Most of your actions are mingey
You associate with people who aren't of the best quality.
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Well-known Member
Dec 4, 2022
+Massive Support

Grog, i have known you for the past 2 years, and well i am proud of you. You have grown so much since i met you, building up for Captain over a year and a half ago and now, finally applying for Chief of Security. You application is really lengthy, in this case it means it is good. All of us had our ups and downs, however I believe that you are the best of yourself now, and i believe that you are the most fit person for a CoS position out of all the other candidates, possesing alot of knowledge about both GSD and the server itself

You put all your heart into Gensec, helping them develop overtime and just keeping it a fun and welcoming atmosphere. I have never had second thoughts about you actions when you were on Captain, and i strongly believe that you will get this role. Love you Grog.

Jeff "Lancelot" L. - Signing off
Feb 22, 2024
its either you didnt meet that guy, or you just have something against him, when i got Cpt grog helped me through all of my questions, when i resigned, he was the first guy to tell me it was nice to work with me (ofc after the CoS), and i dont know why you think he is a minge.
good luck grog, hope you get CoS
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I usually do not leave negative reviews on applications, however - I believe my standpoint will give a little bit of backstory to the person who is now applying for CoS although he never truly attempted to seriously work to get there and I will elaborate on this fact:

1. I would like to begin by saying that, while Grog was a good Captain for some time, he eventually devolved into a general minge; from IST to minging on Cadet with Gustavo, to failing to create any sort of « roleplay » as a Captain. I had to put up with him changing his name to stupid conventions and then switching to cadet - this was during a time where he had barely met his quota or hour requirement over the past (few?) weeks alongside Gustavo. I told you off several times, you persisted with the argument of « If I have a different name, and I am on cadet then it doesn’t matter on what I do » although you knew it was wrong and everyone could tell who you were.

2. The Ethics Committee and their involvement on your case, I WILL NOT get into the HUGE amounts complaints I have received from people around the UK Community over the time you were a Captain. It was not healthy and although I fought to keep you in my team - this was not sustainable. A lot of these reports were heresay, and while I do admit most of them had no proof embedded to them, eventually proof began flooding in, and I was one of the sources. I will post the proof at the end of the message; however you know exactly what you’ve done to be dishonourably discharged from Captain and become the first Captain to ever be demoted down from Senior to Sergeant. I also blacklisted you for 4 weeks from GENSEC Leadership - and the time you had your blacklist you begged me to join back, stating you would « improve ». Alas, you never did and stayed a minge. Now you’re not that active anymore and you want Chief? The opportunity to lead a department you never put effort in? Stop bootlicking.

I believe some people will come to clarify, or give their shared experience with you during your time as a Captain (@Asura, @Charles "Ze" Whittme), you were definently in the list of such Captains who gave the WORST image to my leadership, and I have done my best to try and change your ways, and you never followed nor listened to my advice on TS3; as well as my warnings to you minging.

3. Overall, it was hard mainting you in the Captain team for so long. I’ve retired and knowing this incident, I would never see you fit as a CoS unless you began to actually get active and try to go for Captain again by renewing you reputation. @Zack Baker might wanna share his experience too.

I believe other applicants are far better than you. Stop trying to get this when you’ve done 0 work to get there; you had your chance before you got removed, and you never used it wisely.

Oh and there is more, I am just putting what I still remember.


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