(UK) Chuck Rees Inspector Application

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Jun 5, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:452017494
Discord name: hiszpan.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): Chuck Rees
Civilian name: N/A

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 LCPL (Held)
- MTF O-1 LCPL (Held)
- ISD Investigator (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None

Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?
- During my ISD career, back in 2023 when ISD was still named as IA, I wasn't unique, I wasn't writing documents, an ordinary person who was lost in track, with no goal ahead, but then I noticed something, a person, who was dedicated to his work, dedicated to IA in general, person which gave IA, a purpose, goal. After a short time, I came back to ISD full-time, writing documents, learning from superiors, and gaining experience, to the point where I spend most of the time, planning, writing and doing operations which are in progress to learn even more. I want to help people like I did previously in different types of scenes, perhaps not in CG however I didn't stop helping those who were like me, lost without a goal. I never turned back on them even if anybody else did, even after I was betrayed, I didn't stop. I came to CG with a goal, a progress, which I was preparing for, each day I was on site.

What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:
- I'm quite an active person, who likes writing documents, even if it takes a long time to do so, I'm kind to anybody and never angry. I like helping people in need. I never turned my back on anyone and I received criticism as a chance to improve. I also like taking part in operations, any kind as it's a chance for everyone to gain new experience and make the job a little more interesting. Sometimes after I leave the game I resume thinking about possibilities in terms of ways to improve my or others experience in ISD.

What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:
- Nobody is perfect, that's obvious, however, an inspector should always act professionally and don't take situations as a joke, and be responsible for his actions and the actions of his colleagues. He should be the first person who will be contacted when the Investigator is unable to help that person in need. Being an inspector is to make sure that policy is being followed, and that everyone knows what to do, the person should be near colleagues in case they need issues to be solved or papers to be signed. Activity is also an important element in inspector work as it shows that leadership is active and reachable without any delay or issues. The inspector also represents ISD in general and has to act professionally and take care of his people.

How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:
- During my carrier as investigator and agent, I made quite some documents, those documents were about every single arrest made by me, every action I did in operation which I was assigned. It takes a lot of time for me to write good document, however every document should contain details about action taken by person writting the document itself, briefly explained exactly what happend, for example in terms of arrest, or idea in terms of operation. nonrelevant information shouldn't be there as it would only decrease quality of the document, instead despite document being short, it still can be written correctly and with entire story being told.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:
- The inspector is responsible for keeping track of documents within ISD, keeping an eye if an arrest has been made truthfully and correctly. Responsible for keeping the site secure and representing the entire Internal Security department as best as he can. He needs to be responsible for the actions of ISD as totally as he is ,,face" of the ISD, and most importantly, upholding FLC and enforcing it.

Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:
- I am the type of person, who never turns back on people who ask for help or require it. A person who is quite active in ISD, taking part in operations, with the addition of sometimes helping agents/operatives before or during the induction. I'm also keeping eye on other ISD members in terms of issues they come across with the hope that I might solve that issue. It will be my first time as an actual CL4 in my career on CG, but I was leading and helping people way back without issues and still gaining experience. I'm aware that CL4 has a lot of responsibilities and more elements, however, I was preparing for quite some time.
Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:

> Establishing connection <
> How may serve Overseer? <
> Open Personnel Dossier <
> Accesing Personnel Dossier <
> Checking clearance level <
> Verified <
> Which department Dossier? <
> Internal Security Department <
> Open File /SCIPnet/Departments/ISD/Personnel_Dossier/Chuck.R <
> Are you sure? <
> Yes <
> This Information is for personnel clearance level 4, not authorized access will result in arrest, Do you wish to procced?
< Yes >
< Opening Personnel dossier, Chuck Rees File.

Name: Chuck
Surname: Rees
Clearance level: 3
Occupation: Internal Security Investigator
Status: Alive, active
Age: 25
Nationality: Polish


Chuck was born in Warsaw, in 1999. Early life could be described as ,,test of patience" because childhood was incredibly interesting. During the period of primary school Chuck wasn't taking part in any activity within his class due to its reputation of being the worst class or in short-term troublemakers. His classmates weren't kind to his denial and until the end of primary school. They never invited him to any activity outside of School. Every day was a test, for him to survive without any problems from his classmates. Despite being alone, he didn't give up and was learning about law and was raised by his grandmothers in old school version of parenting which had a huge impact on his future. After primary school, his classmates went their ways, and some of them went against the law, however, Chuck knew what to do. In 2005 Chuck decided to follow his goal from Primary school and head to Law school to continue learning what he started. His knowledge and being,, too quiet, too calm" raised questions without answers. Nobody knew at that point why Chuck was being a kind, kind soul and offering psychological help despite not being a person to perform such action professionally. By age 23, Chuck was picked by the Foundation as an Internal Affairs agent and transferred to Canada to improve work and give hope to learn more about law. At first, it was quite difficult, but with days passing by, experience was gained every day. With his dedication to the Foundation, loyal to ISD and the foundation itself, managed to raise his rank to Invesitgator and didn't stop his work and only kept improving each day. We searched databases in case Chuck committed crimes outside or within the Foundation but we found nothing but a blank, Chuck never committed any crimes, he is dedicated to law, and dedicated to serving the Foundation until his last day. The person who treats his job with utmost courage and professional behavior, Chuck has dedication to stop any kind of corruption or crimes and to proctect those who cannot protect themselfs.

< Anything else Overseer? <
< That would be all, thank you <
< Closing Connection <
Jun 5, 2023
You answered the 2nd question, but not 1st
I did answer both of them, however exact number of those reports can vary, therefore I didn't wanted to speculate. Every report I made could be used as gateway for role play, and with information I have received, those documents can be used for future scenarios within the ISD, therefore exact number may vary. Hopefully I briefly explained your response, if anything raises more concerns, I will gladly explain.

Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
I did answer both of them, however exact number of those reports can vary, therefore I didn't wanted to speculate. Every report I made could be used as gateway for role play, and with information I have received, those documents can be used for future scenarios within the ISD, therefore exact number may vary. Hopefully I briefly explained your response, if anything raises more concerns, I will gladly explain.
You mentioned arrest reports, those aren't exactly major. Operation related documentation, I wouldn't know to comment on that. I am just saying, for me the question is unanswered.
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