[UK] Connor "Jerusalem" Humphreys GSD Captain Application.

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Oct 8, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41852131

Discord name: Mike the Jewish Person#2065

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since Launch

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Jerusalem and Connor

Civilian name: Connor

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Former Nu7 PVT, B-1 PVT, E-11 CPL and currently A-1 SPC and CI-A

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


I am aware I have a few warnings, however they're all really old. I would say why I received them however I cannot remember.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

I am applying for security as I thoroughly enjoy the gameplay arc that being Security entails. D-Class are where most of the RP stems from and being able to be one of the people that can create and add to the RP already on the server seems like a great prospect. Also a lot of newer players will try and get the level required for Cadet, I do enjoy helping newer players understand the server and as a CPT I would be able to credit Cadets which would encourage them to stick around and work hard to try and get the combat level required for an MTF Regiment.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

I have a lot of experience as a GSD Sergeant, I have both my heavy weapons and RRT Licence. I first played SCP on the test weekend and have always enjoyed the servers gameplay loop. I am currently in MTF Alpha 1 and I completely understand the responsibility of being serious in a RP situation, I also understand the responsibility of having a CL4 Key card and when and when not to use it. I also understand to allow the RP of D-Class to be allowed to happen naturally and not attempt to force situations especially violent ones.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

The main responsibilities of a Captain are:

- To make sure that D-Block is under control at all times, to allow experiments to be conducted.
- To make sure sweeps are conducted when necessary and are conducted properly.
- Make sure that Cadets, Officers and Sergeants are fully aware of what they're supposed to be doing.
- Perform RRT and HWL Licence training.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Please Provide you login credentials:

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Clearance Level: 3
Subject: Personnel File
__ / __ / ____​

Name: Connor Humphreys

Location: Site 65, ■■■■■■

Status: Alive

Clearance Level: 3

Connor has been a member of the Foundation since __ /__ /____ he was brought in as a GSD Cadet after being noted for his incredible performance in the United Kingdom Special Air Service, he has since progressed to the rank of Sergeant in an impressive amount of time. He has had a spotless record and many commendations from his superiors. Should be monitored closely for possible rank progression.

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Apr 12, 2022
I have left plus support as you are a very active member and I see perfect things from SCPRP and MRP. All around have a lot of fun when I play with you and you are a very chill person and do this role really well. Also, be a part of A 1 show you are capable of listing to commands.

Kind regard, Captain Dave 'Fingers'


Well-known Member
Jan 21, 2023


Dear Mr Conner ..
I am happy to inform you that your application for Security Captain has been accepted. Please contact either myself or Chief Gladiator ' for the next processes of your application.

- Cpt.Nexo hell
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